#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Goulib # library of useful code for scientific + technical applications # # - author: Philippe Guglielmetti goulib@goulu.net # - copyright: Copyright 2013 Philippe Guglielmetti # - license: LGPL (see LICENSE.TXT) # # - installation : "pip install Goulib" # - distribution: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Goulib # - documentation: https://goulib.readthedocs.org/ # - source : https://github.com/goulu/Goulib # # Some modules offer specific IPython Notebook support # # Modules # # * [Math2](notebooks/math2.ipynb) more math without numpy # * [Expr](notebooks/expr.ipynb) simple symbolic math expressions # * [Stats](notebooks/stats.ipynb) very basic statistics functions # * [Polynomial and Piecewise](notebooks/polynomial.ipynb) polynomial and piecewise defined functions # * [Table](notebooks/table.ipynb) "mini pandas.DataFrame" Table class with Excel + CSV I/O, easy access to columns, HTML output, and much more. # * [Geom and Drawing](notebooks/drawing.ipynb) 2D geometry and vector graphics with .DXF, .SVG , .PDF I/O and bitmap graphics output # * [Graph](notebooks/graph.ipynb) Eulerian graphs based on NetworkX # * [Image](notebooks/image.ipynb) image processing made simple # * [Colors](notebooks/colors.ipynb) color management