using Pkg # CSV Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="")) # DataFrames Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="")) # WebIO Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="")) #PlotlyJS Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="")) # Interact Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="")) # Khepri Pkg.add(PackageSpec(url="")) using Logging Logging.disable_logging(Logging.Info) using CSV using DataFrames using WebIO using PlotlyJS using Interact using Base.Iterators using Khepri # Read the Julia file that contains the facade function include("resources/optimization_facade.jl") # Read the Julia file that contains the optimzation functios include("resources/optimization_main_functions.jl") avoid_tests = Parameter(true) macro test(expr...) quote if !avoid_tests() begin $(esc(expr...)) end end end end # avoid_tests(true) avoid_tests(false) transpose_matrix(matrix) = [[row[i] for row in matrix] for i in 1:length(matrix[1])] normals_surface(ptss)= [[quad_normal(p0,p1,p2,p3) for (p0,p1,p2,p3) in zip(pts[1:end-1],pts[2:end], next_pts[2:end], next_pts[1:end-1])] for (pts,next_pts) in zip(ptss[1:end-1],ptss[2:end])] normals_surface_extra_row(ptss)= let ptss1 = [vcat(pts,pts[end]) for pts in normals_surface(ptss)] [ptss1..., ptss1[end]] end struct Surf f::Function u0::Real u1::Real v0::Real v1::Real end sub_surf(f::Function, u0::Real, u1::Real, v0::Real, v1::Real)= Surf(f, u0, u1, v0, v1) surf_pts(f::Function, u0::Real, u1::Real, v0::Real, v1::Real, n::Int, m::Int)= map_division(f, u0, u1, n, v0, v1, m) backend(notebook) render_size(600, 400) @test begin ptss = map_division(xz, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10) nothing end stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp) = [let p1 = pt1 + vy(amp), p2 = pt2 - vy(amp) [p1, intermediate_loc(p1, p2, 0.5)] end for (pt1, pt2) in zip(pts, [pts[2:end]...,pts[end]])] @test begin new_backend() pts = ptss[1] @manipulate for amp=widget(0:0.01:1, label="Spline Amplitude") delete_all_shapes() spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp)...)[1:end-1]) nothing end end stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp, bending_pattern) = [let p1 = pt1 + up_or_down*vy(amp), p2 = pt2 + next_up_or_down*vy(amp) [p1, intermediate_loc(p1, p2, 0.5)] end for (pt1, pt2, up_or_down, next_up_or_down) in zip(pts, [pts[2:end]...,pts[end]], cycle(bending_pattern), cycle([bending_pattern[2:end]...,bending_pattern[1]]))] @test begin new_backend() @manipulate for amp0=widget(0:0.01:1, label="Spline1 Amplitude"), amp1=widget(0:0.01:1, label="Spline2 Amplitude"), amp2=widget(0:0.01:1, label="Spline3 Amplitude"), amp3=widget(0:0.01:1, label="Spline4 Amplitude") delete_all_shapes() pts = ptss[2] spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp0, [+1,-1])...)[1:end-1]) pts = ptss[3] spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp1, [+1,+1,-1,-1])...)[1:end-1]) pts = ptss[4] spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp2, [+1,+1,+1,-1,-1])...)[1:end-1]) pts = ptss[5] spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp3, [+1,+1,-1,-1,-1,-1])...)[1:end-1]) nothing end end stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp, bending_pattern, nvs_stripe) = [let p1 = pt1 + nv*up_or_down*amp, p2 = pt2 + nv*next_up_or_down*amp [p1, intermediate_loc(p1, p2, 0.5)] end for (pt1, pt2, nv, up_or_down, next_up_or_down) in zip(pts, [pts[2:end]...,pts[end]], nvs_stripe, cycle(bending_pattern), cycle([bending_pattern[2:end]...,bending_pattern[1]]))] @test begin new_backend() ptss = map_division((i,j)->xyz(i,i,j), 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10) vss = normals_surface_extra_row(ptss) pts = ptss[1] vs = vss[1] spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, 1, [+1,-1], vs)...)) pts = ptss[2] vs = vss[2] spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, 1, [+1,+1,-1,-1], vs)...)