#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: from vpython import * scene.width = scene.height = 600 scene.range = 0.6 # A pulse ripples along a rug, demonstrating dynamic changea of shape # Bruce Sherwood, May 2012 def display_instructions(): s = "Click to halt or run. In VPython programs:\n" s += " Rotate the camera by dragging with the right mouse button,\n" s += " or hold down the Ctrl key and drag.\n" s += " To zoom, drag with the left+right mouse buttons,\n" s += " or hold down the Alt/Option key and drag,\n" s += " or use the mouse wheel.\n" s += "Touch screen: pinch/extend to zoom, swipe or two-finger rotate." scene.caption = s display_instructions() # Construct a square WxH divided into little squares # There are (w+1)x(h+1) vertices # Center of rug is at 0,0,0 H = W = 1 w = 1 h = 50 dx = W/w dy = H/h # Create a grid of vertex objects covering the rug verts = [] for y in range(h+1): # from 0 to h inclusive, to include both bottom and top edges verts.append([]) for x in range(w+1): # from 0 to w inclusive, to include both left and right edges verts[y].append(vertex(pos=vector(-0.5+x*dx,-0.5+y*dy,0), normal=vector(0,0,1), texpos=vector(x/w,y/h,0), shininess= 0)) # Create quads (equivalent to two triangles) based on the vertex objects just created. # Note that a particular vertex may be shared by as many as 4 neighboring quads, and # changing one vertex affects all of the quads that use that vertex. for y in range(h): # from 0 to h, not including h for x in range(w): # from 0 to w, not including w quad(v0=verts[y][x], v1=verts[y][x+1], v2=verts[y+1][x+1], v3=verts[y+1][x], texture=textures.rug) scene.waitfor('textures') # wait until the rug texture has been loaded Lpulse = 0.4 # length of half sine wave dy_pulse = Lpulse/50 k = pi/(0.6*Lpulse) A = 0.05 def pulse(z): # return the pulse height and normal if z < 0.2*Lpulse: return 0 if z > 0.8*Lpulse: return 0 z -= 0.2*Lpulse return A*sin(k*z) run = True def down(ev): global run run = not run scene.bind("mousedown", down) y = -0.5-Lpulse-dy_pulse # bottom of pulse (starts below rug) while True: rate(50) while not run: scene.waitfor('redraw') y += dy_pulse if y+Lpulse <= -0.5: continue if y >= 0.5: y = -0.5-Lpulse continue # Note: floor and ceil are floats in Python 2 but ints in Python 3 start = int(floor((y+0.5)/dy)) # lowest row of vertices in pulse end = int(ceil((y+0.5+Lpulse)/dy)) # highest row of vertices in pulse if start < 0: if end <= 0: continue start = 0 if end > h: end = h yp = -0.5+start*dy for s in range(start,end): z0 = pulse(yp-y-dy_pulse) z1 = pulse(yp-y) z2 = pulse(yp+dy_pulse-y) yp += dy # advance to next row # If slope of a line is dy/dz, normal to the line is in direction < -dz, +dy > n1y0 = -(z1-z0) n2y0 = -(z2-z1) n1y = .5*(n1y0+n2y0) # average adjacent normals to smooth the lighting n1z = dy vy = verts[s] for vx in range(w+1): vy[vx].pos.z = z1 vy[vx].normal = vector(0,n1y,n1z) # In[ ]: