#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Entity Explorer - Account #
#  Notebook Details... # # **Notebook Version:** 2.0
# **Python Version:** Python 3.8+
# **Required Packages**: msticpy, msticnb
# # **Data Sources Required**: # - Sentinel - SecurityAlert, SecurityEvent, HuntingBookmark, Syslog, AAD SigninLogs, AzureActivity, OfficeActivity, ThreatIndicator # - (Optional) - VirusTotal, AlienVault OTX, IBM XForce, Open Page Rank, (all require accounts and API keys) #
# # Brings together a series of queries and visualizations to help you determine the security state of an Account. # # The account can be a Windows or Linux account or an Azure Active Directory/Office 365 account. # # The notebook uses the [MSTIC notebooklets](https://msticnb.readthedocs.io) package to run most of the functionality. # Summarized data is returned when it is run and more detailed information is contained in the returned `result` class. # # # # # #


# #
# # # # # ## Hunting Hypothesis # Our broad initial hunting hypothesis is that a we have received account name entity which is suspected to be compromised and is being used malicious manner in internal networks, we will need to hunt from a range of different positions to validate or disprove this hypothesis. # --- # # Notebook initialization # This should complete without errors. If you encounter errors or warnings look at the following notebooks: # # - Getting Started Notebook # - [TroubleShootingNotebooks](https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel-Notebooks/blob/master/TroubleShootingNotebooks.ipynb) # - [ConfiguringNotebookEnvironment](https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel-Notebooks/blob/master/ConfiguringNotebookEnvironment.ipynb) # #
#  Details... # The next cell: # - Checks for the correct Python version # - Checks versions and optionally installs required packages # - Imports the required packages into the notebook # - Sets a number of configuration options. # # If you are running in the Azure Sentinel Notebooks environment (Azure Notebooks or Azure ML) you can run live versions of these notebooks: # - [Getting Started](./A Getting Started Guide For Azure Sentinel ML Notebooks.ipynb) # - [Run TroubleShootingNotebooks](./TroubleShootingNotebooks.ipynb) # - [Run ConfiguringNotebookEnvironment](./ConfiguringNotebookEnvironment.ipynb) # # You may also need to do some additional configuration to successfully use functions such as Threat Intelligence service lookup and Geo IP lookup. # There are more details about this in the `ConfiguringNotebookEnvironment` notebook and in these documents: # - [msticpy configuration](https://msticpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/msticpyconfig.html) # - [Threat intelligence provider configuration](https://msticpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_acquisition/TIProviders.html#configuration-file) #
# In[ ]: from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone REQ_PYTHON_VER = "3.8" REQ_MSTICPY_VER = "1.8.0" # %pip install --upgrade msticpy import msticpy msticpy.init_notebook( namespace=globals(), additional_packages=["msticnb>=1.0"], verbosity=0, ); # In[ ]: # papermill default parameters ws_name = "Default" account_name = "" account_types = ["All"] # Windows, Linux, Azure, All end = datetime.now(timezone.utc) start = end - timedelta(days=2) # ### Get Workspace and Authenticate # #
# Authentication help... # If you want to use a workspace other than one you have defined in your
# msticpyconfig.yaml create a connection string with your AAD TENANT_ID and
# your WORKSPACE_ID (these should both be quoted UUID strings). # # ```python # workspace_cs = "loganalytics://code().tenant('TENANT_ID').workspace('WORKSPACE_ID')" # ``` # e.g. # ```python # workspace_cs = "loganalytics://code().tenant('c3de0f06-dcb8-40fb-9d1a-b62faea29d9d').workspace('c62d3dc5-11e6-4e29-aa67-eac88d5e6cf6')" # ``` # Then in the Authentication cell replace # the call to `qry_prov.connect` with the following: # ```python # qry_prov.connect(connect_str=workspace_cs) # ``` # The cell should now look like this: # # ```python # ... # # Authentication # qry_prov = QueryProvider(data_environment="MSSentinel") # qry_prov.connect(connect_str=workspace_cs) # ... # ``` # # On successful authentication you should see a ```popup schema``` button. # To find your Workspace Id go to [Log Analytics](https://ms.portal.azure.com/#blade/HubsExtension/Resources/resourceType/Microsoft.OperationalInsights%2Fworkspaces). Look at the workspace properties to find the ID. #
# In[ ]: print("Configured workspaces: ", ", ".join(msticpy.settings.get_config("AzureSentinel.Workspaces").keys())) import ipywidgets as widgets ws_param = widgets.Combobox( description="Workspace Name", value=ws_name, options=list(msticpy.settings.get_config("AzureSentinel.Workspaces").keys()) ) ws_param # In[ ]: from msticpy.common.timespan import TimeSpan # Authentication qry_prov = QueryProvider(data_environment="MSSentinel") qry_prov.connect(WorkspaceConfig(workspace=ws_param.value)) nb_timespan = TimeSpan(start, end) qry_prov.query_time.timespan = nb_timespan md("
") md("Confirm time range to search", "bold") qry_prov.query_time # #### Authentication and Configuration problems? # # If you are having problems, expand the details section below #
# Click for details about configuring your authentication parameters # # # The notebook is expecting your Azure Sentinel Tenant ID and Workspace ID to be configured in one of the following places: # - `msticpyconfig.yaml` in the current folder or location specified by `MSTICPYCONFIG` environment variable. # - `config.json` in the current folder # # For help with setting up your configuration (if this hasn't been done automatically) see the [Getting Started](./A Getting Started Guide For Azure Sentinel ML Notebooks.ipynb) notebook in the root folder of your Azure-Sentinel-Notebooks project. #
# ## Import and initialize notebooklets # # This imports the **msticnb** package and the notebooklets classes. # # These are needed for the notebook operations # In[ ]: import msticnb as nb nb.init(query_provider=qry_prov) pivot.timespan = qry_prov.query_time.timespan # # Enter account name and query time window # Type the account name that you want to search for and the time bounds over which you want to search. # # You can specify the account as: # # - a simple user name (e.g. `alice`) # - a user principal name (`alice@contoso.com`) # - a qualified windows user name `mydomain\alice` # # In the second two cases the domain qualifier will be stripped off before the search. The search is not case sensitive and will match full substrings. E.g. `bob` will match `domain\bob` and `bob@contoso.com` but not `bobg` or `bo`. # In[ ]: account_txt = nbwidgets.GetText(prompt='Enter the Account name to search for:', value=account_name) display(account_txt) md("
") # You can opt to search all data types or just a subset. # For example, if you know the account activity that you are interested in is only Windows host activity, you can select "Windows". # # The default is All Data but other options are: # - Azure (includes Office365 activity, Active Directory Signin logs and Azure audit activity) # - Office365 - only Office365 activity # - AzureActiveDirectory - only signin logs # - Azure - only Azure resource/audit activity # - Windows - only Windows host event logs # - Linux - only Linux host syslog # In[ ]: from msticnb.nb.azsent.account.account_summary import AccountType acct_types = [item.name for item in AccountType] import ipywidgets as widgets acct_types_select = widgets.SelectMultiple( description="Select Account types to search", options=acct_types, value=account_types or acct_types, **WIDGET_DEFAULTS, ) acct_types_select # # Run the main *account_summary* notebooklet `run` method # # The notebooklet will search Azure, Windows host and Linux host data, # searching for account matches. # # **Note**: Different result properties will populated for different account types. # # It will display a *summary* of the information retrieved as it is running. # You can find information on accessing the full data later in the notebook. # # **Note:** If more than one matching account name is found, all matches will be shown.
# You can select each of these matching accounts to view more details about the account.
# Once selected, you can retrieve more detailed information about that account. # #
# Running the notebooklet as a Pivot Function # This can also be run as a pivot function from the Account entity.
# The pivot function `account_summary` is in the `nblt` container # of the `Account` entity. # # ```python # Account = entities.Account # acc_result = Account.nblt.account_summary( # value=account_txt.value, # account_types=acct_types_select.value # ) # ``` # # In this case you do not have direct access to the methods # of the "AccountSummary".
# However, all methods and properties # of the notebooklet class are accessible via the results class. # ```python # acct_nb.get_additional_data() # ``` # is equivalent to # ```python # acc_result.get_additional_data() # ``` #
# In[ ]: acct_nb = nb.nblts.azsent.account.AccountSummary() md( "", "large, bold" ) acc_result = acct_nb.run( value=account_txt.value, timespan=qry_prov.query_time.timespan, account_types=acct_types_select.value, ) # In[ ]: if len(acc_result.account_selector.options) > 1: md_warn("Multiple matches found for account. Running on first listed account") # # Retrieve additional data for the selected account # # The result returned from the last cell has a number of properties and methods that you can use # to retrieve and view further information. # # The main one for this notebooklet is `get_additional_data`. # Depending on the account type (Azure, Windows or Linux), it will retrieve more detailed # data about recent activity # In[ ]: acc_result.get_additional_data() # # Browse alerts # If there are any alerts referencing this account name they can be viewed # by calling the `acc_result.browse_alerts()` function. # In[ ]: acc_result.notebooklet.browse_alerts() # # Appendix - Additional properties from the Notebooklet result # # --- # ## Browse other event data # # You can use a simple view to make it easier to see the details of individual events # by calling the "view_events" method. # # You need to supply the name of the result attribute that you want to view plus # one or more summary columns (as a list of strings). # In[ ]: data_source = nbwidgets.SelectItem( description="Available data properties\n", item_list=acc_result.data_properties() ) data_source # Running the following cell will use the data property selected above # to browse through the data (if any). # In[ ]: acc_result.view_events( attrib=data_source.value, # the result attribute to view # summary_cols controls which cols are use to create the summary # for the select list summary_cols = list(getattr(acc_result, data_source.value).columns)[:3] # Add specific columns here to customize the list items # summary_cols=["SourceSystem", "Operation", "IPAddress"] ) # You can also access the DataFrames properties directly # In[ ]: acc_result.ip_all_data # ## Browse events with alternative sorting # You can pass a DataFrame to *result*`.view_events()` instead of an attribute name. # # This means that you can apply sorting or filtering of the data before viewing it. # Here is an example sorting by IPAddress. # # ```python # acc_result.view_events( # data=acc_result.azure_activity.sort_values("IPAddress"), # summary_cols=["SourceSystem", "Operation", "IPAddress"] # ) # ``` # ## Additional properties and methods of the result object # # These are static properties - usually DataFrames or visualizations. # You can access each of these to see or manipulate the retrieved data. # # To see help on the available attributes type: # ```python # >>> help(acc_result) # ``` # To see the available methods type: # ```python # >>> acc_result.list_methods() # ``` # > Note, for the AccountSummary notebooklet, the two main data retrieval methods are:
# > - run
# > - get_additional_data
# > There are several other methods that allow you to view individual plots # > or subsets of the data (such as alerts). # # To view help on a specific method type: # ```python # >>> help(acc_result.method_name) # ``` # # To run a method # ```python # acc_result.display_alert_timeline() # ``` # In[ ]: acc_result.list_methods() # --- # # ## Viewing the Result class # You can view all of the data in the results class by "running" it in a cell # # > Note: This produces a lot of output.
# > Due to the way Jupyter display Javascript objects the plots may # > appear out of order. # # ```ipython # acc_result # ``` # # Most of the properties of the results class are pandas DataFrames - # you can use these directly for further analysis. Other property types # include entities and visualizations. # # The DataFrames displayed by running the result object are truncated # to the first five rows. # # You can also access individual data properties of the result as follows: # ```ipython # result.data_property # ``` # In[ ]: acc_result.data_properties() # --- # # ## Using Pivots to get more context information # # You can run a pivot function on the account summary results # to get additional context on the data. # # Here is an example of looking up Whois information for Azure IPAddress requests. # # ```python # whois_df = ( # acc_result # the results object # .azure_activity[["IPAddress"]] # the property and the column we want # .drop_duplicates() # drop duplicates # .mp_pivot.run( # run the pivot function IpAddress 'whois' function # IpAddress.util.whois, column="IPAddress" # ) # ) # whois_df # ``` # --- # # ## Use other notebooklets and pivots functions to drill down on other entities # # You may want to drill down on other entities in the Account data. # You can use methods of the IpAddress or Host entities, for example, # to look at these in more detail. # # Run the ip_address_summary notebooklet pivot # ```python # IpAddress = entities.IpAddress # ip_result = IpAddress.nblt.ip_address_summary("") # ``` # # View the TI results # ```python # ip_result.browse_ti_results() # ``` # --- # # # More information: # # ## Notebooklets and Pivots # [Notebooklets](https://msticnb.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) # # [Pivot functions](https://msticpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/data_analysis/PivotFunctions.html) # # ## Notebook/MSTICPy configuration # [Getting Started](https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel-Notebooks/blob/master/A%20Getting%20Started%20Guide%20For%20Azure%20Sentinel%20ML%20Notebooks.ipynb) # [MSTICPy Configuration guide](https://msticpy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/msticpyconfig.html) # # [ConfigureNotebookEnvironment notebook](https://github.com/Azure/Azure-Sentinel-Notebooks/blob/master/ConfiguringNotebookEnvironment.ipynb)