#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Visualization of the Titanic's Voyage # # # 1. [Data Preparation](#1.-Data-Preparation) # # 1.1 [Travellers Survival Rates by the Port of Embarkation](#1.1-Travellers-Survival-Rates-by-the-Port-of-Embarkation) # # 2. [Ports of Embarkation on Map](#2.-Ports-of-Embarkation-on-Map) # # 2.1 [Spatial DataFrame (Pandas GeoDataFrame)](#2.1-Spatial-DataFrame-(Pandas-GeoDataFrame)) # # 2.2 [Markers on Map](#2.2-Markers-on-Map) # # 3. [The "Titanic's site" Marker](#3.-The-"Titanic's-site"-Marker) # # 4. [The New York City Marker](#4.-The-New-York-City-Marker) # # 5. [Connecting Markers on Map](#5.-Connecting-Markers-on-Map) # # 6. [Pie-chart Markers on Map](#6.-Pie-chart-Markers-on-Map) # # 6.1 [Travellers Survival Rates, Now with Pie](#6.1-Travellers-Survival-Rates,-Now-with-Pie) # # 6.2 [Spatial Pies](#6.2-Spatial-Pies) # # 6.3 [Adjusting the Map Zoom Level and Position](#6.3-Adjusting-the-Map-Zoom-Level-and-Position) # # In[1]: import pandas as pd from lets_plot import * # In[2]: LetsPlot.setup_html() # #### 1. Data Preparation # # The Titanic dataset is available at [kaggle](https://www.kaggle.com) : ["Titanic: cleaned data" dataset](https://www.kaggle.com/jamesleslie/titanic-cleaned-data?select=train_clean.csv) (train_clean.csv). # In[3]: df = pd.read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JetBrains/lets-plot-docs/master/data/titanic.csv") df.head(3) # In this Titanic dataset the column `Embarked`contains a single-letter codes of the Titanic's ports of embarkation: # - S: Southampton (UK) # - C: Cherbourg (France) # - Q: Cobh (Ireland) # # Let's add new colum "Port" to the data: # In[4]: def to_port_name (row): if row['Embarked'] == 'S' : return 'Southampton' if row['Embarked'] == 'C' : return 'Cherbourg' if row['Embarked'] == 'Q' : return 'Cobh' return 'Other' df['Port']=df.apply (lambda row: to_port_name(row), axis=1) df.head(3) # ##### 1.1 Travellers Survival Rates by the Port of Embarkation # In[5]: c_surv="#E1A439" c_lost="#6B9993" bars = (ggplot(df) + geom_bar( aes('Port', fill=as_discrete('Survived')), tooltips=layer_tooltips() .line('@{..count..} (@{..prop..})') .format('@{..prop..}', '.0%'), position='dodge') + scale_fill_manual(values=[c_lost, c_surv], labels=['no', 'yes']) + scale_x_discrete(limits=['Cobh', 'Cherbourg', 'Southampton']) + labs(x="", y="Travellers count") + ggtitle("Survival by the Port of Embarkation") ) bars + ggsize(800, 300) # #### 2. Ports of Embarkation on Map # # Titanic's ports of of embarkation were: # - Southampton (UK) # - Cherbourg (France) # - Cobh (Ireland) # # Let's find geographical coordinates of these cities using `Lets-Plot` geocoding module. # In[6]: from lets_plot.geo_data import * ports = ['Southampton', 'Cherbourg', 'Cobh'] # ##### 2.1 Spatial DataFrame (Pandas GeoDataFrame) # In[7]: ports_gcoder = (geocode_cities(ports) .where(ports[0], scope='England') .where(ports[1], scope='France')) ports_gdf = ports_gcoder.get_centroids() ports_gdf # ##### 2.2 Markers on Map # # `Lets-Plot` API makes it easy to create an interactive basemap layer using either its own vector tiles service or # by configuring a 3-rd party Z-X-Y raster tile providers. # # In this notebook we will use beautifull *CARTO Voyager* raster tiles by [CARTO](https://carto.com/attribution/) as our basemap. # # In[8]: from lets_plot import tilesets LetsPlot.set(tilesets.CARTO_VOYAGER_HIRES) # In[9]: basemap = ggplot() + geom_livemap() + ggsize(800, 350) port_markers = geom_point( map=ports_gdf, size=7, shape=21, color="black", fill="yellow") basemap + port_markers # #### 3. The "Titanic's site" Marker # In[10]: from shapely.geometry import Point, LineString titanic_site = Point(-38.056641, 46.920255) titanic_site_marker = geom_point(x=titanic_site.x, y = titanic_site.y, size=10, shape=9, color='red') basemap + port_markers + titanic_site_marker # #### 4. The New York City Marker # # New York City was the Titanic's destination. # In[11]: NYC = geocode_cities(['New York']).get_centroids().geometry[0] NYC_marker = geom_point(x=NYC.x, y=NYC.y, size=7, shape=21, color='black', fill='white') (basemap + port_markers + titanic_site_marker + NYC_marker ) # #### 5. Connecting Markers on Map # # To connect markers on the map we will create a `LineString` object (from `Shaply` package). # # In[12]: from geopandas import GeoSeries from geopandas import GeoDataFrame # Points of embarkation (GeoSeries). port_points = ports_gdf.geometry path_points = pd.concat([port_points, GeoSeries([titanic_site, NYC], crs=ports_gdf.crs)], ignore_index=True) # Create a new GeoDataFrame containing a `LineString` geometry. path_gdf = GeoDataFrame( dict(geometry=[ LineString(path_points) ]) ) # In[13]: # Add "path" to the map. titanic_path = geom_path( map=path_gdf, color='dark-blue', linetype='dotted', size=1.2) (basemap + titanic_path + port_markers + titanic_site_marker + NYC_marker ) # #### 6. Pie-chart Markers on Map # ##### 6.1 Travellers Survival Rates, Now with Pie # In[14]: pies = (ggplot(df) + geom_pie( aes(x='Port', y="..sum..", fill=as_discrete('Survived'), size="..sum.."), labels=layer_labels() .line('@{..count..}') .line('(@{..prop..})').format('@{..prop..}', '.0%'), tooltips=layer_tooltips().title("@Port (@{..sum..})"), stroke=1.5, hole=0.5) + scale_fill_manual(values=[c_lost, c_surv], labels=['no', 'yes']) + scale_x_discrete(limits=['Cobh', 'Cherbourg', 'Southampton'], expand=[0, 0.3]) + scale_size(range=[3, 10], guide="none") + ylim(0, 800) + labs(x="", y="Travellers count") + ggtitle("Survival by the Port of Embarkation") ) pies + ggsize(800, 300) # ##### 6.2 Spatial Pies # # In[15]: spatial_pies = ( geom_pie( aes(x='Port', fill=as_discrete('Survived'), size="..sum.."), data=df, map=ports_gdf, map_join=['Port','city'], tooltips=layer_tooltips() .title("@Port (@{..sum..})") .line('@{..count..} (@{..prop..})') .format('@{..prop..}', '.0%'), stroke=1.5, hole=0.5, color='white') + scale_fill_manual(values=[c_lost, c_surv], labels=['lost', 'survived']) + scale_size(range=[3, 10], guide="none") + theme(legend_position=[0.5, 1], legend_justification=[0.5, 1], legend_direction='horizontal', legend_title=element_blank()) ) (basemap + titanic_path + spatial_pies + titanic_site_marker + NYC_marker ) # ##### 6.3 Adjusting the Map Zoom Level and Position # In[16]: (ggplot() + ggsize(900, 600) + ggtitle("Titanic Survival Rate by Port of Embarkation") + geom_livemap(zoom=6, location=[-8.29, 51.85, -1.61, 49.63]) + titanic_path + port_markers + spatial_pies + titanic_site_marker + NYC_marker + theme(text=element_text(family="Garamond"), plot_title=element_text(size=30)) )