#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# # Ball and Stick

# *(Behrens et al. 2003)* proposed to represent the intra-axonal diffusion as a Stick - a cylinder with zero radius - and the extra-axonal diffusion as a Ball - an isotropic Gaussian compartment.
# \begin{equation}
#  E^{\textrm{Ball and}}_{\textrm{Sticks}}=\underbrace{f_h\overbrace{E_{iso}(\lambda_{\textrm{iso}})}^{\textrm{Ball}}}_{\textrm{Extra-Axonal}}+ \sum_{i=1}^{N}\underbrace{f_{i,r}\overbrace{E_r(\boldsymbol{\mu}_i|\lambda_\parallel)}^{\textrm{Stick}}}_{\textrm{Intra-Axonal}}
# \end{equation}
# For this first example, we will restrict ourselves to the case where $N$=2

# # Human Connectome Project Example

# In[1]:

from dmipy.data import saved_data
scheme_hcp, data_hcp = saved_data.wu_minn_hcp_coronal_slice()

# In[2]:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patches as patches
get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')

fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
ax.imshow(data_hcp[:, 0, :, 0].T, origin=True)
rect = patches.Rectangle((70,70),20,20,linewidth=1,edgecolor='r',facecolor='none')
ax.set_title('HCP coronal slice B0 with ROI');

# In[3]:

data_hcp_small = data_hcp[70:90, :, 70:90]

# ## Generate Ball and Stick model

# In[4]:

from dmipy.signal_models import cylinder_models, gaussian_models
from dmipy.core.modeling_framework import MultiCompartmentModel
ball = gaussian_models.G1Ball()
stick1 = cylinder_models.C1Stick()
stick2 = cylinder_models.C1Stick()
BAS_mod = MultiCompartmentModel(models=[ball, stick1, stick2])

# In[5]:


# In[6]:

BAS_mod.set_fixed_parameter('G1Ball_1_lambda_iso', 3e-9)

# In[7]:


# ## Fit Ball and Sticks model to HCP data

# In[8]:

BAS_fit_hcp = BAS_mod.fit(scheme_hcp, data_hcp_small)

# In[9]:

from dipy.viz import fvtk
from dipy.viz.actor import slicer
import numpy as np
affine = np.eye(4)
affine[0,3] = -10
affine[1,3] = -10

volume1 = BAS_fit_hcp.fitted_parameters['partial_volume_1']
volume2 = BAS_fit_hcp.fitted_parameters['partial_volume_2']
volume_im = slicer(1. - BAS_fit_hcp.fitted_parameters['partial_volume_0'][:, 0, :, None],
                   interpolation='nearest', affine=affine, opacity=0.7)

peak_intensities = np.concatenate([volume1[..., None], volume2[..., None]], axis=-1)

ren = fvtk.ren()
peaks = BAS_fit_hcp.peaks_cartesian()
peaks_fvtk = fvtk.peaks(peaks, peak_intensities, scale=1.)
fvtk.add(ren, peaks_fvtk)
fvtk.add(ren, volume_im)
fvtk.record(ren=ren, size=[700, 700], out_path='dipy.png')

# In[10]:

import matplotlib.image as mpimg
img = mpimg.imread('dipy.png')
plt.figure(figsize=[10, 10])
plt.imshow(img[100:-97, 100:-85])

# Seems like two sticks overparameterize the problem in the corpus callosum, but on the right we can see consistent crossings. Possibly MIX can do a slighly better job, but it looks like we need somethings that enforces sparsity in the volume fractions.

# ## References
# - Behrens, Timothy EJ, et al. "Characterization and propagation of uncertainty in diffusion‐weighted MR imaging." Magnetic resonance in medicine 50.5 (2003): 1077-1088