import numpy as np # numpy namespace from timeit import default_timer as timer # for timing from matplotlib import pyplot # for plotting import math def step_numpy(dt, prices, c0, c1, noises): return prices * np.exp(c0 * dt + c1 * noises) def mc_numpy(paths, dt, interest, volatility): c0 = interest - 0.5 * volatility ** 2 c1 = volatility * np.sqrt(dt) for j in xrange(1, paths.shape[1]): # for each time step prices = paths[:, j - 1] # last prices # gaussian noises for simulation noises = np.random.normal(0., 1., prices.size) # simulate paths[:, j] = step_numpy(dt, prices, c0, c1, noises) # stock parameter StockPrice = 20.83 StrikePrice = 21.50 Volatility = 0.021 InterestRate = 0.20 Maturity = 5. / 12. # monte-carlo parameter NumPath = 3000000 NumStep = 100 # plotting MAX_PATH_IN_PLOT = 50 def driver(pricer, do_plot=False): paths = np.zeros((NumPath, NumStep + 1), order='F') paths[:, 0] = StockPrice DT = Maturity / NumStep ts = timer() pricer(paths, DT, InterestRate, Volatility) te = timer() elapsed = te - ts ST = paths[:, -1] PaidOff = np.maximum(paths[:, -1] - StrikePrice, 0) print 'Result' fmt = '%20s: %s' print fmt % ('stock price', np.mean(ST)) print fmt % ('standard error', np.std(ST) / sqrt(NumPath)) print fmt % ('paid off', np.mean(PaidOff)) optionprice = np.mean(PaidOff) * exp(-InterestRate * Maturity) print fmt % ('option price', optionprice) print 'Performance' NumCompute = NumPath * NumStep print fmt % ('Mstep/second', '%.2f' % (NumCompute / elapsed / 1e6)) print fmt % ('time elapsed', '%.3fs' % (te - ts)) if do_plot: pathct = min(NumPath, MAX_PATH_IN_PLOT) for i in xrange(pathct): pyplot.plot(paths[i]) print 'Plotting %d/%d paths' % (pathct, NumPath) return elapsed numpy_time = driver(mc_numpy, do_plot=True) from numbapro import vectorize @vectorize(['f8(f8, f8, f8, f8, f8)']) def step_cpuvec(last, dt, c0, c1, noise): return last * math.exp(c0 * dt + c1 * noise) def mc_cpuvec(paths, dt, interest, volatility): c0 = interest - 0.5 * volatility ** 2 c1 = volatility * np.sqrt(dt) for j in xrange(1, paths.shape[1]): prices = paths[:, j - 1] noises = np.random.normal(0., 1., prices.size) paths[:, j] = step_cpuvec(prices, dt, c0, c1, noises) cpuvec_time = driver(mc_cpuvec, do_plot=True) @vectorize(['f8(f8, f8, f8, f8, f8)'], target='parallel') def step_parallel(last, dt, c0, c1, noise): return last * math.exp(c0 * dt + c1 * noise) def mc_parallel(paths, dt, interest, volatility): c0 = interest - 0.5 * volatility ** 2 c1 = volatility * np.sqrt(dt) for j in xrange(1, paths.shape[1]): prices = paths[:, j - 1] noises = np.random.normal(0., 1., prices.size) paths[:, j] = step_parallel(prices, dt, c0, c1, noises) parallel_time = driver(mc_parallel, do_plot=True) @vectorize(['f8(f8, f8, f8, f8, f8)'], target='gpu') def step_gpuvec(last, dt, c0, c1, noise): return last * math.exp(c0 * dt + c1 * noise) def mc_gpuvec(paths, dt, interest, volatility): c0 = interest - 0.5 * volatility ** 2 c1 = volatility * np.sqrt(dt) for j in xrange(1, paths.shape[1]): prices = paths[:, j - 1] noises = np.random.normal(0., 1., prices.size) paths[:, j] = step_gpuvec(prices, dt, c0, c1, noises) gpuvec_time = driver(mc_gpuvec, do_plot=True) from numbapro import cuda, jit from numbapro.cudalib import curand @jit('void(double[:], double[:], double, double, double, double[:])', target='gpu') def step_cuda(last, paths, dt, c0, c1, normdist): i = cuda.grid(1) if i >= paths.shape[0]: return noise = normdist[i] paths[i] = last[i] * math.exp(c0 * dt + c1 * noise) def mc_cuda(paths, dt, interest, volatility): n = paths.shape[0] blksz = cuda.get_current_device().MAX_THREADS_PER_BLOCK gridsz = int(math.ceil(float(n) / blksz)) # instantiate a CUDA stream for queueing async CUDA cmds stream = # instantiate a cuRAND PRNG prng = curand.PRNG(curand.PRNG.MRG32K3A, stream=stream) # Allocate device side array d_normdist = cuda.device_array(n, dtype=np.double, stream=stream) c0 = interest - 0.5 * volatility ** 2 c1 = volatility * math.sqrt(dt) # configure the kernel # similar to CUDA-C: step_cuda<<>> step_cfg = step_cuda[gridsz, blksz, stream] # transfer the initial prices d_last = cuda.to_device(paths[:, 0], stream=stream) for j in range(1, paths.shape[1]): # call cuRAND to populate d_normdist with gaussian noises prng.normal(d_normdist, mean=0, sigma=1) # setup memory for new prices # device_array_like is like empty_like for GPU d_paths = cuda.device_array_like(paths[:, j], stream=stream) # invoke step kernel asynchronously step_cfg(d_last, d_paths, dt, c0, c1, d_normdist) # transfer memory back to the host d_paths.copy_to_host(paths[:, j], stream=stream) d_last = d_paths # wait for all GPU work to complete stream.synchronize() cuda_time = driver(mc_cuda, do_plot=True) def perf_plot(rawdata, xlabels): data = [numpy_time / x for x in rawdata] idx = np.arange(len(data)) fig = pyplot.figure() width = 0.5 ax = fig.add_subplot(111), data, width) ax.set_ylabel('normalized speedup') ax.set_xticks(idx + width / 2) ax.set_xticklabels(xlabels) ax.set_ylim(0.9) perf_plot([numpy_time, cpuvec_time, parallel_time, gpuvec_time], ['numpy', 'cpu-vect', 'parallel-vect', 'gpu-vect']) perf_plot([numpy_time, cpuvec_time, parallel_time, gpuvec_time, cuda_time], ['numpy', 'cpu-vect', 'parallel-vect', 'gpu-vect', 'cuda'])