#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Exploring object records # In this notebook we'll have a preliminary poke around in the `object` data harvested from the [NMA Collection API](https://www.nma.gov.au/about/our-collection/our-apis). I'll focus here on the basic shape/stats of the data, other notebooks will explore the object data over [time](explore_collection_object_over_time.ipynb) and [space](explore_objects_and_places.ipynb). # # If you haven't already, you'll either need to [harvest the `object` data](harvest_records.ipynb), or [unzip a pre-harvested dataset](unzip_preharvested_data.ipynb). # # * [The shape of the data](#The-shape-of-the-data) # * [Nested data](#Nested-data) # * [The `additionalType` field](#The-additionalType-field) # * [The `extent` field](#The-extent-field) # * [How big is the collection?](#How-big-is-the-collection?) # * [The biggest object?](#The-biggest-object?) # #

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# ## Import what we need # In[34]: import pandas as pd import math from IPython.display import display, HTML, FileLink from tinydb import TinyDB, Query from pandas.io.json import json_normalize # ## Load the harvested data # In[35]: # Load the harvested data from the json db db = TinyDB('nma_object_db.json') records = db.all() Object = Query() # In[36]: # Convert to a dataframe df = pd.DataFrame(records) df.head() # ## The shape of the data # How many objects are there? # In[37]: print('There are {:,} objects in the collection'.format(df.shape[0])) # Obviously not every record has a value for every field, let's create a quick count of the number of values in each field. # In[38]: df.count() # Let's express those counts as a percentage of the total number of records, and display them as a bar chart using Pandas. # In[39]: # Get field counts and convert to dataframe field_counts = df.count().to_frame().reset_index() # Change column headings field_counts.columns = ['field', 'count'] # Calculate proportion of the total field_counts['proportion'] = field_counts['count'].apply(lambda x: x / df.shape[0]) # Style the results as a barchart field_counts.style.bar(subset=['proportion'], color='#d65f5f').format({'proportion': '{:.2%}'.format}) # ## Nested data # One thing you might note is that some of the fields contain nested JSON arrays or objects. For example `additionalType` contains a list of object types, while `extent` is a dictionary with keys and values. Let's unpack these columns for the second row (index of 1). # In[40]: df['additionalType'][1][0] # In[41]: df['extent'][1] # In[42]: df['extent'][1]['length'] # ## The `additionalType` field # How many objects have values in the `additionalType` column? # In[43]: df.loc[df['additionalType'].notnull()].shape # In[44]: print('{:%} of objects have an additionalType value'.format(df.loc[df['additionalType'].notnull()].shape[0] / df.shape[0])) # So which ones don't have an `additionalType`? # In[45]: # Just show the first 5 rows df.loc[df['additionalType'].isnull()].head() # How many rows have more than one `additionalType`? # In[46]: df.loc[df['additionalType'].str.len() > 1].shape[0] # Let's have a look at a sample. # In[47]: df.loc[df['additionalType'].str.len() > 1].head() # The `additionalType` field contains a nested list of values. Using `json_normalize()` or `explode()` we can explode these lists, creating a row for each separate value. # In[48]: # Use json_normalize to expand 'additionalType' into separate rows, adding the id and title from the parent record # df_types = json_normalize(df.loc[df['additionalType'].notnull()].to_dict('records'), record_path='additionalType', meta=['id', 'title'], errors='ignore').rename({0: 'additionalType'}, axis=1) # In pandas v.0.25 and above you can just use explode -- this prodices the same result as above df_types = df.loc[df['additionalType'].notnull()][['id', 'title', 'additionalType']].explode('additionalType') df_types.head() # Now that we've exploded the type values, we can aggregate them in different ways. Let's look at the 25 most common object types! # In[49]: df_types['additionalType'].value_counts()[:25] # How many object types only appear once? # In[50]: type_counts = df_types['additionalType'].value_counts().to_frame().reset_index().rename({'index': 'type', 'additionalType': 'count'}, axis=1) unique_types = type_counts.loc[type_counts['count'] == 1] unique_types.shape[0] # In[51]: unique_types.head() # Let's save the complete list of types as a CSV file. # In[52]: type_counts.to_csv('nma_object_type_counts.csv', index=False) display(FileLink('nma_object_type_counts.csv')) # Browsing the CSV I noticed that there was one item with the type `Vegetables`. Let's find some more out about it. # In[53]: # Find in the complete data set mask = df.loc[df['additionalType'].notnull()]['additionalType'].apply(lambda x: 'Vegetables' in x) veggie = df.loc[df['additionalType'].notnull()][mask] veggie # We can create a link into the NMA Collections Explorer using the object `id`. # In[54]: display(HTML('{}'.format(veggie.iloc[0]['id'], veggie.iloc[0]['title']))) # Does a toad stool count as a vegetable? # ## The `extent` field # # The `extent` field is a nested object, so once again we'll use `json_normalize()` to expand it out into separate columns. # In[55]: # Without reset_index() the rows are misaligned df_extent = df.loc[df['extent'].notnull()].reset_index().join(json_normalize(df.loc[df['extent'].notnull()]['extent'].tolist()).add_prefix("extent_")) df_extent.head() # Let's check to see what types of things are in the `extent` field. # In[56]: df_extent['extent_type'].value_counts() # So they're all measurements. Let's have a look at the units being used. # In[57]: df_extent['extent_unitText'].value_counts() # In[58]: df_extent['extent_unitTextWeight'].value_counts() # Hmmm, are those measurements really in metres, or might they be meant to be 'mm'? Let's have a look at them. # In[59]: df_extent.loc[df_extent['extent_unitText'] == 'm'][['id', 'title', 'extent_length', 'extent_width', 'extent_unitText']] # Other than 'Gunter's chain' it looks like the unit should indeed by 'mm'. We'll need to take that into account in calculations. # # Now let's convert all the measurements into a single unit – millimetre for lengths, and gram for weights. # In[60]: def conversion_factor(unit): ''' Get the factor required to convery current unit to either mm or g. ''' factors = { 'mm': 1, 'cm': 10, 'm': 1, # Most should in fact be mm (see above) 'g': 1, 'kg': 1000, 'tonne': 1000000, 'oz': 28.35, 'lb': 453.592 } try: factor = factors[unit.lower()] except KeyError: factor = 0 return factor def normalise_measurements(row): ''' Convert measurements to standard units. ''' l_factor = conversion_factor(str(row['extent_unitText'])) length = row['extent_length'] * l_factor width = row['extent_width'] * l_factor depth = row['extent_depth'] * l_factor height = row['extent_height'] * l_factor diameter = row['extent_diameter'] * l_factor w_factor = conversion_factor(str(row['extent_unitTextWeight'])) weight = row['extent_weight'] * w_factor return pd.Series([length, width, depth, height, diameter, weight]) # Add normalised measurements to the dataframe df_extent[['length_mm', 'width_mm', 'depth_mm', 'height_mm', 'diameter_mm', 'weight_g']] = df_extent.apply(normalise_measurements, axis=1) # In[61]: df_extent.head() # ## How big is the collection? # In[62]: def calculate_volume(row): ''' Look for 3 linear dimensions and multiply them to get a volume. ''' # Create a list of valid linear measurements from the available fields dimensions = [d for d in [row['length_mm'], row['width_mm'], row['depth_mm'], row['height_mm'], row['diameter_mm']] if not math.isnan(d)] # If there's only 2 dimensions... if len(dimensions) == 2: # Set a default height of 1 for items with only 2 dimensions dimensions.append(1) # If there's 3 or more dimensions, multiple the first 3 together if len(dimensions) >= 3: volume = dimensions[0] * dimensions[1] * dimensions[2] else: volume = 0 return volume df_extent['volume'] = df_extent.apply(calculate_volume, axis=1) # In[63]: print('Total length of objects is {:.2f} km'.format(df_extent['length_mm'].sum() / 1000 / 1000)) # In[64]: print('Total weight of objects is {:.2f} tonnes'.format(df_extent['weight_g'].sum() / 1000000)) # In[65]: print('Total volume of objects is {:.2f} m\N{SUPERSCRIPT THREE}'.format(df_extent['volume'].sum() / 1000000000)) # ## The biggest object? # What's the biggest thing? # In[66]: # Get the object with the largest volume biggest = df_extent.loc[df_extent['volume'].idxmax()] # Create a link to Collection Explorer display(HTML('{}'.format(biggest['id'], biggest['title']))) # ---- # # Created by [Tim Sherratt](https://timsherratt.org/) for the [GLAM Workbench](https://glam-workbench.github.io/). # # Work on this notebook was supported by the [Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS) Data Enhanced Virtual Lab](https://tinker.edu.au/). # In[ ]: