import os from dmipy.signal_models import g_from_b from scipy.stats import gamma gradient_folder = '/user/rfick/home/microstruktur/microstruktur/gradient_tables/' bvals_hcp = np.loadtxt(gradient_folder + 'bvals_hcp_wu_minn.txt') # in s/mm^2, shape (N) bvecs_hcp = np.loadtxt(gradient_folder + 'bvecs_hcp_wu_minn.txt').T # Cartesian unit vectors, shape(N x 3) delta, Delta = np.loadtxt(gradient_folder + 'delta_Delta_hcp_wu_minn.txt', skiprows=1) # in seconds G = g_from_b(bvals_hcp * 1e6, delta, Delta) # gradient strength in T/m. bvals input as s/m^2 so x10^6 G[G == 5.] = 0. # set b0 measurements to 0 explicitly TE = 2 * delta + Delta + 0.001 Camino schemefiles are formed as: VERSION: STEJSKALTANNER x_1, y_1, z_1, |G_1|, DELTA_1, delta_1, TE_1 x_2 ... ... where x, y, z are the orientations of the b-vectors, |G| is the gradient strength, DELTA is the pulse separation, delta is the pulse length and TE is the Echo Time. Everything is in SI units, so a Connectom gradient strength of 300 mT/m is put in as 0.3 T/m for example. Reference: N = len(bvals_hcp) # length of acquisition scheme = np.concatenate([bvecs_hcp, G[:, None].T, np.tile(Delta, (1, N)), np.tile(delta, (1, N)), np.tile(TE, (1, N))], axis=0).T # camino schemefile of size (N x 7) header = np.array([['VERSION: STEJSKALTANNER' ,'','','','','','']]) # clumsy way to make an array with text scheme_with_header = np.concatenate([header, scheme], axis=0) # the to-be-saved schemefile np.savetxt(gradient_folder + 'schemefile_hcp_wu_minn.scheme1', scheme_with_header, fmt="%s") lattices, alpha, beta = np.loadtxt(gradient_folder + 'camino_substrate_parameters_alexander2010.txt', skiprows=1, usecols=(0, 1, 2)).T x = np.linspace(0, 4e-6, 200) for alpha_, beta_ in zip(alpha[::2], beta[::2]): gamma_dist = gamma(alpha_, scale=beta_) plt.plot(x * 2e6, gamma_dist.pdf(x)) xlabel('Axon Diameter ($\mu$m)', fontsize=15) ylabel('Probability Density', fontsize=15) title('Simulated Gamma Distributions', fontsize=17) plt.hist(alpha[::2] * beta[::2] * 2e6, bins=15) xlabel('Mean Axon Diameter ($\mu$m)', fontsize=15) ylabel('Frequency', fontsize=15) The latices were selected by alexander et al (2010) to maximize the packing of the cylinders for the given gamma distribrution to an intra-axonal volume fraction of around (0.7). latices_onesize = lattices[::2] latice_surfaces = latices_onesize ** 2 original_surface_intra = latice_surfaces * 0.7 # volume fraction of maximum packing largest_latice_surface = original_surface_intra * 5 # to make the intra-axonal surface fraction 0.2 latice_steps = 10 output = [] fnames = [] for i in np.arange(latices_onesize.shape[0]): latices_ = np.sqrt(np.linspace(latice_surfaces[i], largest_latice_surface[i], latice_steps)) alphas_ = np.tile(alpha[::2][i], latice_steps) betas_ = np.tile(beta[::2][i], latice_steps) for latnum_ in np.arange(10): fnames.append('gamma'+str(i)+'lat'+str(latnum_)+'.Bfloat') output.append(np.c_[latices_, alphas_, betas_]) parameter_list = np.c_[np.concatenate(output), np.array(fnames)] savetxt(gradient_folder + 'camino_substrate_parameters_review_fick2017.txt', parameter_list, fmt="%s") The Camino command to run one simulation: SCHEMEFILES="schemefile_hcp_wu_minn" WALKERS=80000 TIMESTEPS=5000 DIFF=1.7E-9; BASEDIR=/home/rfick/simulations/journal_review OUTPUTDIR=$BASEDIR/data mkdir ${OUTPUTDIR} for scheme in $SCHEMEFILES do mkdir ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme} while read -r LATSIZE GAMA GAMB FNAME; do datasynth -walkers ${WALKERS} -tmax ${TIMESTEPS} -geometry inflammation -numcylinders 100 -p 0.0 -initial uniform -voxels 1 -increments 1 -separateruns -latticesize ${LATSIZE} -schemefile $BASEDIR/schemes/$scheme.scheme1 -gamma ${GAMA} ${GAMB} -diffusivity ${DIFF} 1> ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme}/${FNAME} 2> ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme}/${FNAME}_log.txt && cat ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme}/${FNAME}_log.txt | grep fraction | awk '{print $5}' > ${OUTPUTDIR}/${scheme}/${FNAME}_fraction.txt" done