#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[55]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') get_ipython().run_line_magic('load_ext', 'autoreload') get_ipython().run_line_magic('autoreload', '') get_ipython().run_line_magic('load_ext', 'tensorboard') # In[56]: import tensorflow as tf from tensorflow.keras import Sequential from tensorflow.keras import layers from tensorflow.keras.callbacks import EarlyStopping from tensorflow.keras.utils import plot_model from tensorflow.keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator from tensorflow.keras.models import load_model from tensorflow.python.framework.ops import disable_eager_execution import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib as mpl import sklearn import tensorflow.keras.backend as kb import yaml import datetime import glob import numpy as np import scipy.io as sio import scipy.interpolate import matplotlib as mpl import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import os import collections from collections import Counter # In[57]: from HelperFn.ExpData_Generator import TrainingGenerator from HelperFn.ExpData_Generator import EvalTestGenerator from HelperFn.utils import Params from sklearn.metrics import r2_score # from vis.visualization import visualize_saliency, visualize_cam, overlay # In[58]: # Update MODEL_DIR and mini_EXP_name ## folder contains: weights, yaml file, and figures mini_EXP_name = 'archive_final_run' # mini_EXP_name = 'new_clay_exp' exp_folder_path = 'experiments/'+ mini_EXP_name EXPERIMENT = 'clay' #sand or clay MODEL_DIR = './experiments/' DATA_DIR = '../../processed_input_data_' + EXPERIMENT + '/' NPY_FOLDER = 'slice_npy/' F_MASTER = 'file_master' ML_EXP = 'split_master/' Train_Master = 'train_master.txt' Eval_Master = 'eval_master.txt' Test_Master = 'test_master.txt' json_path = os.path.join(exp_folder_path, 'params.json') params = Params(json_path) mini_exp_list = ["archive_final_run","run_1","new_clay_exp"] # In[59]: with open(exp_folder_path + "/raw_history.yaml", "r") as filehandle: raw_history = yaml.load(filehandle, Loader = yaml.Loader) val_loss = raw_history['val_loss'] train_accuracy = raw_history['custom_accuracy_2SD'] val_accuracy = raw_history['val_custom_accuracy_2SD'] best_model_EPOCH = val_loss.index(min(val_loss)) + 1 selected_history = {} selected_history['Bmodel_EPOCH'] = best_model_EPOCH selected_history['min_val_loss'] = np.round(min(val_loss),4) selected_history['max_train_accuracy'] = np.round(max(train_accuracy),4) selected_history['max_val_accuracy'] = np.round(max(val_accuracy),4) selected_history['Bmodel_train_accuracy'] = np.round(train_accuracy[val_loss.index(min(val_loss))],4) selected_history['Bmodel_val_accuracy'] = np.round(val_accuracy[val_loss.index(min(val_loss))],4) # In[60]: selected_history # In[61]: def Plot_Loss(mini_exp_list, selected_exp,final_EPOCH, l_width, l_alpha, marker_size, fig_size): ### Part 1: plot of the selected exp in solid ##extract full raw history from selected experiments selected_exp_path = MODEL_DIR + '/' + selected_exp with open(selected_exp_path + "/raw_history.yaml", "r") as filehandle2: raw_history = yaml.load(filehandle2, Loader = yaml.Loader) train_loss = raw_history['loss'] val_loss = raw_history['val_loss'] ## plot train loss plt.plot(train_loss, color = '#1f77b4', linewidth=l_width*2, alpha=l_alpha*2, label = 'Train_Loss (best model)') ## plot eval loss #Extract saved_bmodel from one selected experiment saved_bmodel = glob.glob(selected_exp_path + '/*.hdf5', recursive = True) b_ep_list =[] for file in saved_bmodel: b_ep_list.append(np.int(file.split('-')[-2][0:2])-1) sorted_b_ep_list = sorted(b_ep_list) b_ep_list = sorted_b_ep_list Val_Loss_list = list(val_loss[i] for i in b_ep_list) plt.plot(b_ep_list,Val_Loss_list, color = 'darkorange', marker='o', markersize=marker_size*2.5, linewidth=l_width*2, linestyle='solid', alpha=l_alpha*2, label = 'Eval_Loss (best model)') plt.plot(val_loss,color = 'darkorange', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=l_width*1.5, alpha=l_alpha) ### Part 2: plot all exp in transparants ##extract full raw history from all experiments for m_idx, m in enumerate(mini_exp_list): exp_folder_path = MODEL_DIR + '/' + m with open(exp_folder_path + "/raw_history.yaml", "r") as filehandle2: raw_history = yaml.load(filehandle2, Loader = yaml.Loader) train_loss = raw_history['loss'] val_loss = raw_history['val_loss'] #Extract saved_bmodel to highlight the improved loss saved_bmodel = glob.glob(exp_folder_path + '/*.hdf5', recursive = True) b_ep_list =[] for file in saved_bmodel: b_ep_list.append(np.int(file.split('-')[-2][0:2])-1) sorted_b_ep_list = sorted(b_ep_list) b_ep_list = sorted_b_ep_list Val_Loss_list = list(val_loss[i] for i in b_ep_list) if m_idx == 0: train_label = 'Train_Loss (repeated experiments)' eval_label = 'Eval_Loss (repeated experiments)' else: train_label = None eval_label = None #plot all train loss plt.plot(train_loss, color = '#1f77b4', linewidth=l_width, alpha=l_alpha, label = train_label) #plot saved models with markers plt.plot(b_ep_list,Val_Loss_list, color = 'darkorange', marker='o', markersize=marker_size, linewidth=l_width, linestyle='solid', alpha=l_alpha, label = eval_label) #plot all eval loss with dashed lines plt.plot(val_loss,color = 'darkorange', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=l_width*0.8, alpha=l_alpha*0.5) # plt.title(str(keyword), fontsize = 20) plt.rcParams["font.family"] = 'Helvetica' plt.ylabel('Loss',fontsize = 16) plt.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize = 16) plt.xlim([0,final_EPOCH]) plt.ylim([0,100]) lgnd = plt.legend(loc='upper right',fontsize = 12) lgnd.legendHandles[1]._legmarker.set_markersize(10) lgnd.legendHandles[1]._legmarker.set_markersize(10) plt.savefig('Loss_All.svg', dpi=900, edgecolor='w', orientation='portrait', format='svg', transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) # In[62]: # Plot_Loss(mini_exp_list, selected_exp = 'LR5e-3_ReducedImAug5',final_EPOCH = 50, l_width = 1, l_alpha = 0.5, marker_size = 3, fig_size =(10,10)) Plot_Loss(mini_exp_list, selected_exp = 'archive_final_run',final_EPOCH = 50, l_width = 1, l_alpha = 0.5, marker_size = 3, fig_size =(10,10)) # In[63]: def Plot_Accuracy(mini_exp_list, selected_exp,final_EPOCH, l_width, l_alpha, marker_size, fig_size): ### Part 1: plot of the selected exp in solid ##extract full raw history from selected experiments selected_exp_path = MODEL_DIR + '/' + selected_exp with open(selected_exp_path + "/raw_history.yaml", "r") as filehandle2: raw_history = yaml.load(filehandle2, Loader = yaml.Loader) train_acc = raw_history['custom_accuracy_2SD'] val_acc = raw_history['val_custom_accuracy_2SD']*100 ## plot train acc plt.plot(train_acc, color = '#1f77b4', linewidth=l_width*2, alpha=l_alpha*2, label = 'Train_Accuracy (best model)') ## plot eval acc #Extract saved_bmodel from one selected experiment saved_bmodel = glob.glob(selected_exp_path + '/*.hdf5', recursive = True) b_ep_list =[] for file in saved_bmodel: b_ep_list.append(np.int(file.split('-')[-2][0:2])-1) sorted_b_ep_list = sorted(b_ep_list) b_ep_list = sorted_b_ep_list Val_Acc_list = list(val_acc[i] for i in b_ep_list) plt.plot(b_ep_list,Val_Acc_list, color = 'darkorange', marker='o', markersize=marker_size*2.5, linewidth=l_width*2, linestyle='solid', alpha=l_alpha*2, label = 'Eval_Accuracy (best model)') plt.plot(val_acc,color = 'darkorange', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=l_width*1.5, alpha=l_alpha) ### Part 2: plot all exp in transparants ##extract full raw history from all experiments for m_idx, m in enumerate(mini_exp_list): exp_folder_path = MODEL_DIR + '/' + m with open(exp_folder_path + "/raw_history.yaml", "r") as filehandle2: raw_history = yaml.load(filehandle2, Loader = yaml.Loader) train_acc = raw_history['custom_accuracy_2SD']*100 val_acc = raw_history['val_custom_accuracy_2SD']*100 #Extract saved_bmodel to highlight the improved acc saved_bmodel = glob.glob(exp_folder_path + '/*.hdf5', recursive = True) b_ep_list =[] for file in saved_bmodel: b_ep_list.append(np.int(file.split('-')[-2][0:2])-1) sorted_b_ep_list = sorted(b_ep_list) b_ep_list = sorted_b_ep_list Val_Acc_list = list(val_acc[i] for i in b_ep_list) if m_idx == 0: train_label = 'Train_Accuracy (repeated experiments)' eval_label = 'Eval_Accuracy (repeated experiments)' else: train_label = None eval_label = None #plot all train loss plt.plot(train_acc, color = '#1f77b4', linewidth=l_width, alpha=l_alpha, label = train_label) #plot saved models with markers plt.plot(b_ep_list,Val_Acc_list, color = 'darkorange', marker='o', markersize=marker_size, linewidth=l_width, linestyle='solid', alpha=l_alpha, label = eval_label) #plot all eval loss with dashed lines plt.plot(val_acc,color = 'darkorange', linestyle='dashed', linewidth=l_width*0.8, alpha=l_alpha*0.5) plt.rcParams["font.family"] = 'Helvetica' plt.ylabel('Accuracy ',fontsize = 16) plt.xlabel('Epoch', fontsize = 16) plt.xlim([0,final_EPOCH]) plt.ylim([0,1]) lgnd = plt.legend(loc='lower right',fontsize = 12) lgnd.legendHandles[1]._legmarker.set_markersize(10) plt.savefig('Acc_All.svg', dpi=900, edgecolor='w', orientation='portrait', format='svg', transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) # In[64]: # Plot_Accuracy(mini_exp_list, selected_exp = 'LR5e-3_ReducedImAug5',final_EPOCH = 50, l_width = 1, l_alpha = 0.5, marker_size = 3, fig_size =(10,10)) Plot_Accuracy(mini_exp_list, selected_exp = 'archive_final_run',final_EPOCH = 50, l_width = 1, l_alpha = 0.5, marker_size = 3, fig_size =(10,10)) # In[65]: def MSE_wSD_loss(Y_true, KE_pred): KE_true = Y_true[:, 0] SD_true = Y_true[:, 1] mse = tf.keras.losses.MeanSquaredError() return mse(Y_true[:, 0], KE_pred)/((Y_true[:, 1])**2+1e-5) def custom_accuracy_2SD(Y_true, KE_pred): KE_true = Y_true[:, 0] SD_true = Y_true[:, 1] KE_pred = KE_pred[:, 0] C_accuracy = kb.mean(kb.cast(kb.less_equal(kb.abs(KE_pred-KE_true),2*SD_true), dtype = "float32")) return C_accuracy def custom_accuracy_SD(Y_true, KE_pred): KE_true = Y_true[:, 0] SD_true = Y_true[:, 1] KE_pred = KE_pred[:, 0] C_accuracy = kb.mean(kb.cast(kb.less_equal(kb.abs(KE_pred-KE_true),SD_true), dtype = "float32")) return C_accuracy def custom_accuracy_avSD(Y_true, KE_pred): KE_true = Y_true[:, 0] SD_true = Y_true[:, 1] KE_pred = KE_pred[:, 0] C_accuracy = kb.mean(kb.cast(kb.less_equal(kb.abs(KE_pred-KE_true),0.08), dtype = "float32")) return C_accuracy def custom_accuracy_mostSD(Y_true, KE_pred): KE_true = Y_true[:, 0] SD_true = Y_true[:, 1] KE_pred = KE_pred[:, 0] C_accuracy = kb.mean(kb.cast(kb.less_equal(kb.abs(KE_pred-KE_true),0.2), dtype = "float32")) return C_accuracy # In[66]: # mini_e = 'LR5e-3_ReducedImAug5' mini_e = 'archive_final_run' exp_folder_path = MODEL_DIR + '/' + mini_e files = glob.glob(exp_folder_path + '/*.hdf5', recursive = True) saved_model = [] for file in files: print(file.split('/')[-1]) saved_model.append(file.split('/')[-1]) # In[67]: selectedE = 41 selected_weights = '' for file in saved_model: if file.split('-')[-2][0:2]==str(selectedE): selected_weights = file print (selected_weights) # In[68]: filepath = exp_folder_path + '/' +selected_weights print(filepath) best_model = tf.keras.models.load_model(filepath, custom_objects = {"MSE_wSD_loss":MSE_wSD_loss, "custom_accuracy_2SD": custom_accuracy_2SD, "custom_accuracy_SD": custom_accuracy_SD, "custom_accuracy_avSD": custom_accuracy_avSD}) # In[69]: input_slice_shape = (128,64,1) batch_size = params.batch_size MMT = params.bn_momentum LR = params.learning_rate num_channels = params.num_channels num_channels = 1 #EPOCH = params.num_epochs # In[70]: #apply best model to three subset of data batch_size = 1 ##Training train_generator = EvalTestGenerator(ML_EXP, NPY_FOLDER, Train_Master, batch_size = batch_size, data_dir=DATA_DIR, shuffle = False) # print(train_generator.filenames) # i = 0 # for file_name in train_generator.filenames: # i += 1 # if i == 2: # image_full = np.load(train_generator.data_dir + train_generator.NPY_FOLDER + file_name) # print(image_full.shape) # print(image_full[:,:,1].shape) # print(image_full[:,:,1]) # print(not np.any(image_full[:,:,1])) # np.savetxt('clay_old.out', image_full[:,:,1], delimiter=',') # break # for batch in train_generator: # print(len(batch)) # print(batch[0].shape) # # print(batch) # print(batch[1][:,1]) train_label = np.hstack([batch[1][:,0] for batch in train_generator]) train_SD = np.hstack([batch[1][:,1] for batch in train_generator]) train_pred = best_model.predict(x=train_generator) # print(train_label.shape, train_SD.shape, train_pred.shape) # print(train_label[0:10]) # print(train_SD[0:10]) # print(train_pred[0:10]) ##Validation eval_generator = EvalTestGenerator(ML_EXP, NPY_FOLDER, Eval_Master, batch_size = batch_size, data_dir=DATA_DIR, shuffle = False) eval_label = np.hstack([batch[1][:,0] for batch in eval_generator]) eval_SD = np.hstack([batch[1][:,1] for batch in eval_generator]) eval_pred = best_model.predict(x=eval_generator) ##Testing test_generator = EvalTestGenerator(ML_EXP, NPY_FOLDER, Test_Master, batch_size = batch_size, data_dir=DATA_DIR, shuffle = False) test_label = np.hstack([batch[1][:,0] for batch in test_generator]) test_SD = np.hstack([batch[1][:,1] for batch in test_generator]) test_pred = best_model.predict(x=test_generator) # In[71]: train_LSP = [train_label,train_SD,train_pred] eval_LSP = [eval_label,eval_SD,eval_pred] test_LSP = [test_label,test_SD,test_pred] generator_LSP = [train_LSP,eval_LSP,test_LSP] # In[72]: print(train_generator.KEs) print(train_generator.SDs) # In[73]: def plotting_with_TS(LSP, mode): ## make cross plot between prediction and label with highlighted color for subset that meet threashold label = LSP[0] SD = LSP[1] pred = LSP[2].flatten() idx = np.abs(pred-label) > 2*SD error_pct = np.round(100*np.sum(idx)/len(pred), 1) text_accuracy = str(100 - error_pct) + '%' fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,6), dpi=900) ax.plot(pred, label,'bo',alpha=0.15, label=f'Correct ' + str(100 - error_pct) + '%') ax.plot(pred[idx], label[idx], 'ro',alpha=0.15, label=f'Incorrect ' + str(error_pct) + '%') ax.plot([0,1], [0,1], 'k',alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.5) ax.set_title(str(mode), fontsize = 24) # ax.text(0.3, 0.85, text_error, fontsize = 12, style = 'italic', weight='normal', # horizontalalignment = 'center',transform=ax.transAxes) ax.set_ylabel('Truth', fontsize =20) ax.set_xlabel('Prediction', fontsize = 20) lgnd = ax.legend(loc='upper left',prop={'size': 16} ) lgnd.legendHandles[0]._legmarker.set_markersize(18) lgnd.legendHandles[1]._legmarker.set_markersize(18) plt.savefig(str(mode) + '_result.svg', dpi=900, edgecolor='w', orientation='portrait', format='svg', transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) plt.tight_layout() plt.show # In[74]: plotting_with_TS(train_LSP, 'Train') # In[75]: def plotting_with_TS_V(generator_LSP, mode, EXP, selected_EP): ## make cross plot between prediction and label with highlighted color for subset that meet threashold fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=3, ncols=1, sharex=True, figsize=(5,12)) for g, m, ax in zip(generator_LSP, mode, axs): label = g[0] SD = g[1] pred = g[2].flatten() # if len(pred) == len(label): # print(len(pred)) idx = np.abs(pred-label) > 2*SD error_pct = np.round(100*np.sum(idx)/len(pred), 2) ax.plot(pred, label,'b.',alpha=0.25, label=f'Correct') ax.plot(pred[idx], label[idx], 'r.',alpha=0.25, label=f'Incorrect') ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k',alpha=0.8) ax.set_title(str(m), fontsize = 24) text_error = '% error (>2SD) = ' +str(error_pct) + '%' ax.text(0.7, 0.1, text_error, fontsize = 12, horizontalalignment = 'center', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.legend(loc='best') ax.set_ylabel('Truth', fontsize =18) axs[2].set_xlabel('Prediction', fontsize = 18) plt.tight_layout() plt.show # In[76]: plotting_with_TS_V(generator_LSP, ['Train', 'Eval', 'Test'], EXP = 7.2, selected_EP = selectedE) # In[77]: def plotting_with_TS_H(generator_LSP, mode, EXP, selected_EP): ## make cross plot between prediction and label with highlighted color for subset that meet threashold fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 5)) for g, m, ax in zip(generator_LSP, mode, axs): label = g[0] SD = g[1] pred = g[2].flatten() if len(pred) == len(label): print(len(pred)) idx = np.abs(pred-label) > 2*SD error_pct = np.round(100*np.sum(idx)/len(pred), 2) ax.plot(pred, label,'b.',alpha=0.25, label=f'Correct') ax.plot(pred[idx], label[idx], 'r.',alpha=0.25, label=f'Incorrect') ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k',alpha=0.4) ax.set_title(str(m), fontsize = 24) text_error = '% error (>2SD) = ' +str(error_pct) + '%' ax.text(0.7, 0.1, text_error, fontsize = 14, horizontalalignment = 'center', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.legend(loc='best') ax.set_xlabel('Prediction', fontsize =18) axs[0].set_ylabel('Truth', fontsize = 18) plt.tight_layout() plt.show # In[78]: plotting_with_TS_H(generator_LSP, ['Train', 'Eval', 'Test'], EXP = 7.2, selected_EP = selectedE) # In[79]: def plotting_all_scaled(generator_LSP, mode, EXP, selected_EP): ## make cross plot between prediction and label with highlighted color for subset that meet threashold fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 5)) for g, m, ax in zip(generator_LSP, mode, axs): label = g[0] SD = g[1] pred = g[2].flatten() if len(pred) == len(label): print(len(pred)) idx = np.abs(pred-label) > 2*SD error_pct = np.round(100*np.sum(idx)/len(pred), 2) repeats_all = list(zip(label, pred)) weight_counter_all = Counter(repeats_all) weights_all = [weight_counter_all[(label[i], pred[i])] for i, _ in enumerate(label)] repeats = list(zip(label[idx], pred[idx])) weight_counter = Counter(repeats) weights = [weight_counter[(label[idx][i], pred[idx][i])] for i, _ in enumerate(label[idx])] ax.set_title(str(m), fontsize = 24) ax.scatter(pred, label, s=weights_all, c = 'blue', label=f'Correct') # ax.plot(pred, label,'bx',alpha=0.25, label=f'Correct') # ax.plot(pred[idx], label[idx], 'rx',alpha=0.25, label=f'Incorrect') ax.scatter(pred[idx], label[idx], s=weights, c = 'red', label=f'InCorrect') ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k',alpha=0.8) text_error = '% error (>2SD) = ' +str(error_pct) + '%' ax.text(0.7, 0.1, text_error, fontsize = 14, horizontalalignment = 'center', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.legend(loc='best') ax.set_xlabel('Prediction', fontsize =18) print('max_repeat: ' + str(np.max(weights)) +'/' +str(len(label))) axs[0].set_ylabel('Truth', fontsize = 18) plt.tight_layout() plt.show # In[80]: plotting_all_scaled(generator_LSP, ['Train', 'Eval', 'Test'], EXP = 7.2, selected_EP = selectedE) # In[84]: def plotting_EXP(generator, pred, label, SD, mode, top_ith, num_sample): ## selecting outliers y= pred.flatten() x= label if len(x) == len(y): print('size_data_all:',len(x)) idx = np.abs(x-y) > 2*SD print('size_data_meetTS:', np.sum(idx)) print('custom_2SD_Accuracy',(1-np.sum(idx)/len(x))*100, '%' ) pred_outlier = np.round(y[idx],2) truth_outlier =np.round(x[idx],2) diff = np.round(np.abs(pred_outlier - truth_outlier),2) ##indexing from large to small for outlier outlier_idx = np.argsort(diff)[::-1] y_outlier = pred_outlier[outlier_idx] x_outlier = truth_outlier[outlier_idx] offset_outlier = np.round(x_outlier-y_outlier,2) ## print top rank (num_sample) by the size of errors print('pred_outlier: ', y_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+num_sample]) print('truth_outlier: ', x_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+num_sample]) ##creating fault map of those outliers CMAP = plt.cm.binary minCMAP = 0 maxCMAP = 1 ncols = num_sample print('Top_nth_Outier > 2SD: ', top_ith, '-', top_ith+ncols) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20,10)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minCMAP, vmax=maxCMAP) mappable = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=CMAP) # cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable, ax = axs.ravel().tolist(), # orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.05) # cbar.ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) for i in range(ncols): filename = generator.filenames[:len(pred)][idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols][i] print(filename) fig_title = (filename[0:24]) print(fig_title) data = np.load(DATA_DIR + NPY_FOLDER + filename) prediction = y_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] label = x_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] offset = offset_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] two_SD = 2*SD[idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols] result = np.abs(offset) < np.round(2*SD[idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols],2) EXP = str(filename[0:8]) + '/w'+ str(filename[22:30]) FontSize = 30 text_label = axs[i].text(30,20, 'Label: ' + str(label[i]), fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center") text_prediction = axs[i].text(30,30, 'Pred: ' + str(prediction[i]), fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center") text_2SD = axs[i].text(30,40, '2SD: ' + str(two_SD[i]), fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center") if result[i] == True: text_result = axs[i].text(30,90, 'Diff: |' + str(offset[i]) + '|' , fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center", color="b") else: text_result = axs[i].text(30,90, 'Diff: |' + str(offset[i]) + '|' , fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center", color="r") axs[i].imshow(data, norm=norm, aspect=1, cmap=CMAP) axs[i].set_xticklabels( () ) axs[i].set_yticklabels( () ) # plt.savefig(MODEL_DIR +'/' + str(mode) + '_outlier.png') # In[85]: plotting_EXP(test_generator, test_pred, test_label, test_SD, 'test', 20, 5) # In[86]: plotting_EXP(test_generator, test_pred, test_label, test_SD, 'test', 22, 2) # In[87]: def plotting_EXP_curl(generator, pred, label, SD, mode, top_ith, num_sample): ## selecting outliers y= pred.flatten() x= label if len(x) == len(y): print('size_data_all:',len(x)) idx = np.abs(x-y) > 2*SD print('size_data_meetTS:', np.sum(idx)) print('custom_2SD_Accuracy',(1-np.sum(idx)/len(x))*100, '%' ) pred_outlier = np.round(y[idx],2) truth_outlier =np.round(x[idx],2) diff = np.round(np.abs(pred_outlier - truth_outlier),2) ##indexing from large to small for outlier outlier_idx = np.argsort(diff)[::-1] y_outlier = pred_outlier[outlier_idx] x_outlier = truth_outlier[outlier_idx] offset_outlier = np.round(x_outlier-y_outlier,2) ## print top rank (num_sample) by the size of errors print('pred_outlier: ', y_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+num_sample]) print('truth_outlier: ', x_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+num_sample]) ##creating fault map of those outliers CMAP = plt.cm.seismic minCMAP = -0.01 maxCMAP = 0.01 ncols = num_sample print('Top_nth_Outier > 2SD: ', top_ith, '-', top_ith+ncols) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(36,8)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minCMAP, vmax=maxCMAP) mappable = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=CMAP) cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable, ax = axs.ravel().tolist(), orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.05) cbar.ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) for i in range(ncols): filename = generator.filenames[:len(pred)][idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols][i] print(filename) fig_title = (filename[0:24]) print(fig_title) data = np.load(DATA_DIR + NPY_FOLDER + filename) prediction = y_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] label = x_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] offset = offset_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] result = np.abs(offset) < np.round(2*SD[idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols],2) EXP = str(filename[0:8]) + '/w'+ str(filename[22:30]) axs[i].set_title(str(EXP),fontsize = 15) text_label = axs[i].text(30,20, 'label: ' + str(label[i]), fontsize =20, ha="center", va="center") text_prediction = axs[i].text(30,30, 'pred: ' + str(prediction[i]), fontsize =20, ha="center", va="center") text_diff = axs[i].text(30,40, 'diff: ' + str(offset[i]), fontsize =20, ha="center", va="center") text_2SD = axs[i].text(30,50, '2SD: ' + str(2*SD[idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols][i]), fontsize =20, ha="center", va="center") if result[i] == True: text_result = axs[i].text(30,90, 'CORRECT', fontsize =20, ha="center", va="center", color="b") Error = axs[i].text(30,100, 'Error < 2SD', fontsize =18, ha="center", va="center") else: text_result = axs[i].text(30,90, 'INCORRECT', fontsize =20, ha="center", va="center", color="r") Error = axs[i].text(30,100, 'Error > 2SD', fontsize =18, ha="center", va="center") axs[i].imshow(data, norm=norm, aspect=1, cmap=CMAP) axs[i].set_xticklabels( () ) axs[i].set_yticklabels( () ) # plt.savefig(MODEL_DIR +'/' + str(mode) + '_outlier.png') # In[88]: plotting_EXP_curl(test_generator, test_pred, test_label, test_SD, 'test', 20, 10) # In[89]: plotting_EXP(eval_generator, eval_pred, eval_label, eval_SD, 'eval', 0, 10) # In[92]: def plotting_criteria_EXP(generator, pred, label, SD, mode, top_ith, num_sample): ## selecting outliers y= pred.flatten() x= label if len(x) == len(y): print('size_data_all:',len(x)) # idx = np.logical_and(np.abs(y-x) < 2*SD, x <0.55) idx = np.logical_and(y>0.9, y <0.99) print('size_data_meetTS:', np.sum(idx)) print('%meet_criteria',(1-np.sum(idx)/len(x))*100, '%' ) pred_outlier = np.round(y[idx],2) truth_outlier =np.round(x[idx],2) diff = np.round(np.abs(pred_outlier - truth_outlier),2) ##indexing from large to small for outlier outlier_idx = np.argsort(diff)[::-1] y_outlier = pred_outlier[outlier_idx] x_outlier = truth_outlier[outlier_idx] offset_outlier = np.round(x_outlier-y_outlier,2) ## print top rank (num_sample) by the size of errors print('pred_outlier: ', y_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+num_sample]) print('truth_outlier: ', x_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+num_sample]) ##creating fault map of those outliers CMAP = plt.cm.binary minCMAP = 0 maxCMAP = 1 ncols = num_sample print('Top_nth_Outier > 2SD: ', top_ith, '-', top_ith+ncols) fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(20,10)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minCMAP, vmax=maxCMAP) # mappable = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=CMAP) # cbar = fig.colorbar(mappable, ax = axs.ravel().tolist(), # orientation='horizontal', fraction=0.05) # cbar.ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=20) for i in range(ncols): filename = generator.filenames[:len(pred)][idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols][i] print(filename) fig_title = (filename[0:24]) print(fig_title) data = np.load(DATA_DIR + NPY_FOLDER + filename) prediction = y_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] label = x_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] offset = offset_outlier[top_ith:top_ith+ncols] two_SD = 2*SD[idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols] result = np.abs(offset) < np.round(2*SD[idx][outlier_idx][top_ith:top_ith+ncols],2) EXP = str(filename[0:8]) + '/w'+ str(filename[22:30]) FontSize = 30 text_label = axs[i].text(30,20, 'Label: ' + str(label[i]), fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center") text_prediction = axs[i].text(30,30, 'Pred: ' + str(prediction[i]), fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center") text_2SD = axs[i].text(30,40, '2SD: ' + str(two_SD[i]), fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center") if result[i] == True: text_result = axs[i].text(30,90, 'Diff: |' + str(offset[i]) + '|' , fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center", color="b") else: text_result = axs[i].text(30,90, 'Diff: |' + str(offset[i]) + '|' , fontsize =FontSize, ha="center", va="center", color="r") axs[i].imshow(data, norm=norm, aspect=1, cmap=CMAP) axs[i].set_xticklabels( () ) axs[i].set_yticklabels( () ) # In[93]: plotting_criteria_EXP(test_generator, test_pred, test_label, test_SD, 'test',120, 5) # In[94]: def create_dictionary(EXP_list): EXP_Dict = {} for e in EXP_list: filename_list = np.loadtxt(DATA_DIR + F_MASTER + '/' + str(e) +'.txt',dtype='str') KE_label_list = np.array([float(f.split('/')[-1][0:4]) for f in filename_list]) SD_list = np.array([float(f.split('/')[-1][5:9]) for f in filename_list]) win_list = np.array([int(f.split('win_')[-1][0:1]) for f in filename_list]) time_list = np.array([int(f.split('t_')[-1][0:3]) for f in filename_list]) sliced_npy_List =[] for i in range(len(filename_list)): sliced_npy_dict = {'fn':filename_list[i], 'KE':KE_label_list[i], 'SD': SD_list[i],'w': win_list[i], 't': time_list[i]} sliced_npy_List.append(sliced_npy_dict) combo = np.vstack((KE_label_list,SD_list,win_list,time_list)) sliced_npy_List.append(combo) EXP_Dict[str(e)] = sliced_npy_List return EXP_Dict # In[95]: EP_EXP_LIST = ['EB_025_1','EB_025_2','EB_025_3', 'EB_050_1','EB_050_2','EB_050_3', 'EB_150_1','EB_150_2','EB_150_3', 'PP_025_1','PP_025_2', 'PP_050_1','PP_050_2', 'PP_100_1','PP_100_2', 'PP_150_1'] # In[96]: EXP_Dict = create_dictionary(EP_EXP_LIST) EXP_to_plot = 'EB_150_2' time_to_plot = 70 print('len_of_Dict:', len(EXP_Dict[EXP_to_plot])) # In[103]: #manual user pick slide #Plot Tool for a specific Experiment Time Slice, which will show full ROI #Must run previous cell to obtain 'ltp_limit' #Pick index s from the order of selected slices that fit the criteria for KE_label def label_slice_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): label_slice_view = [] blind_test_list = [] for slice_sample in EXP_Dict[str(EXP_to_plot)][0:-1]: if slice_sample['t'] == time_to_plot: label_slice_view.append(slice_sample) blind_test_list.append(slice_sample['fn']) blind_test_path = DATA_DIR + ML_EXP + 'blind_test_master_'+str(EXP_to_plot) +'_' + str(time_to_plot)+ '.txt' np.savetxt(blind_test_path, blind_test_list, fmt="%s") return label_slice_view def blind_pred(EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): blind_master = 'blind_test_master_'+str(EXP_to_plot) +'_' + str(time_to_plot)+ '.txt' blind_test_generator = EvalTestGenerator(ML_EXP, NPY_FOLDER, blind_master, batch_size = 1, data_dir=DATA_DIR, shuffle = False) # print(blind_test_generator[2][1][0][0]) pred = best_model.predict(x=blind_test_generator) blind_pred = (np.round(np.hstack(pred.flatten()),2)) return blind_pred def plot_curl(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): ncols = 5 #plotting fault map from selected time slice for the whole ROI (w_0,w_1,w_2,w_3,w_4) CMAP = plt.cm.seismic minCMAP = -0.02 maxCMAP = 0.02 fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(16,6)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minCMAP, vmax=maxCMAP) mappable = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=CMAP) fig.colorbar(mappable, ax = axs.ravel().tolist(), fraction=.015) fig.suptitle('EXP: ' + str(EXP_to_plot),fontsize = 20) axs[0].set_ylabel('Time: ' + str(time_to_plot),fontsize = 20) Pred = blind_pred(EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) for i in range(ncols): filename = label_slice_view[i]['fn'] KE = float(filename.split('/')[-1][0:4]) data = np.load(DATA_DIR + NPY_FOLDER + filename) # axs[i].set_title('KE = ' + str(KE),fontsize = 15) text_label = axs[i].text(30,30, 'Label: ' + str(KE), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") text_pred = axs[i].text(30,40, 'Pred: ' + str(Pred[i]), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") axs[i].imshow(data,norm=norm, aspect=1, cmap=CMAP) axs[i].set_xticklabels( () ) axs[i].set_yticklabels( () ) def plot_fault_map(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): ncols = 5 CMAP = plt.cm.binary minCMAP = 0 maxCMAP = 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(16,6)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minCMAP, vmax=maxCMAP) mappable = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=CMAP) fig.colorbar(mappable, ax = axs.ravel().tolist(), fraction=.015) fig.suptitle('EXP: ' + str(EXP_to_plot),fontsize = 20) axs[0].set_ylabel('Time: ' + str(time_to_plot),fontsize = 20) Pred = blind_pred(EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) print('average_pred:', np.average(Pred)) print(Pred) for i in range(ncols): filename = label_slice_view[i]['fn'] KE = float(filename.split('/')[-1][0:4]) Preds = Pred[i] Diff = np.abs(KE-Preds) SD = float(filename.split('/')[-1][5:9]) result = np.abs(Diff) < 2*SD print(result) data = np.load(DATA_DIR + NPY_FOLDER + filename) text_label = axs[i].text(30,20, 'Label: ' + str(KE), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") text_pred = axs[i].text(30,30, 'Pred: ' + str(Preds), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") text_diff = axs[i].text(30,40, 'Diff: ' + str(np.round(np.abs(Preds-KE),2)), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") text_2SD = axs[i].text(30,50, '2SD: ' + str(2*SD), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") if result == True: text_result = axs[i].text(30,90, 'CORRECT', fontsize =20, ha="center", va="center", color="b") Error = axs[i].text(30,100, 'Error < 2SD', fontsize =18, ha="center", va="center") else: text_result = axs[i].text(30,90, 'INCORRECT', fontsize =20, ha="center", va="center", color="r") Error = axs[i].text(30,100, 'Error > 2SD', fontsize =18, ha="center", va="center") axs[i].imshow(data[:, :, 1],norm=norm, aspect=1, cmap=CMAP) axs[i].set_xticklabels( () ) axs[i].set_yticklabels( () ) def plot_AOI_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): label_slice_view = label_slice_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) plot_curl(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) plot_fault_map(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) # In[104]: EXP_Dict = create_dictionary(EP_EXP_LIST) EXP_to_plot = 'EB_050_3' time_to_plot = 120 label_slice_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) plot_AOI_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) # In[106]: def plot_fault_map_simple(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): ncols = 5 CMAP = plt.cm.binary minCMAP = 0 maxCMAP = 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(16,6)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minCMAP, vmax=maxCMAP) mappable = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=CMAP) Pred = blind_pred(EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) print('average_pred:', np.average(Pred)) print(Pred) for i in range(ncols): filename = label_slice_view[i]['fn'] KE = float(filename.split('/')[-1][0:4]) Preds = Pred[i] Diff = np.abs(KE-Preds) SD = float(filename.split('/')[-1][5:9]) result = np.abs(Diff) < 2*SD print(result) data = np.load(DATA_DIR + NPY_FOLDER + filename) axs[i].imshow(data,norm=norm, aspect=1, cmap=CMAP) axs[i].set_xticklabels( () ) axs[i].set_yticklabels( () ) plt.savefig('exp_panel.svg', dpi=900, edgecolor='w', orientation='portrait', format='svg', transparent=False, bbox_inches=None, pad_inches=0.1) # In[107]: EXP_Dict = create_dictionary(EP_EXP_LIST) EXP_to_plot = 'EB_050_3' time_to_plot = 100 label_slice_view = label_slice_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) plot_fault_map_simple(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) # In[108]: #manual user pick slide #Plot Tool for a specific Experiment Time Slice, which will show full ROI #Must run previous cell to obtain 'ltp_limit' #Pick index s from the order