#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# # NOAA UFS Replay on Google Cloud Storage (GCS)
# We have put the atmosphere and ocean model components from the UFS Replay on GCS, which includes a model
# run natively at 1/4 degree for ~30 years and at 1 degree for ~5.5 years.
# Additionally, for both components we have datasets that are spatially subsampled from 1/4 degree to
# approximately 1 degree by selecting every 4th point in latitude and longitude.
# The atmosphere dataset is at 3 hour frequency, and ocean dataset is at 6 hour frequency.
# The time stamps selected correspond to the "analysis" portion of the Replay, coinciding with the IAU.
# While the atmosphere fields are snapshots, the ocean fields are a 6 hour temporal average over the IAU period.
# The ocean fields were conservatively regridded from the native Tripolar grid to the same Gaussian grid as the atmosphere model output.
# The atmosphere fields were regridded from the cubed sphere FV3 grid to Gaussian grid.
# Note that there are many land surface and some ice fields in the "atmosphere" (fv3) dataset.
# ## Locations on GCS
# One can browse the datasets here: https://console.cloud.google.com/storage/browser/noaa-ufs-gefsv13replay
# ### Atmosphere
# - 1/4 degree: `gs://noaa-ufs-gefsv13replay/ufs-hr1/0.25-degree/03h-freq/zarr/fv3.zarr`
# - 1/4 degree subsampled: `gs://noaa-ufs-gefsv13replay/ufs-hr1/0.25-degree-subsampled/03h-freq/zarr/fv3.zarr`
# - 1 degree: `gs://noaa-ufs-gefsv13replay/ufs-hr1/1.00-degree/03h-freq/zarr/fv3.zarr`
# ### Ocean
# - 1/4 degree: `gs://noaa-ufs-gefsv13replay/ufs-hr1/0.25-degree/06h-freq/zarr/mom6.zarr`
# - 1/4 degree subsampled: `gs://noaa-ufs-gefsv13replay/ufs-hr1/0.25-degree-subsampled/06h-freq/zarr/mom6.zarr`
# - 1 degree: `gs://noaa-ufs-gefsv13replay/ufs-hr1/1.00-degree/06h-freq/zarr/mom6.zarr`
# ⚠️ Warning about the Atmosphere Vertical Coordinate ⚠️
# The atmosphere data is on the native model vertical coordinate.
# Despite the fact that the coordinate is named `pfull` and has units hPa, the vertical coordinate is **not**
# pressure levels.
# The coordinate refers to a "reference" pressure level, if the surface pressure at this particular
# point in time and horizontal space were 1000 hPa.
# The python package
ufs2arco can be used to interpolate from the native FV3 vertical coordinate to pressure levels.
# Please see
this documentation page for example usage.
# ## 1/4 Degree Data
# 30 years (1994 - 2023) of 1/4 degree at 3 hour frequency for atmosphere fields and 6 hour frequency for ocean fields
# In[1]:
import xarray as xr
# In[2]:
atm = xr.open_zarr(
storage_options={"token": "anon"},
# In[3]:
# In[4]:
ocn = xr.open_zarr(
storage_options={"token": "anon"},
# In[5]:
# Data and chunksizes are as follows
# 3D Atmosphere fields
# In[6]:
print("chunks = ", atm.tmp.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 3D Ocean fields
# In[7]:
print("chunks = ", ocn.temp.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 2D Atmosphere fields
# In[8]:
print("chunks = ", atm.tmp2m.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 2D Ocean fields
# In[9]:
print("chunks = ", ocn.SSH.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# Some example plots...
# In[10]:
get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', 'atm.tmp2m.isel(time=slice(8)).plot(col="time", col_wrap=4)\n')
# In[11]:
get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', 'ocn.SSH.isel(time=slice(8)).plot(col="time", col_wrap=4)\n')
# ## Subsampled 1/4 Degree Dataset
# 30 years (1994 - 2023) of 1/4 degree data, subsampled from the 1/4 degree data to ~1 degree resolution
# by selecting every 4th point in latitude/longitude (dimensions grid_yt/grid_xt in the atmosphere
# dataset)
# In[12]:
atm = xr.open_zarr(
storage_options={"token": "anon"},
# In[13]:
# In[14]:
ocn = xr.open_zarr(
storage_options={"token": "anon"},
# In[15]:
# Data and chunksizes are as follows
# 3D Atmosphere fields
# In[16]:
print("chunks = ", atm.tmp.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 3D Ocean fields
# In[17]:
print("chunks = ", ocn.temp.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 2D Atmosphere fields
# In[18]:
print("chunks = ", atm.tmp2m.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 2D Ocean fields
# In[19]:
print("chunks = ", ocn.SSH.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# Some example plots...
# In[20]:
get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', 'atm.tmp2m.isel(time=slice(8)).plot(col="time", col_wrap=4)\n')
# In[21]:
get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', 'ocn.SSH.isel(time=slice(8)).plot(col="time", col_wrap=4)\n')
# ## 1 Degree Data
# 5.5 years (1994 - 1999) of 1 degree at 3 hour frequency for atmosphere fields and 6 hour frequency for ocean fields
# In[22]:
atm = xr.open_zarr(
storage_options={"token": "anon"},
# In[23]:
# In[24]:
ocn = xr.open_zarr(
storage_options={"token": "anon"},
# In[25]:
# Data and chunksizes are as follows
# 3D Atmosphere fields
# In[26]:
print("chunks = ", atm.tmp.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 3D Ocean fields
# In[27]:
print("chunks = ", ocn.temp.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 2D Atmosphere fields
# In[28]:
print("chunks = ", atm.tmp2m.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# 2D Ocean fields
# In[29]:
print("chunks = ", ocn.SSH.encoding["preferred_chunks"])
# Some example plots...
# In[30]:
get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', 'atm.tmp2m.isel(time=slice(8)).plot(col="time", col_wrap=4)\n')
# In[31]:
get_ipython().run_cell_magic('time', '', 'ocn.SSH.isel(time=slice(8)).plot(col="time", col_wrap=4)\n')
# In[ ]: