#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # [Prody](http://prody.csb.pitt.edu) is an open-source Python package for protein structural dynamics analysis with an expansive and well-written API. # In[1]: import prody prot = prody.parsePDB('3UB5') # The default visualization in ProDy uses matplotlib. # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') prody.showProtein(prot) # With the latest version of ProDy, `py3Dmol` will be used if it has been imported. # In[3]: prody.checkUpdates() # In[4]: import py3Dmol prody.showProtein(prot) # # Configuration # # A number of keyword arguments are supported. # The background color is configurable. # In[5]: prody.showProtein(prot,backgroundColor="black") # The height and width of the viewer can be changed. # In[6]: prody.showProtein(prot, height=400, width=200,backgroundcolor='gray') # The viewer can be zoomed and centered on a given [AtomSelectionSpec](http://3dmol.csb.pitt.edu/doc/types.html#AtomSelectionSpec). # In[7]: prody.showProtein(prot, zoomto={'resn':'ATP'}) # # Styles # # Custom styles can be applied by providing [AtomSelectionSpec](http://3dmol.csb.pitt.edu/doc/types.html#AtomSelectionSpec) and [AtomStyleSpec](http://3dmol.csb.pitt.edu/doc/types.html#AtomStyleSpec) objects. # # A single style may be applied. # In[8]: prody.showProtein(prot,style={'cartoon':{'colorscheme':'chain'},'stick':{'colorscheme':'chain'}}) # For more complex styling, generate and manipulate the py3Dmol view object directly. # In[9]: view = prody.view3D(prot) view.setStyle({'cartoon':{'colorscheme':'chain'}}) view.setStyle({'hetflag':True},{'stick':{'colorscheme':'magentaCarbon'}}) view.setStyle({'bonds': 0},{'sphere':{'radius':0.5}}) view.addLabel('Chain A',{'inFront':True,'showBackground':False,'fontColor':'blue'},{'chain':'A'}) view.addLabel('Chain P',{'inFront':True,'showBackground':False,'fontColor':'green'},{'chain':'P'}) view.show() # # GNM/ANM # # Squared fluctuations (or any other alpha-carbon length numerical vector) can be visualized in a RWB colorscheme. Red values are larger. # In[10]: gnm, sel = prody.calcGNM(prot,cutoff=7.3) # Individual modes may be visualized. # In[11]: prody.showProtein(prot,flucts=prody.calcSqFlucts(gnm[0])) # Styles can still be applied. # In[12]: prody.showProtein(prot,flucts=gnm[1].getArray(),style={'cartoon':{}}) # # Motions # # It is also possible to provide an array of vectors (one per a calpha) that can be used to animate motions. The animate kwarg takes the 3Dmol.js animate options. # In[13]: anm, sel = prody.calcANM(prot) # In[14]: prody.showProtein(prot,vecs=anm[0].getArray(), flucts=prody.calcSqFlucts(anm[0]), style={'cartoon':{}}) # # Multiple Structures # In[15]: prody.showProtein(prot,prot,flucts=[gnm[1].getArray(),prody.calcSqFlucts(anm[0])],vecs=[anm[0].getArray(),[]]) # In[16]: prody.__version__ # In[ ]: