use strict; use warnings; use utf8; use constant IN_IPERL => !! $ENV{PERL_IPERL_RUNNING}; no if IN_IPERL, warnings => 'redefine'; # fewer messages when re-running cells use feature qw(say state); use Syntax::Construct qw(each-array); use lib::projectroot qw(lib); BEGIN { if( IN_IPERL ) { $ENV{TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL} = 3; } require AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow; } use URI (); use HTTP::Tiny (); use Path::Tiny qw(path); use File::Which (); use List::Util (); use Data::Printer ( output => 'stderr', return_value => 'void', filters => ['PDL'] ); use Data::Printer::Filter::PDL (); use Text::Table::Tiny qw(generate_table); use Imager; my $s = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Status->New; sub AssertOK { die "Status $_[0]: " . $_[0]->Message unless $_[0]->GetCode == AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Status::OK; return; } AssertOK($s); use PDL; use AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::DataType qw(FLOAT); use FFI::Platypus::Memory qw(memcpy); use FFI::Platypus::Buffer qw(scalar_to_pointer); sub FloatPDLTOTFTensor { my ($p) = @_; return AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Tensor->New( FLOAT, [ reverse $p->dims ], $p->get_dataref, sub { undef $p } ); } sub FloatTFTensorToPDL { my ($t) = @_; my $pdl = zeros(float,reverse( map $t->Dim($_), 0..$t->NumDims-1 ) ); memcpy scalar_to_pointer( ${$pdl->get_dataref} ), scalar_to_pointer( ${$t->Data} ), $t->ByteSize; $pdl->upd_data; $pdl; } use HTML::Tiny; sub my_table { my ($data, $cb) = @_; my $h = HTML::Tiny->new; $h->table( { style => 'width: 100%' }, [ $h->tr( map { [ $h->td( $cb->($_, $h) ) ] } @$data ) ] ) } sub show_in_gnuplot { my ($p) = @_; require PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot; PDL::Graphics::Gnuplot::image( square => 1, $p ); } # image_size => [width, height] (but usually square images) my %model_name_to_params = ( mobilenet_v2_100_224 => { handle => '', image_size => [ 224, 224 ], }, mobilenet_v2_140_224 => { handle => "", image_size => [ 224, 224 ], }, ); my $model_name = 'mobilenet_v2_100_224'; say "Selected model: $model_name : $model_name_to_params{$model_name}{handle}"; my $model_uri = URI->new( $model_name_to_params{$model_name}{handle} ); $model_uri->query_form( 'tf-hub-format' => 'compressed' ); my $model_base = substr( $model_uri->path, 1 ) =~ s,/,_,gr; my $model_archive_path = "${model_base}.tar.gz"; use constant IMAGENET_LABEL_COUNT_WITH_BG => 1001; my $labels_uri = URI->new(''); my $labels_path = ($labels_uri->path_segments)[-1]; my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new; for my $download ( [ $model_uri => $model_archive_path ], [ $labels_uri => $labels_path ]) { my ($uri, $path) = @$download; say "Downloading $uri to $path"; next if -e $path; $http->mirror( $uri, $path ); } use Archive::Extract; my $ae = Archive::Extract->new( archive => $model_archive_path ); die "Could not extract archive" unless $ae->extract( to => $model_base ); my $saved_model = path($model_base)->child('saved_model.pb'); say "Saved model is in $saved_model" if -f $saved_model; my @labels = path($labels_path)->lines( { chomp => 1 }); die "Labels should have @{[ IMAGENET_LABEL_COUNT_WITH_BG ]} items" unless @labels == IMAGENET_LABEL_COUNT_WITH_BG; say "Got labels: ", join( ", ", List::Util::head(5, @labels) ), ", etc."; my @tags = ( 'serve' ); if( File::Which::which('saved_model_cli')) { local $ENV{TF_CPP_MIN_LOG_LEVEL} = 3; # quiet the TensorFlow logger for the following command system(qw(saved_model_cli show), qw(--dir) => $model_base, qw(--tag_set) => join(',', @tags), qw(--signature_def) => 'serving_default' ) == 0 or die "Could not run saved_model_cli"; } else { say "Install the tensorflow Python package to get the `saved_model_cli` command."; } my $opt = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::SessionOptions->New; my $graph = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Graph->New; my $session = AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Session->LoadFromSavedModel( $opt, undef, $model_base, \@tags, $graph, undef, $s ); AssertOK($s); my %ops = ( in => $graph->OperationByName('serving_default_inputs'), out => $graph->OperationByName('StatefulPartitionedCall'), ); die "Could not get all operations" unless List::Util::all(sub { defined }, values %ops); my %outputs = map { $_ => [ AI::TensorFlow::Libtensorflow::Output->New( { oper => $ops{$_}, index => 0 } ) ] } keys %ops; p %outputs; say "Input: " , $outputs{in}[0]; say "Output: ", $outputs{out}[0]; my %images_for_test_to_uri = ( "tiger" => "", #by Charles James Sharp, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "bus" => "", #by Martin49 from London, England, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "car" => "", #by EurovisionNim, CC BY-SA 4.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "cat" => "", #by Alvesgaspar, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "dog" => "", #by Craig Pemberton, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "apple" => "", #by Abhijit Tembhekar from Mumbai, India, CC BY 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "banana" => "", #by fir0002 flagstaffotos [at] Canon 20D + Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8, GFDL 1.2 , via Wikimedia Commons "turtle" => "", #by Claudio Giovenzana, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "flamingo" => "", #by Christian Mehlführer, User:Chmehl, CC BY 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "piano" => "", #by "Photo: © Copyright Steinway & Sons", CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "honeycomb" => "", #by Merdal, CC BY-SA 3.0 , via Wikimedia Commons "teapot" => "", #by Mendhak, CC BY-SA 2.0 , via Wikimedia Commons ); my @image_names = sort keys %images_for_test_to_uri; if( IN_IPERL ) { IPerl->html( my_table( \@image_names, sub { my ($image_name, $h) = @_; ( $h->tt($image_name), $h->a( { href => $images_for_test_to_uri{$image_name} }, $h->img({ src => $images_for_test_to_uri{$image_name}, alt => $image_name, width => '50%', }) ), ) }) ); } sub imager_paste_center_pad { my ($inner, $padded_sz, @rest) = @_; my $outer = Imager->new( List::Util::mesh( [qw(xsize ysize)], $padded_sz ), @rest ); $outer->paste( left => int( ($outer->getwidth - $inner->getwidth ) / 2 ), top => int( ($outer->getheight - $inner->getheight) / 2 ), src => $inner, ); $outer; } sub imager_scale_to { my ($img, $image_size) = @_; my $rescaled = $img->scale( List::Util::mesh( [qw(xpixels ypixels)], $image_size ), type => 'min', qtype => 'mixing', # 'mixing' seems to work better than 'normal' ); } sub load_image_to_pdl { my ($uri, $image_size) = @_; my $http = HTTP::Tiny->new; my $response = $http->get( $uri ); die "Could not fetch image from $uri" unless $response->{success}; say "Downloaded $uri"; my $img = Imager->new; $img->read( data => $response->{content} ); my $rescaled = imager_scale_to($img, $image_size); say sprintf "Rescaled image from [ %d x %d ] to [ %d x %d ]", $img->getwidth, $img->getheight, $rescaled->getwidth, $rescaled->getheight; my $padded = imager_paste_center_pad($rescaled, $image_size, # ARGB fits in 32-bits (uint32_t) channels => 4 ); say sprintf "Padded to [ %d x %d ]", $padded->getwidth, $padded->getheight; # Create PDL ndarray from Imager data in-memory. my $data; $padded->write( data => \$data, type => 'raw' ) or die "could not write ". $padded->errstr; # $data is packed as PDL->dims == [w,h] with ARGB pixels # $ PDL::howbig(ulong) # 4 my $pdl_raw = zeros(ulong, $padded->getwidth, $padded->getheight); ${ $pdl_raw->get_dataref } = $data; $pdl_raw->upd_data; # Split uint32_t pixels into first dimension with 3 channels (R,G,B) with values 0-255. my @shifts = map 8*$_, 0..2; my $pdl_channels = $pdl_raw->dummy(0) ->and2(ulong(map 0xFF << $_, @shifts)->slice(':,*,*') ) ->shiftright( ulong(@shifts)->slice(':,*,*') ) ->byte; my $pdl_scaled = ( # Scale to [ 0, 1 ]. ( $pdl_channels / float(255) ) ); ## flip vertically to see image right way up #show_in_gnuplot( $pdl_channels->slice(':,:,-1:0') ); #DEBUG #show_in_gnuplot( $pdl_scaled->slice(':,:,-1:0') * 255.0 ); #DEBUG $pdl_scaled; } my @pdl_images = map { load_image_to_pdl( $images_for_test_to_uri{$_}, $model_name_to_params{$model_name}{image_size} ); } @image_names; my $pdl_image_batched = cat(@pdl_images); my $t = FloatPDLTOTFTensor($pdl_image_batched); p $pdl_image_batched; p $t; my $RunSession = sub { my ($session, $t) = @_; my @outputs_t; $session->Run( undef, $outputs{in}, [$t], $outputs{out}, \@outputs_t, undef, undef, $s ); AssertOK($s); return $outputs_t[0]; }; say "Warming up the model"; use PDL::GSL::RNG; my $rng = PDL::GSL::RNG->new('default'); my $image_size = $model_name_to_params{$model_name}{image_size}; my $warmup_input = zeros(float, 3, @$image_size, 1 ); $rng->get_uniform($warmup_input); p $RunSession->($session, FloatPDLTOTFTensor($warmup_input)); my $output_pdl_batched = FloatTFTensorToPDL($RunSession->($session, $t)); my $softmax = sub { ( map $_/sumover($_)->dummy(0), exp($_[0]) )[0] }; my $probabilities_batched = $softmax->($output_pdl_batched); p $probabilities_batched; my $N = 5; # number to select my $top_batched = $probabilities_batched->qsorti->slice([-1, -$N]); my @top_lists = dog($top_batched); my $includes_background_class = $probabilities_batched->dim(0) == IMAGENET_LABEL_COUNT_WITH_BG; if( IN_IPERL ) { my $html = IPerl->html( my_table( [0..$#image_names], sub { my ($batch_idx, $h) = @_; my $image_name = $image_names[$batch_idx]; my @top_for_image = $top_lists[$batch_idx]->list; ( $h->tt($image_name), $h->a( { href => $images_for_test_to_uri{$image_name} }, $h->img({ src => $images_for_test_to_uri{$image_name}, alt => $image_name, width => '50%', }) ), do { my @tr; push @tr, [ $h->th('Rank', 'Label No', 'Label', 'Prob') ]; while( my ($i, $label_index) = each @top_for_image ) { my $class_index = $includes_background_class ? $label_index : $label_index + 1; push @tr, [ $h->td( $i + 1, $class_index, $labels[$class_index], $probabilities_batched->at($label_index,$batch_idx), ) ]; } $h->table([$h->tr(@tr)]) }, ) }) ); IPerl->display($html); } else { for my $batch_idx (0..$#image_names) { my $image_name = $image_names[$batch_idx]; my @top_for_image = $top_lists[$batch_idx]->list; my @td; say "Image name: `$image_name`"; my $header = [ ('Rank', 'Label No', 'Label', 'Prob') ]; my @rows; while( my ($i, $label_index) = each @top_for_image ) { my $class_index = $includes_background_class ? $label_index : $label_index + 1; push @rows, [ ( $i + 1, $class_index, $labels[$class_index], $probabilities_batched->at($label_index,$batch_idx), ) ]; } say generate_table( rows => [ $header, @rows ], header_row => 1 ); print "\n"; } } my $p_approx_batched = $probabilities_batched->sumover->approx(1, 1e-5); p $p_approx_batched; say "All probabilities sum up to approximately 1" if $p_approx_batched->all->sclr; use Filesys::DiskUsage qw/du/; my $total = du( { 'human-readable' => 1, dereference => 1 }, $model_archive_path, $model_base, $labels_path ); say "Disk space usage: $total"; undef; my @solid_channel_uris = ( '', '', '', ); undef;