#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: from vpython import * # John Coady title = "Click and drag the mouse in the 3D canvas to insert and drag a small sphere." scene.title = title scene.range = 3 b = box(pos=vector(0,0,0), color=color.green) drag = False s = None def grab(evt): global s, drag scene.title = 'Drag the sphere.' drag = True s = sphere(pos=evt.pos, radius=0.1, color=color.red) def move(evt): if drag: s.pos = evt.pos def drop(evt): global drag scene.title = title s.color = color.cyan drag = False scene.bind('mousedown',grab) scene.bind('mousemove',move) scene.bind('mouseup',drop) # In[ ]: