#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Open In Colab # # Solutions of linear homogeneous ODEs # # $$ # \newcommand{\eg}{{\it e.g.}} # \newcommand{\ie}{{\it i.e.}} # \newcommand{\argmin}{\operatornamewithlimits{argmin}} # \newcommand{\mc}{\mathcal} # \newcommand{\mb}{\mathbb} # \newcommand{\mf}{\mathbf} # \newcommand{\minimize}{{\text{minimize}}} # \newcommand{\diag}{{\text{diag}}} # \newcommand{\cond}{{\text{cond}}} # \newcommand{\rank}{{\text{rank }}} # \newcommand{\range}{{\mathcal{R}}} # \newcommand{\null}{{\mathcal{N}}} # \newcommand{\tr}{{\text{trace}}} # \newcommand{\dom}{{\text{dom}}} # \newcommand{\dist}{{\text{dist}}} # \newcommand{\R}{\mathbf{R}} # \newcommand{\SM}{\mathbf{S}} # \newcommand{\ball}{\mathcal{B}} # \newcommand{\bmat}[1]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\end{bmatrix}} # $$ # __
ASE3093: Automatic control, Inha University.
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Jong-Han Kim (jonghank@inha.ac.kr)
_ # ### First order systems # # $$ # \dot{x} + ax = 0 # $$ # # In[1]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal a_list = np.array([1/5, 1/2, 1, 2, 5]) K = len(a_list) Y = [] for a in a_list: aa = -a bb = aa cc = 1 dd = 0 G = signal.StateSpace(aa,bb,cc,dd) t, yout, xout = signal.lsim(G, U=0, T=np.linspace(0,10,1000), X0=[1]) Y.append(yout) plt.figure(figsize=(14,9), dpi=100) for k in range(K): plt.plot(t, Y[k], label=rf'$a={a_list[k]:3.1f}$', linewidth=2, color=plt.cm.tab20(0.1*k)) plt.axhline(np.exp(-1), linestyle='--', alpha=0.5, label='63.21% to target', color='k') for k in range(K): plt.axvline(1/a_list[k], linestyle=':', alpha=0.5, color=plt.cm.tab20(k/K)) plt.xlabel(r'$t$ (sec)') plt.ylabel(r'$x$') plt.title(r'Solutions of $\dot{x} + ax = 0$ with $x_0=1$') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.show() # ### Second order systems # # $$ # \ddot{x} + 2\zeta\omega\dot{x} + \omega^2 x = 0 # $$ # # In[2]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from scipy import signal zeta_list = np.array([0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.99]) omega = 1 K = len(zeta_list) Y = [] for zeta in zeta_list: aa = np.array([[0, 1],[-omega**2, -2*zeta*omega]]) bb = np.array([[0], [omega**2]]) cc = np.array([[1, 0]]) dd = 0 G = signal.StateSpace(aa,bb,cc,dd) t, yout, xout = signal.lsim(G, U=0, T=np.linspace(0,10,1000), X0=[1,0]) Y.append(yout) plt.figure(figsize=(14,9), dpi=100) for k in range(K): zeta = zeta_list[k] plt.plot(t, Y[k], label=rf'$\zeta={zeta:3.1f}$', linewidth=2, color=plt.cm.tab20(0.1*k)) plt.plot(t, np.exp(-zeta*omega*t)*np.cos(np.sqrt(1-zeta**2)*omega*t-np.arctan2(zeta,np.sqrt(1-zeta**2)))/np.sqrt(1-zeta**2), \ linewidth=2, linestyle='--', alpha=0.5, color=plt.cm.tab20(0.1*k)) UB = np.exp(-zeta_list[k]*omega*t) plt.fill_between(t, -UB, UB, alpha=0.05) plt.xlabel(r'$t$ (sec)') plt.ylabel(r'$x$') plt.title(r'Solutions of $\ddot{x} + 2\zeta\omega\dot{x} + \omega^2 x = 0$ with $\omega=1$ and $(x_0, \dot{x}_0)=(1,0)$') plt.legend() plt.grid() plt.show() # In[2]: