In this notebook, we describe the Perfectly Matched Layer method, originally proposed by Berenger for electromagnetic waves, a scheme also employing an absorbing layer to reduce the wave reflections coming from the computational boundaries. This method is one of the most efficient schemes for this purpose. The formulation that we present here, designed for the wave equation in the form of a second order equation (instead of its formulation as a first order system), is proposed by Grote and Sim.
We will use all the previous setups employed in the notebooks Introduction to Acoustic Problem and Damping, detailing only the new features specific to the PML method.
We again use an extended spatial domain $\Omega=\left[x_{I}-L_{x},x_{F}+L_{x}\right] \times\left[z_{I},z_{F}+L_{z}\right]$, with an absorption region as depicted in blue in the figure below. In the PML scheme, two auxiliary functions are included, which will provide adequate damping of the wave reflections. The design of the method is such that it would ideally suppress all the reflections in a continuous setting, but since we employ a finite difference discretization some reflections remain, although strongly attenuated.
The set of equations for the acoustic wave equation with PML, including the auxiliary functions, is given by:
\begin{eqnarray} \frac{\partial^2 u(x,z,t)}{\partial t^2} + (\zeta_1(x,z)+\zeta_2(x,z))\frac{\partial u(x,z,t)}{\partial t} + \zeta_1(x,z) \zeta_2(x,z) u(x,z,t)& = & \\ c^2(x,z)\Delta u(x,z,t) +\frac{\partial \phi_1(x,z,t)}{\partial x}+ \frac{\partial \phi_2(x,z,t)}{\partial z}+ f(x,z,t) & & \end{eqnarray}\begin{equation} \frac{\partial \phi_1(x,z,t)}{\partial t} = - \zeta_1(x,z)\phi_1(x,z,t)+c^2(x,z)(\zeta_2(x,z)-\zeta_1(x,z)) \frac{\partial u(x,z,t)}{\partial x} \end{equation}\begin{equation} \frac{\partial \phi_2(x,z,t)}{\partial t} = - \zeta_2(x,z)\phi_2(x,z,t)+c^2(x,z)(\zeta_1(x,z)-\zeta_2(x,z)) \frac{\partial u(x,z,t)}{\partial y} \end{equation}where $u(x,z,t):D\rightarrow \mathbb{R}$ is the wave displacement, $f(x,z,t)$ is the source term, $c(x,z)$ is the wave speed and $\phi_{1}(x,z)$ and $\phi_{2}(x,z)$ are the auxiliary variables, which will be non zero only in the absorption region. The damping functions $\zeta_1(x,z)$ and $\zeta_2(x,z)$ will be defined as in the Damping notebook. The initial and outer boundary conditions for the displacement $u$ are the same as in the previous notebooks. The auxiliary functions will also be kept equal to zero in all the outer boundary of $\Omega$. The Ricker source term is defined as before.
We employ the same methods as in the previous notebooks.
We consider the PML on the staggered grid.
The staggered spatial domain is $\Omega^{x,y}_\Delta=\{(x_{i+1/2},z_{j+1/2}, i=0,\cdots,nx-1,\ j=0,\cdots,nz-1\}, \mbox{ with } x_{i+1/2}=(i+\frac{1}{2})\Delta x \mbox{ and } z_{j+1/2}=(j+\frac{1}{2})\Delta z$. Some variables will also be staggered in time, being defined at intermediary time instantes $t_{k+1/2}=t_k+\Delta t$.
In the formulation of PML that is described here, we will define the variables as follows:
The direct implication of staggered and non-staggered variables appearing in the same equation is that:
When updating $u(x,z,t)$ we average the neighboring values of $\phi_{1}(x,z,t)$ and $\phi_{2}(x,z,t)$ in order to define them on the non-staggered grid.
When updating $\phi_{1}(x,z,t)$ and $\phi_{2}(x,z,t)$ we average the neighboring values of $u(x,z,t)$ in order to define them on the staggered grid.
The calculation of these averages will be explicit when we write the equations in the Devito code.
Recall the Standard Problem definitions discussed on the notebook Introduction to Acoustic Problem we have that:
The spatial discretization parameters are given by:
Let's consider a $I$ the time domain with the following limitations:
The temporal discretization parameters are given by:
The source term, velocity model and positioning of receivers will be as in the previous notebooks.
