# Kernel: Python 3.8 - AzureML # If you are not sure, you may check what kernels you already have on the compute instance: !jupyter kernelspec list # Kernel: Python 3.8 - AzureML # For Ubuntu 18.04 !wget https://packages.microsoft.com/config/ubuntu/18.04/packages-microsoft-prod.deb -O packages-microsoft-prod.deb !sudo dpkg -i packages-microsoft-prod.deb # Kernel: Python 3.8 - AzureML # Install .NET SDK 5.0 !sudo apt-get update; \ sudo apt-get install -y apt-transport-https && \ sudo apt-get update && \ sudo apt-get install -y dotnet-sdk-5.0 # Kernel: Python 3.8 - AzureML # Install the dotnet interactive global tool !dotnet tool install --global Microsoft.dotnet-interactive # Kernel: Python 3.8 - AzureML # Create�symlink�between the dotnet interactive and thelocal bin directory !sudo ln -s /home/azureuser/.dotnet/tools/dotnet-interactive /usr/local/bin/dotnet-interactive # Kernel: Python 3.8 - AzureML # Finally install the .NET kernel: C#, F#, and PowerShell !dotnet interactive jupyter install ##Installs modules necessary to run notebook Install-Module Az.Compute,Az.Resources,Az.OperationalInsights,powershell-yaml -Force ##Get more details on your PowerShell environment $PSVersionTable ##Output Markdown Out-Display "**THIS IS BOLD** _ITALICS_" -MimeType text/markdown ##Set foreground color $host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = [System.ConsoleColor]::Blue ##Default output colors can be changed $Host.PrivateData.WarningBackgroundColor = "White" $Host.PrivateData.WarningForegroundColor = "Black" ##Change output color inline Write-Host "Lets get started ..." -ForegroundColor Blue -BackgroundColor White ##You can write-host with the -nonewlinke flag Write-Host "Hello " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "World!" -ForegroundColor Blue ##Output HTML #!html Hello in HTML! #!markdown Write a **list** ... * first item * second item ...or a _table_... |CallerIP |PrincipalString | |---------|--------| | |joe@contoso.com | | |joanne@contoso.com | #!csharp var x="Hello using C#!"; Console.WriteLine(x); #!pwsh $x = "Hello using PowerShell!" Write-Host $x ##Download IOCs from the internet and use them in your investigation/hunts $ips = (Invoke-WebRequest 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parthdmaniar/coronavirus-covid-19-SARS-CoV-2-IoCs/master/IPs').content $ips ##You can ask for user input Write-Host "Don't forget that execution of cells will block on prompts until you submit!" $name = Read-Host -Prompt "What is the server name you would like to investigate? " $name ##You can use a progress bar For ($i=0; $i -le 100; $i++) { Write-Progress -Id 1 -Activity "Parent work progress" -Status "Current Count: $i" -PercentComplete $i -CurrentOperation "Counting ..." For ($j=0; $j -le 10; $j++) { Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5 Write-Progress -Parent 1 -Id 2 -Activity "Child work progress" -Status "Current Count: $j" -PercentComplete ($j*10) -CurrentOperation "Working ..." } if ($i -eq 50) { Write-Host "Doing the work around here..." -Foreground DarkBlue "Output goes here..." } } ##If you have long running task, that prints output to the screen ##use the -Parallel flag to run them in parallel, vastly improving performance. ##Example below runs one loop sequentially while the second example runs them in parallel Write-Host "Number of seconds running commands sequentially: " -nonewline (Measure-Command { 1..5 | ForEach-Object -Process {write-output "This is number $_"; sleep 2} }).Seconds Write-Host "Number of seconds running commands in parallel: " -nonewline (Measure-Command { 1..5 | ForEach-Object -Parallel {write-output "This is number $_"; sleep 2} }).Seconds ##Get your configuration file settings $nbcontentpath = "config.json" if(!(test-path $nbcontentpath)){ write-host "INFO: Your configuration path ($nbcontentpath) could not be located." write-host "INFO: Attempting to build the file path explicitly. If this continues to be a problem, run 'dir' within the cell to find the current working directory and update the `$nbcontentpath variable accordingly." $username = read-host "Enter the user name used for the notebook file explorer (the name of the top level folder):" $nbcontentpath = "users\$username\config.json" } ##Path fix in case you picked up the cookie cutter configuration file (if you cloned repo from GitHub in terminal) if(test-path $nbcontentpath){ $content = gc $nbcontentpath | ?{$_ -match "cookiecutter"} if($content.Length -gt 0) { $nbcontentpath = "..