of selected slices that fit the criteria for KE_label def label_slice_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_list): label_slice_view = [] blind_test_list = [] for time_to_plot in time_list: for slice_sample in EXP_Dict[str(EXP_to_plot)][0:-1]: if slice_sample['t'] == time_to_plot: label_slice_view.append(slice_sample) blind_test_list.append(slice_sample['fn']) blind_test_path = ML_EXP + 'blind_test_master_'+str(EXP_to_plot) +'_' + str(time_to_plot)+ '.txt' np.savetxt(blind_test_path, blind_test_list, fmt="%s") return label_slice_view def blind_pred(EXP_to_plot, time_list): blind_pred_list = [] for time_to_plot in time_list: blind_master = 'blind_test_master_'+str(EXP_to_plot) +'_' + str(time_to_plot)+ '.txt' blind_test_generator = EvalTestGenerator(ML_EXP, NPY_FOLDER, blind_master, batch_size = 1, data_dir=DATA_DIR, shuffle = False) # print(blind_test_generator[2][1][0][0]) pred = best_model.predict(x=blind_test_generator) blind_pred = (np.round(np.hstack(pred.flatten()),2)) blind_pred_list.append(blind_pred) return blind_pred_list def plot_blind_test(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): ncols = 5 #plotting fault map from selected time slice for the whole ROI (w_0,w_1,w_2,w_3,w_4) CMAP = plt.cm.seismic minCMAP = -0.02 maxCMAP = 0.02 fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(16,6)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minCMAP, vmax=maxCMAP) mappable = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=CMAP) fig.colorbar(mappable, ax = axs.ravel().tolist(), fraction=.015) fig.suptitle('EXP: ' + str(exp_to_plot),fontsize = 20) axs[0].set_ylabel('Time: ' + str(time_to_plot),fontsize = 20) Pred = blind_pred(EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) for i in range(ncols): filename = label_slice_view[i]['fn'] KE = float(filename.split('/')[-1][0:4]) data = np.load(DATA_DIR + 'slice_npy_SD/' + filename) # axs[i].set_title('KE = ' + str(KE),fontsize = 15) text_label = axs[i].text(30,30, 'Label: ' + str(KE), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") text_pred = axs[i].text(30,40, 'Pred: ' + str(Pred[i]), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") axs[i].imshow(data[:, :, 0],norm=norm, aspect=1, cmap=CMAP) axs[i].set_xticklabels( () ) axs[i].set_yticklabels( () ) def plot_fault_map(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): ncols = 5 CMAP = plt.cm.binary minCMAP = 0 maxCMAP = 1 fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=ncols, figsize=(16,6)) norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=minCMAP, vmax=maxCMAP) mappable = plt.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=CMAP) fig.colorbar(mappable, ax = axs.ravel().tolist(), fraction=.015) fig.suptitle('EXP: ' + str(exp_to_plot),fontsize = 20) axs[0].set_ylabel('Time: ' + str(time_to_plot),fontsize = 20) Pred = blind_pred(EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) print('average_pred:', np.average(Pred)) for i in range(ncols): filename = label_slice_view[i]['fn'] KE = float(filename.split('/')[-1][0:4]) # Pred = Pred[i] # Diff = np.abs(KE-Pred) SD = float(filename.split('/')[-1][5:9])*2 data = np.load(DATA_DIR + 'slice_npy_SD/' + filename) text_label = axs[i].text(30,20, 'Label: ' + str(KE), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") text_pred = axs[i].text(30,30, 'Pred: ' + str(Pred[i]), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") text_diff = axs[i].text(30,40, 'Diff: ' + str(np.round(np.abs(Pred[i]-KE),2)), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") text_2SD = axs[i].text(30,50, '2SD: ' + str(SD), fontsize =15, ha="center", va="center") axs[i].imshow(data[:, :, 1],norm=norm, aspect=1, cmap=CMAP) axs[i].set_xticklabels( () ) axs[i].set_yticklabels( () ) def plot_AOI_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot): label_slice_view = label_slice_by_time(EXP_Dict, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) plot_KE(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) plot_fault_map(label_slice_view, EXP_to_plot, time_to_plot) # In[109]: def plotting_with_TS_H(generator_LSP, mode, EXP, selected_EP): ## make cross plot between prediction and label with highlighted color for subset that meet threashold fig, axs = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3, sharey=True, figsize=(15, 5)) for g, m, ax in zip(generator_LSP, mode, axs): label = g[0] SD = g[1] pred = g[2].flatten() if len(pred) == len(label): print(len(pred)) idx = np.abs(pred-label) > 2*SD error_pct = np.round(100*np.sum(idx)/len(pred), 2) ax.plot(pred, label,'o', label=f'Correct') ax.plot(pred[idx], label[idx], 'ro', label=f'Incorrect') ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k', alpha=0.2) ax.set_title(str(m), fontsize = 24) text_error = '% error (>2SD) = ' +str(error_pct) + '%' ax.text(0.7, 0.1, text_error, fontsize = 12, horizontalalignment = 'center', transform=ax.transAxes) ax.legend(loc='best') ax.set_xlabel('Truth', fontsize =18) axs[0].set_ylabel('Prediction', fontsize = 18) plt.tight_layout() plt.show # 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