[1:end-1]) pts = ptss[3] vs = vss[3] spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, 1, [+1,+1,+1,-1,-1], vs)...)[1:end-1]) pts = ptss[4] vs = vss[4] spline(vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, 1, [+1,+1,-1,-1,-1,-1], vs)...)[1:end-1]) end stripes_2D_ptss(ptss, amp, weave_pattern)= let nvs = normals_surface_extra_row(ptss) [vcat(stripe_2D_pts(pts, amp, bending_pattern, nv_surf)...)[1:end-1] for (pts, nv_surf, bending_pattern) in zip(ptss, nvs, cycle(weave_pattern))] end @test begin new_backend() ptss = map_division(xz, 0, 10, 10, 0, 10, 10) map(i->spline(i), stripes_2D_ptss(ptss, 1, [[+1,-1],[-1,+1]])) nothing end @test begin new_backend() ptss = map_division(xz, 12, 22, 10, 0, 10, 10) map(i->spline(i), stripes_2D_ptss(ptss, 1, [[+1,-1,-1],[-1,+1,+1]])) nothing end @test begin new_backend() ptss = map_division(xz, 24, 34, 10, 0, 10, 10) map(i->spline(i), stripes_2D_ptss(ptss, 1, [[+1,-1,-1,-1],[-1,+1,+1,+1]])) nothing end weave_ptss_centered(s, nu, nv, amp, weave_pattern, stripes_widths) = let Δu_ini = maximum(stripes_widths[1])/2, Δv_ini = maximum(stripes_widths[2])/2, ptss_v = surf_pts(s.f, s.u0 + Δu_ini, s.u1 - Δu_ini, s.v0, s.v1, nu - 1, nv - 1), ptss_u = transpose_matrix(surf_pts(s.f, s.u0, s.u1, s.v0 + Δv_ini, s.v1 - Δv_ini, nu - 1, nv - 1)), inverse_weave_pattern = transpose_matrix(weave_pattern) [stripes_2D_ptss(ptss_v, amp, weave_pattern), stripes_2D_ptss(ptss_u, amp, inverse_weave_pattern)] end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.1, [[+1,-1],[-1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 12, 22, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.1, [[+1,+1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 24, 34, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.1, [[+1,+1,+1,-1,-1], [-1,-1,-1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end weave_ptss_centered(s, nu, nv, amp, weave_pattern, stripes_widths,is_vertical_straight=false) = let Δu_ini = maximum(stripes_widths[1])/2, Δv_ini = maximum(stripes_widths[2])/2, ptss_v = surf_pts(s.f, s.u0 + Δu_ini, s.u1 - Δu_ini, s.v0, s.v1, nu - 1, nv - 1), ptss_u = transpose_matrix(surf_pts(s.f, s.u0, s.u1, s.v0 + Δv_ini, s.v1 - Δv_ini, nu - 1, nv - 1)), inverse_weave_pattern = transpose_matrix(weave_pattern), amp_v = is_vertical_straight ? 0 : amp [stripes_2D_ptss(ptss_v, amp_v, weave_pattern), stripes_2D_ptss(ptss_u, amp, inverse_weave_pattern)] end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,-1],[-1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], true) map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 12, 22, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,+1,-1,-1],[-1,-1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], true) map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 24, 34, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,+1,+1,-1,-1],[-1,-1,-1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], true) map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end weave_ptss_centered(s, nu, nv, amp, weave_pattern, stripes_widths, is_vertical_straight=false, is_horizotal_straight=false) = let Δu_ini = maximum(stripes_widths[1])/2, Δv_ini = maximum(stripes_widths[2])/2, ptss_v = surf_pts(s.f, s.u0 + Δu_ini, s.u1 - Δu_ini, s.v0, s.v1, nu - 1, nv - 1), ptss_u = transpose_matrix(surf_pts(s.f, s.u0, s.u1, s.v0 + Δv_ini, s.v1 - Δv_ini, nu - 1, nv - 1)), inverse_weave_pattern = transpose_matrix(weave_pattern), amp_v = is_vertical_straight ? 