\" + $nbcontentpath } } try { $nbconfigcontent = Get-Content $nbcontentpath -ErrorAction Stop } catch { write-host "ERROR: Your configuration path ($nbcontentpath) could not be located. Please fix before continuing further." } ##Set variables you will use throughout the notebook $tenantId = ($nbconfigcontent | ConvertFrom-Json).tenant_id $subscriptionId = ($nbconfigcontent | ConvertFrom-Json).subscription_id $resourceGroup = ($nbconfigcontent | ConvertFrom-Json).resource_group $workspaceName = ($nbconfigcontent | ConvertFrom-Json).workspace_name $workspaceId = ($nbconfigcontent | ConvertFrom-Json).workspace_id Write-Host "SubscriptionId: " $subscriptionId Write-Host "TenantId: " $tenantId Write-Host "WorkspaceId: " $workspaceId Write-Host "workspaceName: " $workspaceName #Change the default colors used for PowerShell warnings as they make the Connect-AzAccount output difficult to see $Host.PrivateData.WarningBackgroundColor = "White" $Host.PrivateData.WarningForegroundColor = "Black" ##Connect to selected subscription Connect-AzAccount -UseDeviceAuthentication Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId -TenantId $tenantId ##Configure the Log Analytics workspace $workspace = $null $workspaces = Get-AzOperationalInsightsWorkspace -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup if($workspaces.Length -gt 1) { Write-Host "INFO: Multiple workspaces detected." foreach($wksp in $workspaces){ if($wksp.Name -eq $workspaceName) { $workspace = $wksp } } } else { $workspace = $workspaces } Write-Host "INFO: Ensure that the workspace -- {"$workspace.Name"} is the intended target workspace before continuing to the next cell." $workspace ##Query your workspace using the savedsearches API $savedSearchQueries = (Get-AzOperationalInsightsSavedSearch -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -WorkspaceName $workspaceName).value $huntingQueries = $savedSearchQueries | %{$_.properties } | ? {$_.Category -match "Hunting Queries"} Write-Host "Displaying the first 5 hunting queries..." 0..4 | foreach {Write-Host "Hunting Query Name: " -nonewline;$huntingQueries[$_].DisplayName} ##Build resource id $worksapceId = "subscriptions/${subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/${resourceGroup}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/${workspaceName}" $incidentsResource = $worksapceId + "/" + "providers/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/incidents" ##Get incidents $incidents = Get-AzResource -ResourceId $incidentsResource -ApiVersion "2019-01-01-preview" ##Only display a few incidents as the notebook has to translate the PowerShell output into the Jupyter UI 0..4 | foreach {Write-Host "Incident Number {$_}: " -nonewline;$incidents[$_].Properties} ##Retrieve all of your incident counts and day they were created $incidentsforgraph = $incidents | % {$_.properties} | select Title, Description, Severity, Status, Owner, createdTimeUtc, relatedAnalyticRuleIds, incidentUrl | ? {(get-date $_.createdTimeUtc) -gt (get-date).AddDays(-31d)} ##Add formated property for the date they were created to make it easier to create graphs foreach($incident in $incidentsforgraph) { $incident | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name NewDate -Value (get-date $incident.createdTimeUtc -format "yyyy-MM-dd") -Force } ##Retrieve all of your incident counts and day they were created for the last 30 days $openIncidents = $incidentsforgraph | ? {$_.Status -ne "Closed"} $closedIncidents = $incidentsforgraph | ? {$_.Status -eq "Closed"} Write-Host "Total incidents (last 30 days) : " $incidentsforgraph.count Write-Host "Total Open Incidents (last 30 days) : " $openIncidents.count Write-Host "Total Closed Incidents (last 30 days) : " $closedIncidents.count ##At least one of each incident type (open or closed) must exists to run this cell if(($closedIncidents -eq $null) -or ($openIncidents -eq $null)){ Write-Host "You need at least one instance of each incident type (open or closed) to render the chart" } else { ##Create open incident plots $openSeries = [Graph.Scatter]::new() $openSeries.name = "Open Incidents" $openSeries.x = @(($openIncidents | group-object -Property NewDate).Name | % {$_.ToString()}) $openSeries.y = (($openIncidents | group-object -Property NewDate | Select Count | %{$_.Count})) ##Create closed incident plots $closeSeries = [Graph.Scatter]::new() $closeSeries.name = "Closed Incidents" $closeSeries.x = @(($closedIncidents | group-object -Property NewDate).Name | % {$_.ToString()}) $closeSeries.y = (($closedIncidents | group-object -Property NewDate | Select Count | %{$_.Count})) ##Display chart $chart = @($openSeries, $closeSeries) | New-PlotlyChart -Title "Open vs Closed Incidents" Out-Display $chart } ##Add a timeframe variable $timeframe = $null do { $timeframe = Read-Host "How many days back would you like to query the data? (you must enter an integer for number of days):" $timeframe = $timeframe -as [int] if ($timeframe -eq $null) { write-host "You must enter a numeric value" } } until ($timeframe -ne $null) write-host "You entered: $timeframe days as the input timespan." ##Query Heartbeat table $query = "Heartbeat | where TimeGenerated >= ago($timeframe" + "d" + ") | take 10" Write-Host "Query to run: " $query ##Run query and add results to