#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[1]: from lets_plot import * LetsPlot.setup_html() # In[2]: # default theme p = ( ggplot({'x': list(range(5)), 'y': list(range(5))}, aes('x', 'y')) + geom_point(aes(size='y', fill="y"),tooltips=layer_tooltips().title("TITLE").line('label|value')) + labs(title='The plot title', subtitle="The plot subtitle", caption="The plot caption", x='X axis title', y='Y axis title', fill='Fill legend title', size='Size legend title' ) ) p # In[3]: # Change font faces p + theme( plot_subtitle=element_text(face='bold_italic'), plot_caption=element_text(face='italic'), legend_title=element_text(face='bold'), legend_text=element_text(face='italic'), axis_title=element_text(face='bold'), axis_text=element_text(face='bold_italic'), # tooltip_text will also applied to axes tooltips ('italic'); # title and label in general tooltip are bold by default -> the result for them is 'bold_italic' tooltip_text=element_text(face='italic'))