use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use constant IN_IPERL => !! $ENV{PERL_IPERL_RUNNING}; no if IN_IPERL, warnings => 'redefine'; # fewer messages when re-running cells use feature qw(say state postderef); use Syntax::Construct qw(each-array); use lib::projectroot qw(lib); BEGIN { if( IN_IPERL ) { $ENV{TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL} = 3; } require AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow; } use URI (); use HTTP::Tiny (); use Path::Tiny qw(path); use File::Which (); use List::Util 1.56 qw(mesh); use Data::Printer ( output => 'stderr', return_value => 'void', filters => ['PDL'] ); use Data::Printer::Filter::PDL (); use Text::Table::Tiny qw(generate_table); use Imager; my $s = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Status->New; sub AssertOK { die "Status $_[0]: " . $_[0]->Message unless $_[0]->GetCode == AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Status::OK; return; } AssertOK($s); use PDL; use AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::DataType qw(FLOAT UINT8); use FFI::Platypus::Memory qw(memcpy); use FFI::Platypus::Buffer qw(scalar_to_pointer); sub FloatPDLTOTFTensor { my ($p) = @_; return AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Tensor->New( FLOAT, [ reverse $p->dims ], $p->get_dataref, sub { undef $p } ); } sub FloatTFTensorToPDL { my ($t) = @_; my $pdl = zeros(float,reverse( map $t->Dim($_), 0..$t->NumDims-1 ) ); memcpy scalar_to_pointer( ${$pdl->get_dataref} ), scalar_to_pointer( ${$t->Data} ), $t->ByteSize; $pdl->upd_data; $pdl; } sub Uint8PDLTOTFTensor { my ($p) = @_; return AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Tensor->New( UINT8, [ reverse $p->dims ], $p->get_dataref, sub { undef $p } ); } sub Uint8TFTensorToPDL { my ($t) = @_; my $pdl = zeros(byte,reverse( map $t->Dim($_), 0..$t->NumDims-1 ) ); memcpy scalar_to_pointer( ${$pdl->get_dataref} ), scalar_to_pointer( ${$t->Data} ), $t->ByteSize; $pdl->upd_data; $pdl; } # image_size => [width, height] (but usually square images) my %model_name_to_params = ( centernet_hourglass_512x512 => { handle => '', image_size => [ 512, 512 ], }, ); my $model_name = 'centernet_hourglass_512x512'; say "Selected model: $model_name : $model_name_to_params{$model_name}{handle}"; my $model_uri = URI->new( $model_name_to_params{$model_name}{handle} ); $model_uri->query_form( 'tf-hub-format' => 'compressed' ); my $model_base = substr( $model_uri->path, 1 ) =~ s,/,_,gr; my $model_archive_path = "${model_base}.tar.gz"; my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new; for my $download ( [ $model_uri => $model_archive_path ],) { my ($uri, $path) = @$download; say "Downloading $uri to $path"; next if -e $path; $http->mirror( $uri, $path ); } use Archive::Extract; my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $model_archive_path ); die "Could not extract archive" unless $ae->extract( to => $model_base ); my $saved_model = path($model_base)->child('saved_model.pb'); say "Saved model is in $saved_model" if -f $saved_model; # Get the labels my $response = $http->get(''); my %labels_map = $response->{content} =~ m< (?:item \s+ \{ \s+ \Qname:\E \s+ "[^"]+" \s+ \Qid:\E \s+ (\d+) \s+ \Qdisplay_name:\E \s+ "([^"]+)" \s+ })+ >sgx; my $label_count = List::Util::max keys %labels_map; say "We have a label count of $label_count. These labels include: ", join ", ", List::Util::head( 5, @labels_map{ sort keys %labels_map } ); my @tags = ( 'serve' ); if( File::Which::which('saved_model_cli')) { local $ENV{TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL} = 3; # quiet the TensorFlow logger for the following command system(qw(saved_model_cli show), qw(--dir) => $model_base, qw(--tag_set) => join(',', @tags), qw(--signature_def) => 'serving_default' ) == 0 or die "Could not run saved_model_cli"; } else { say "Install the tensorflow Python package to get the `saved_model_cli` command."; } my $opt = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::SessionOptions->New; my $graph = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Graph->New; my $session = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Session->LoadFromSavedModel( $opt, undef, $model_base, \@tags, $graph, undef, $s ); AssertOK($s); my %ops = ( in => { op => $graph->OperationByName('serving_default_input_tensor'), dict => { input_tensor => 0, } }, out => { op => $graph->OperationByName('StatefulPartitionedCall'), dict => { detection_boxes => 0, detection_classes => 1, detection_scores => 2, num_detections => 3, } }, ); my %outputs; %outputs = map { my $put_type = $_; my $op = $ops{$put_type}{op}; my $port_dict = $ops{$put_type}{dict}; $put_type => +{ map { my $dict_key = $_; my $index = $port_dict->{$_}; $dict_key => AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Output->New( { oper => $op, index => $index, }); } keys %$port_dict } } keys %ops; p %outputs; use HTML::Tiny; my %images_for_test_to_uri = ( "beach_scene" => '', ); my @image_names = sort keys %images_for_test_to_uri; my $h = HTML::Tiny->new; my $image_name = 'beach_scene'; if( IN_IPERL ) { IPerl->html( $h->a( { href => $images_for_test_to_uri{$image_name} }, $h->img({ src => $images_for_test_to_uri{$image_name}, alt => $image_name, width => '100%', }) ), ); } sub load_image_to_pdl { my ($uri, $image_size) = @_; my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new; my $response = $http->get( $uri ); die "Could not fetch image from $uri" unless $response->{success}; say "Downloaded $uri"; my $img = Imager->new; $img->read( data => $response->{content} ); # Create PDL ndarray from Imager data in-memory. my $data; $img->write( data => \$data, type => 'raw' ) or die "could not write ". $img->errstr; die "Image does not have 3 channels, it has @{[ $img->getchannels ]} channels" if $img->getchannels != 3; # $data is packed as PDL->dims == [w,h] with RGB pixels my $pdl_raw = zeros(byte, $img->getchannels, $img->getwidth, $img->getheight); ${ $pdl_raw->get_dataref } = $data; $pdl_raw->upd_data; $pdl_raw; } my @pdl_images = map { load_image_to_pdl( $images_for_test_to_uri{$_}, $model_name_to_params{$model_name}{image_size} ); } ($image_names[0]); my $pdl_image_batched = cat(@pdl_images); my $t = Uint8PDLTOTFTensor($pdl_image_batched); die "There should be 4 dimensions" unless $pdl_image_batched->ndims == 4; die "With the final dimension of length 1" unless $pdl_image_batched->dim(3) == 1; p $pdl_image_batched; p $t; my $RunSession = sub { my ($session, $t) = @_; my @outputs_t; my @keys = keys %{ $outputs{out} }; my @values = $outputs{out}->@{ @keys }; $session->Run( undef, [ values %{$outputs{in} } ], [$t], \@values, \@outputs_t, undef, undef, $s ); AssertOK($s); return { mesh \@keys, \@outputs_t }; }; undef; my $tftensor_output_by_name = $RunSession->($session, $t); my %pdl_output_by_name = map { $_ => FloatTFTensorToPDL( $tftensor_output_by_name->{$_} ) } keys $tftensor_output_by_name->%*; undef; my $min_score_thresh = 0.30; my $which_detect = which( $pdl_output_by_name{detection_scores} > $min_score_thresh ); my %subset; $subset{detection_boxes} = $pdl_output_by_name{detection_boxes}->dice('X', $which_detect); $subset{detection_classes} = $pdl_output_by_name{detection_classes}->dice($which_detect); $subset{detection_scores} = $pdl_output_by_name{detection_scores}->dice($which_detect); $subset{detection_class_labels}->@* = map { $labels_map{$_} } $subset{detection_classes}->list; p %subset; use PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot; my $plot_output_path = 'objects-detected.png'; my $gp = gpwin('pngcairo', font => ",12", output => $plot_output_path, aa => 2, size => [10] ); my @qual_cmap = ('#a6cee3','#1f78b4','#b2df8a','#33a02c','#fb9a99','#e31a1c','#fdbf6f','#ff7f00','#cab2d6'); $gp->options( map { my $idx = $_; my $lc_rgb = $qual_cmap[ $subset{detection_classes}->slice("($idx)")->squeeze % @qual_cmap ]; my $box_corners_yx_norm = $subset{detection_boxes}->slice([],$idx,[0,0,0]); $box_corners_yx_norm->reshape(2,2); my $box_corners_yx_img = $box_corners_yx_norm * $pdl_images[0]->shape->slice('-1:-2'); my $from_xy = join ",", $box_corners_yx_img->slice('-1:0,(0)')->list; my $to_xy = join ",", $box_corners_yx_img->slice('-1:0,(1)')->list; my $label_xy = join ",", $box_corners_yx_img->at(1,1), $box_corners_yx_img->at(0,1); ( [ object => [ "rect" => from => $from_xy, to => $to_xy, qq{front fs empty border lc rgb "$lc_rgb" lw 5} ], ], [ label => [ sprintf("%s: %.1f", $subset{detection_class_labels}[$idx], 100*$subset{detection_scores}->at($idx,0) ) => at => $label_xy, 'left', offset => 'character 0,-0.25', qq{font ",12" boxed front tc rgb "#ffffff"} ], ], ) } 0..$subset{detection_boxes}->dim(1)-1 ); $gp->plot( topcmds => q{set style textbox opaque fc "#505050f0" noborder}, square => 1, yrange => [$pdl_images[0]->dim(2),0], with => 'image', $pdl_images[0], ); $gp->close; IPerl->png( bytestream => path($plot_output_path)->slurp_raw ) if IN_IPERL; use Filesys::DiskUsage qw/du/; my $total = du( { 'human-readable' => 1, dereference => 1 }, $model_archive_path, $model_base ); say "Disk space usage: $total"; undef;