object. Now you can use object to display data or graph $queryResults = Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery -Workspace $Workspace -query $query #0..1 | foreach {Write-Host "Result Number {$_}: ";$queryResults.results[$_] } $queryResults.Results | select TimeGenerated, ComputerIP, Computer, ` OSType, RemoteIPLongitude, RemoteIPLatitude, RemoteIPCountry, ` Resource, ResourceType, ComputerEnvironment | Format-Table ##Using the example from an earlier cell, collect a list of IOCs and join them with IPs from a query ##Download IOCs from the internet and use them in your investigation/hunts $ips = ((Invoke-WebRequest 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/parthdmaniar/coronavirus-covid-19-SARS-CoV-2-IoCs/master/IPs').content).ToString() -Split "`n" ##Query the Log Analytics table $query = @" Heartbeat | where TimeGenerated >= ago(1d) | summarize RecordCount=count() by ComputerIPs=ComputerIP "@ ##Run query and add results to object. Now you can use object to display data or graph $queryResults = Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery -Workspace $Workspace -query $query $computerips=($queryResults.Results | Group-Object ComputerIPs).Group.ComputerIPs ##Compare IOC IPs to IPs from your logs Write-Host "Example of comparing IPs to IOCs..." foreach($computerip in ($computerips | select -first 10 )) { for($i=0;$i -lt $ips.Length;$i++) { write-host "IOC-IP:" $ips[$i] "does not match IP:" $ips[$i] "from logs!" if($i -gt 3) {break} } } ##Get your configuration file settings $configFileSuccess=$false $yamlcontentpath = "msticpyconfig.yaml" $yaml = $null if(!(test-path $yamlcontentpath)) { write-host "INFO: Your configuration path ($yamlcontentpath) could not be located." write-host "INFO: Attempting to build the file path explicitly. If this continues to be a problem, run 'dir' within the cell to find the current working directory and update the `$nbcontentpath variable accordingly." $username = read-host "Enter the user name used for the notebook file explorer:" $yamlcontentpath = "users\$username\msticpyconfig.yaml" } ##Path fix in case you picked up the cookie cutter configuration file (if you cloned repo from GitHub in terminal) if(test-path $yamlcontentpath){ $content = gc $yamlcontentpath #| ? {$_ -match "your-workspace-id"} if($content.Length -gt 0) { $yamlcontentpath = "..\" + $yamlcontentpath } } ##Set Yaml content try { $configFileSuccess=$true $yamlcontent = Get-Content $yamlcontentpath -ErrorAction Stop -Raw $yaml = ConvertFrom-Yaml $yamlcontent } catch { $configFileSuccess=$false write-host "ERROR: Your configuration path ($yamlcontentpath) could not be located. Please fix or hardcode the key before continuing further." } ##Harcode your key here if you haven't configured the yaml configuration file ##$APIKey = "<>" ##Set your API key and you are good to go $APIKey = $yaml.TIProviders.VirusTotal.Args.AuthKey if($APIKey -eq $null){ $configFileSuccess = $false } else { $configFileSuccess = $true } if($configFileSuccess) { write-host "INFO: Your VT key was correctly configured. " $yaml.TIProviders.VirusTotal } else { write-host "ERROR: Your VT key was not correctly configured. Please fix before continuing further." } ##Input VT URL and Key ##Ideally, it would be better to retrieve the key from msticpyconfig.yaml ##$APIKey = '' $Resource = Read-Host "Enter the URL you would like to submit (example: support.btcsupports.com):" ##Test URL ##$Resource = 'http://support.btcsupports.com/' ##Setup VT URI $URI = 'https://www.virustotal.com/vtapi/v2/url/report' $QueryResources = $Resource -join ',' $OldEAP = $ErrorActionPreference $ErrorActionPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' $Body = @{'resource'= $QueryResources; 'apikey'= $APIKey; 'scan'=$scanurl} # Start building parameters for REST Method invokation. $Params = @{} $Params.add('Body', $Body) $Params.add('Method', 'Get') $Params.add('Uri',$URI) $Params.Add('ErrorVariable', 'RESTError') $ReportResult = Invoke-RestMethod @Params $ErrorActionPreference = $OldEAP if ($RESTError) { if ($RESTError.Message.Contains('403')) { throw 'API key is not valid.' } elseif ($RESTError.Message -like '*204*') { throw 'API key rate has been reached.' } else { throw $RESTError } } foreach ($URLReport in $ReportResult) { $URLReport.pstypenames.insert(0,'VirusTotal.URL.Report') Write-host "Resource:" $URLReport.resource Write-host "Last Scan:" $URLReport.scan_date Write-host "VT Link:" $URLReport.permalink Write-host "Positive Scans:" $URLReport.positives Write-host "Total Scans:" $URLReport.total $URLReport } ##Retrieve watchlist results $queryResults = $null $watchlistalias = read-host "Enter your watchlist alias to get the results:" $query = "_GetWatchlist('$watchlistalias')" $queryResults = Invoke-AzOperationalInsightsQuery -Workspace $Workspace -query $query $queryResults.Results | Select Watchlistitem | select -first 100