For this notebook's numerical simulations, we use several parts the notebook codes Damping. We will highlight only the significant changes and comment on the most relevant operations since the computational structure of the acoustic equation with PML is very similar to the case of the acoustic equation with Damping.
We import the following Python and Devito packages:
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plot
import math as mt
import matplotlib.ticker as mticker
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from matplotlib import cm
From Devito's library of examples we import the following structures:
%matplotlib inline
from examples.seismic import TimeAxis
from examples.seismic import RickerSource
from examples.seismic import Receiver
from devito import SubDomain, Grid, NODE, TimeFunction, Function, Eq, solve, Operator
The mesh parameters that we choose define the domain $\Omega_{0}$ plus the absorption region. For this, we use the following data:
nptx = 101
nptz = 101
x0 = 0.
x1 = 1000.
compx = x1-x0
z0 = 0.
z1 = 1000.
compz = z1-z0;
hxv = (x1-x0)/(nptx-1)
hzv = (z1-z0)/(nptz-1)
The number of points of the absorption layer in the directions $x$ and $z$ are given, respectively, by:
npmlx = 20
npmlz = 20
The lengths $L_{x}$ and $L_{z}$ are given, respectively, by:
lx = npmlx*hxv
lz = npmlz*hzv
We define the grid:
nptx = nptx + 2*npmlx
nptz = nptz + 1*npmlz
x0 = x0 - hxv*npmlx
x1 = x1 + hxv*npmlx
compx = x1-x0
z0 = z0
z1 = z1 + hzv*npmlz
compz = z1-z0
origin = (x0,z0)
extent = (compx,compz)
shape = (nptx,nptz)
spacing = (hxv,hzv)
As in the case of the Damping acoustic equation, we can here split the computations in the two subdomains:
We use the structure of the subdomains to represent the white region and the blue region.
First, we define the white region, naming it as *d0
class d0domain(SubDomain):
name = 'd0'
def define(self, dimensions):
x, z = dimensions
return {x: ('middle', npmlx, npmlx), z: ('middle', 0, npmlz)}
d0_domain = d0domain()
The blue region is the union of 3 subdomains:
class d1domain(SubDomain):
name = 'd1'
def define(self, dimensions):
x, z = dimensions
return {x: ('left',npmlx), z: z}
d1_domain = d1domain()
class d2domain(SubDomain):
name = 'd2'
def define(self, dimensions):
x, z = dimensions
return {x: ('right',npmlx), z: z}
d2_domain = d2domain()
class d3domain(SubDomain):
name = 'd3'
def define(self, dimensions):
x, z = dimensions
return {x: ('middle', npmlx, npmlx), z: ('right',npmlz)}
d3_domain = d3domain()
The figure below represents the division of domains that we did previously:
The spatial grid is then defined:
grid = Grid(origin=origin, extent=extent, shape=shape, subdomains=(d0_domain,d1_domain,d2_domain,d3_domain), dtype=np.float64)
The velocity field is needed in both staggered and non-staggered grids. As before we, read the file and interpolate it to the non-staggered grid. From these values, we interpolate to the staggered grid.
v0 = np.zeros((nptx,nptz))
v1 = np.zeros((nptx-1,nptz-1))
X0 = np.linspace(x0,x1,nptx)
Z0 = np.linspace(z0,z1,nptz)
x10 = x0+lx
x11 = x1-lx
z10 = z0
z11 = z1 - lz
xm = 0.5*(x10+x11)
zm = 0.5*(z10+z11)
pxm = 0
pzm = 0
for i in range(0,nptx):
if(X0[i]==xm): pxm = i
for j in range(0,nptz):
if(Z0[j]==zm): pzm = j
p0 = 0
p1 = pzm
p2 = nptz
v0[0:nptx,p0:p1] = 1.5
v0[0:nptx,p1:p2] = 2.5
p0 = 0
p1 = pzm
p2 = nptz-1
v1[0:nptx-1,p0:p1] = 1.5
v1[0:nptx-1,p1:p2] = 2.5
Previously we introduced the local variables x10,x11,z10,z11,xm,zm,pxm and pzm that help us to create a specific velocity field, where we consider the whole domain (including the absorpion region). Below we include a routine to plot the velocity field.
def graph2dvel(vel):
fscale = 1/10**(3)
scale = np.amax(vel[npmlx:-npmlx,0:-npmlz])
extent = [fscale*(x0+lx),fscale*(x1-lx), fscale*(z1-lz), fscale*(z0)]
fig = plot.imshow(np.transpose(vel[npmlx:-npmlx,0:-npmlz]), vmin=0.,vmax=scale, cmap=cm.seismic, extent=extent)
plot.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f km'))
plot.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f km'))
plot.title('Velocity Profile')
ax = plot.gca()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
cbar = plot.colorbar(fig, cax=cax, format='%.2e')
cbar.set_label('Velocity [km/s]')
Below we include the plot of velocity field.
<Figure size 576x432 with 0 Axes>
We then define the temporal properties:
t0 = 0.
tn = 1000.
CFL = 0.4
vmax = np.amax(v0)
dtmax = np.float64((min(hxv,hzv)*CFL)/(vmax))
ntmax = int((tn-t0)/dtmax)+1
dt0 = np.float64((tn-t0)/ntmax)
time_range = TimeAxis(start=t0,stop=tn,num=ntmax+1)
nt = time_range.num - 1
The symbolic values associated with the spatial and temporal grids that are used in the composition of the equations are given by:
(hx,hz) = grid.spacing_map
(x, z) = grid.dimensions
t = grid.stepping_dim
dt = grid.stepping_dim.spacing
We set the parameters for the Ricker source:
f0 = 0.01
nsource = 1
xposf = 0.5*(compx-2*npmlx*hxv)
zposf = hzv
src = RickerSource(name='src',grid=grid,f0=f0,npoint=nsource,time_range=time_range,staggered=NODE,dtype=np.float64)[:, 0] = xposf[:, 1] = zposf
Below we include the plot of Ricker source.
For the receivers:
nrec = nptx
nxpos = np.linspace(x0,x1,nrec)
nzpos = hzv
rec = Receiver(name='rec',grid=grid,npoint=nrec,time_range=time_range,staggered=NODE,dtype=np.float64)[:, 0] = nxpos[:, 1] = nzpos
The displacement field u is allocated
u = TimeFunction(name="u",grid=grid,time_order=2,space_order=2,staggered=NODE,dtype=np.float64)
The auxiliary functions $\phi_{1}(x,z,t)$ and $\phi_{2}(x,z,t)$ will be two fields of second order in time and space, which use points of type staggered.
phi1 = TimeFunction(name="phi1",grid=grid,time_order=2,space_order=2,staggered=(x,z),dtype=np.float64)
phi2 = TimeFunction(name="phi2",grid=grid,time_order=2,space_order=2,staggered=(x,z),dtype=np.float64)
We set the velocity on the non-staggered grid
vel0 = Function(name="vel0",grid=grid,space_order=2,staggered=NODE,dtype=np.float64)[:,:] = v0[:,:]
and on the staggered one. Notice that the field has one less point in each direction.
vel1 = Function(name="vel1", grid=grid,space_order=2,staggered=(x,z),dtype=np.float64)[0:nptx-1,0:nptz-1] = v1
Taking into account the dimension of the array v1 and the dimension of the field vel1 we will complete the line nptx-1 with information from the line nptx-2 and the column nptz-1 with information from the column nptz-2, information from the v1 array. This copy of information does not alter the properties of the vel1 velocity field in view of its structure of constant profiles on the part. Copying information is done by the following sequence of commands:[nptx-1,0:nptz-1] =[nptx-2,0:nptz-1][0:nptx,nptz-1] =[0:nptx,nptz-2]
We set the source term and receivers
src_term = src.inject(field=u.forward,expr=src*dt**2*vel0**2)
rec_term = rec.interpolate(expr=u)
The next step is to create the structures that reproduce the functions $\zeta_{1}(x,z)$ and $\zeta_{2}(x,z)$ and then assign these functions to fields in non-staggered and staggered grids.
We define the region $\Omega_{0}$ by choosing the values of x0pml and x1pml in the direction $x$ and z0pml and z1pml in the direction $z$. These points satisfy the following relations with the lengths $L_{x}$ and $L_{z}$:
In terms of program variables, we have the following definitions:
x0pml = x0 + npmlx*hxv
x1pml = x1 - npmlx*hxv
z0pml = z0
z1pml = z1 - npmlz*hzv
Having set the boundaries of $\Omega$, we create a function fdamp, which represents $\zeta_{1}(x,z)$ (when $i=1$) and $\zeta_{2}(x,z)$ (when $i=2$).
def fdamp(x,z,i):
quibar = 0.05
a = np.where(x<=x0pml,(np.abs(x-x0pml)/lx),np.where(x>=x1pml,(np.abs(x-x1pml)/lx),0.))
fdamp = quibar*(a-(1./(2.*np.pi))*np.sin(2.*np.pi*a))
a = np.where(z<=z0pml,(np.abs(z-z0pml)/lz),np.where(z>=z1pml,(np.abs(z-z1pml)/lz),0.))
fdamp = quibar*(a-(1./(2.*np.pi))*np.sin(2.*np.pi*a))
return fdamp
We created the damping function that represents $\zeta_{1}(x,z)$ and $\zeta_{2}(x,z)$. We now define arrays with the damping function values on grid points (staggered and non-staggered): c
The arrays D01 and D02 are associated with points of type staggered and represent the functions $\zeta_{1}(x,z)$ and $\zeta_{2}(x,z)$, respectively.
The arrays D11 and D12 are associated with points of type non-staggered and represent the functions $\zeta_{1}(x,z)$ and $\zeta_{2}(x,z)$, respectively.
def generatemdamp():
X0 = np.linspace(x0,x1,nptx)
Z0 = np.linspace(z0,z1,nptz)
X0grid,Z0grid = np.meshgrid(X0,Z0)
X1 = np.linspace((x0+0.5*hxv),(x1-0.5*hxv),nptx-1)
Z1 = np.linspace((z0+0.5*hzv),(z1-0.5*hzv),nptz-1)
X1grid,Z1grid = np.meshgrid(X1,Z1)
D01 = np.zeros((nptx,nptz))
D02 = np.zeros((nptx,nptz))
D11 = np.zeros((nptx,nptz))
D12 = np.zeros((nptx,nptz))
D01 = np.transpose(fdamp(X0grid,Z0grid,1))
D02 = np.transpose(fdamp(X0grid,Z0grid,2))
D11 = np.transpose(fdamp(X1grid,Z1grid,1))
D12 = np.transpose(fdamp(X1grid,Z1grid,2))
return D01, D02, D11, D12
D01, D02, D11, D12 = generatemdamp();
Below we include a routine to plot the damping fields.
def graph2damp(D):
fscale = 1/10**(-3)
fscale = 10**(-3)
scale = np.amax(D)
extent = [fscale*x0,fscale*x1, fscale*z1, fscale*z0]
fig = plot.imshow(np.transpose(D), vmin=0.,vmax=scale, cmap=cm.seismic, extent=extent)
plot.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f km'))
plot.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f km'))
plot.title('Absorbing Layer Function')
ax = plot.gca()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
cbar = plot.colorbar(fig, cax=cax, format='%.2e')
Below we include the plot of damping field in $x$ direction.
<Figure size 576x432 with 0 Axes>
Below we include the plot of damping field in $z$ direction.
<Figure size 576x432 with 0 Axes>
As pointed out previously, the functions $\zeta_{1}(x,z)$ and $\zeta_{2}(x,z)$ define damping in the directions $x$ and $z$ respectively. They will be identified with the symbolic names of dampx and dampz, respectively.
As damping acts on non-staggered and staggered grids, we will identify dampx0 and dampz0 as being damping on the non-staggered points grid. Similarly, we will identify dampx1 and dampz1 as being the damping on the staggered points grid.
dampx0 = Function(name="dampx0", grid=grid,space_order=2,staggered=NODE ,dtype=np.float64)
dampz0 = Function(name="dampz0", grid=grid,space_order=2,staggered=NODE ,dtype=np.float64)[:,:] = D01[:,:] = D02
dampx1 = Function(name="dampx1", grid=grid,space_order=2,staggered=(x,z),dtype=np.float64)
dampz1 = Function(name="dampz1", grid=grid,space_order=2,staggered=(x,z),dtype=np.float64)[0:nptx-1,0:nptz-1] = D11[0:nptx-1,0:nptz-1] = D12
In terms of dimensions, the arrays D11 and D12 have dimension $(nptx-1)\times (nptz-1)$. As our grid has $nptx\times nptz$ points, so we complete the line nptx-1 with information from the line nptx-2 and the column nptz-1 with information from the column nptz-2, in fields dampx1 and dampz1 using the arrays D11 and D12, respectively.[nptx-1,0:nptz-1] =[nptx-2,0:nptz-1][0:nptx,nptz-1] =[0:nptx,nptz-2][nptx-1,0:nptz-1] =[nptx-2,0:nptz-1][0:nptx,nptz-1] =[0:nptx,nptz-2]
As we saw previously, the acoustic equation with PML has the formulations
In the white (interior) region:
And in the blue (absorption) region:
eq2 = u.dt2 + (dampx0+dampz0) * u.dtc + (dampx0 * dampz0) * u - u.laplace * vel0 * vel0 + $\bar{phi1}$[t,x,z] + $\bar{phi2}$[t,x,z];
eq3 = phi1.dt + dampx1 * 0.5 * (phi1.forward+phi1) -(dampz1-dampx1) * $\bar{u}$[t,x,z] * vel1 * vel1
eq4 = phi2.dt + dampz1 * 0.5 * (phi2.forward+phi2) -(dampx1-dampz1) * $\bar{u}$[t,x,z] * vel1 * vel1
In the equation eq2 the term $\bar{phi1}$[t,x,z] is given by following expression:
And the term $\bar{phi2}$[t,x,z] in the equation eq2 is given by:
In the equation eq3 the term $\bar{u}$[t,x,z] is given by:
In the equation eq4 the term $\bar{u}$[t,x,z] is given by:
Then, using the operator Eq(eq) and the equation in the format associated with Devito we create the pdes that represent the acoustic equations with PML without the external force term in the white and blue regions, respectively by:
# White Region
pde01 = Eq(u.dt2-u.laplace*vel0**2)
# Blue Region
pde02a = u.dt2 + (dampx0+dampz0)*u.dtc + (dampx0*dampz0)*u - u.laplace*vel0*vel0
pde02b = - (0.5/hx)*(phi1[t,x,z-1]+phi1[t,x,z]-phi1[t,x-1,z-1]-phi1[t,x-1,z])
pde02c = - (0.5/hz)*(phi2[t,x-1,z]+phi2[t,x,z]-phi2[t,x-1,z-1]-phi2[t,x,z-1])
pde02 = Eq(pde02a + pde02b + pde02c)
pde10 = phi1.dt + dampx1*0.5*(phi1.forward+phi1)
a1 = u[t+1,x+1,z] + u[t+1,x+1,z+1] - u[t+1,x,z] - u[t+1,x,z+1]
a2 = u[t,x+1,z] + u[t,x+1,z+1] - u[t,x,z] - u[t,x,z+1]
pde11 = -(dampz1-dampx1)*0.5*(0.5/hx)*(a1+a2)*vel1**2
pde1 = Eq(pde10+pde11)
pde20 = phi2.dt + dampz1*0.5*(phi2.forward+phi2)
b1 = u[t+1,x,z+1] + u[t+1,x+1,z+1] - u[t+1,x,z] - u[t+1,x+1,z]
b2 = u[t,x,z+1] + u[t,x+1,z+1] - u[t,x,z] - u[t,x+1,z]
pde21 = -(dampx1-dampz1)*0.5*(0.5/hz)*(b1+b2)*vel1**2
pde2 = Eq(pde20+pde21)
Now we define the stencils for each of the pdes that we created previously. The pde01 is defined on subdomain d0.
stencil01 = Eq(u.forward,solve(pde01,u.forward) ,subdomain = grid.subdomains['d0'])
The pdes: pde02, pde1 and pde2 are defined on the union of the subdomains d1, d2 and d3.
subds = ['d1','d2','d3']
stencil02 = [Eq(u.forward,solve(pde02, u.forward),subdomain = grid.subdomains[subds[i]]) for i in range(0,len(subds))]
stencil1 = [Eq(phi1.forward, solve(pde1,phi1.forward),subdomain = grid.subdomains[subds[i]]) for i in range(0,len(subds))]
stencil2 = [Eq(phi2.forward, solve(pde2,phi2.forward),subdomain = grid.subdomains[subds[i]]) for i in range(0,len(subds))]
The boundary conditions are set
bc = [Eq(u[t+1,0,z],0.),Eq(u[t+1,nptx-1,z],0.),Eq(u[t+1,x,nptz-1],0.),Eq(u[t+1,x,0],u[t+1,x,1])]
We then define the operator (op) that will join the acoustic equation, source term, boundary conditions and receivers.
We then define the following op:
op = Operator([stencil01,stencil02] + src_term + bc + [stencil1,stencil2] + rec_term,subs=grid.spacing_map)
So that there are no residuals in the variables of interest, we reset the fields u, phi1 and phi2 as follows:[:] = 0.[:] = 0.[:] = 0.
We assign to op the number of time steps it must execute and the size of the time step in the local variables time and dt, respectively. This assignment is done as in Introduction to Acoustic Problem, where we have the following attribution structure:
Operator `Kernel` run in 0.06 s
PerformanceSummary([(PerfKey(name='section0', rank=None), PerfEntry(time=0.024502999999999806, gflopss=0.0, gpointss=0.0, oi=0.0, ops=0, itershapes=[])), (PerfKey(name='section1', rank=None), PerfEntry(time=0.00010099999999999995, gflopss=0.0, gpointss=0.0, oi=0.0, ops=0, itershapes=[])), (PerfKey(name='section2', rank=None), PerfEntry(time=4.399999999999997e-05, gflopss=0.0, gpointss=0.0, oi=0.0, ops=0, itershapes=[])), (PerfKey(name='section3', rank=None), PerfEntry(time=0.025268000000000068, gflopss=0.0, gpointss=0.0, oi=0.0, ops=0, itershapes=[])), (PerfKey(name='section4', rank=None), PerfEntry(time=0.0011940000000000047, gflopss=0.0, gpointss=0.0, oi=0.0, ops=0, itershapes=[]))])
We view the result of the displacement field at the end time using the graph2d routine given by:
def graph2d(U):
fscale = 1/10**(3)
scale = np.amax(U[npmlx:-npmlx,0:-npmlz])/10.
extent = [fscale*x0pml,fscale*x1pml,fscale*z1pml,fscale*z0pml]
fig = plot.imshow(np.transpose(U[npmlx:-npmlx,0:-npmlz]),vmin=-scale, vmax=scale, cmap=cm.seismic, extent=extent)
plot.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f km'))
plot.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f km'))
plot.title('Map - Acoustic Problem PML Devito')
ax = plot.gca()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
cbar = plot.colorbar(fig, cax=cax, format='%.2e')
cbar.set_label('Displacement [km]')
<Figure size 576x432 with 0 Axes>
The solution obtained here has a reduction in the noise when compared with the results displayed in the notebook Introduction to Acoustic Problem. We plot the result of the Receivers using the graph2drec routine.
def graph2drec(rec):
fscaled = 1/10**(3)
fscalet = 1/10**(3)
scale = np.amax(rec[:,npmlx:-npmlx])/10.
extent = [fscaled*x0pml,fscaled*x1pml, fscalet*tn, fscalet*t0]
fig = plot.imshow(rec[:,npmlx:-npmlx], vmin=-scale, vmax=scale, cmap=cm.seismic, extent=extent)
plot.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f km'))
plot.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.1f s'))
plot.title('Receivers Signal Profile with PML - Devito')
ax = plot.gca()
divider = make_axes_locatable(ax)
cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.05)
cbar = plot.colorbar(fig, cax=cax, format='%.2e')
<Figure size 576x432 with 0 Axes>
assert np.isclose(np.linalg.norm(, 990, rtol=1)
We conclude our small approach to the PML method applied to the Acoustic Problem, including simulations in the Devito environment for this problem. In this study, we can see that:
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