0 : amp, amp_u = is_horizotal_straight ? 0 : amp [stripes_2D_ptss(ptss_v, amp_v, weave_pattern), stripes_2D_ptss(ptss_u, amp_u, inverse_weave_pattern)] end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,-1],[-1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 12, 22, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,+1,-1,-1],[-1,-1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j), 24, 34, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,+1,+1,-1,-1],[-1,-1,-1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) nothing map(i->spline(i), ptss[1]) map(i->spline(i), ptss[2]) nothing end backend(meshcat) Khepri.meshcat_material(color) = (uuid=string(Khepri.uuid1()), type="MeshLambertMaterial", side=2, color="0x$(Khepri.hex(color))", emissive="0x$(Khepri.hex(color))", emissiveIntensity=0.2) vertical=create_layer("vertical", true, RGB(211/255, 146/255, 212/255)) horizontal=create_layer("horizontal", true, RGB(124/255, 70/255, 156/255)) nothing smooth_pts(pts) = map_division(in_world, open_spline_path(pts), 50) smooth_surface_grid(ptss)=surface_grid(smooth_pts.(ptss)) stripe_centered(pts, stripe_width, stripe_thick) = with(current_layer, vertical) do thicken( smooth_surface_grid([map(pt-> pt-vpol(stripe_width/2, 0), pts), map(pt-> pt+vpol(stripe_width/2, 0), pts)]), stripe_thick) end @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(7.229,6.523,0.167), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,-1],[-1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) stripe_centered(ptss[1][1], 0.3, 0.01) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,-1,-1],[-1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) stripe_centered(ptss[1][2], 0.3, 0.01) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,+1,-1,-1,-1],[-1,-1,+1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) stripe_centered(ptss[1][3], 0.3, 0.01) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,-1,-1,-1,-1],[-1,+1,+1,+1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) stripe_centered(ptss[1][4], 0.3, 0.01) end stripe_centered(pts, stripe_width, stripe_thick, f_width) = with(current_layer, vertical) do thicken( smooth_surface_grid([map(pt-> pt-vpol(stripe_width/2 + f_width(pt), 0), pts), map(pt-> pt+vpol(stripe_width/2 + f_width(pt), 0), pts)]), stripe_thick) end @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(7.229,6.523,0.167), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,-1],[-1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) stripe_centered(ptss[1][1], 0.3, 0.01, i->sin(i.z/pi/4)) stripe_centered(ptss[1][3], 0.3, 0.01, i->sin(pi/2+i.z/pi/2)) stripe_centered(ptss[1][5], 0.3, 0.01, i->sin(i.z/pi)) stripe_centered(ptss[1][7], 0.3, 0.01, i->0.5*abs(sin(i.z*2pi))) end stripe_centered(pts, stripe_width, stripe_thick, f_width, f_rotations) = thicken( smooth_surface_grid([map(pt-> pt-vpol(stripe_width/2 + f_width(pt), f_rotations[1](pt)), pts), map(pt-> pt+vpol(stripe_width/2 + f_width(pt), f_rotations[2](pt)), pts)]), stripe_thick) @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(7.229,6.523,0.167), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[+1,-1],[-1,+1]], [[0.3], [0.3]], false, true) with(current_layer, vertical) do stripe_centered(ptss[1][1], 0.3, 0.01, i->sin(i.z/pi/4), [i->pi/2*(-1+cos(2pi*i.z/10)), i->pi/2*(-1+cos(2pi*i.z/10))]) stripe_centered(ptss[1][3], 0.3, 0.01, i->sin(i.z/pi/4), [i->pi*(-1+cos(2pi*i.z/10)), i->pi*(-1+cos(2pi*i.z/10))]) stripe_centered(ptss[1][5], 0.3, 0.01, i->sin(i.z/pi/4), [i->pi/4*(-1+cos(2pi*i.z/10)), i->pi/4*(-1+cos(2pi*i.z/10))]) stripe_centered(ptss[1][7], 0.3, 0.01, i->sin(i.z/pi/4), [i->pi/4*(-1+cos(pi*i.z/10)), i->pi/4*(-1+cos(pi*i.z/10))]) end end stripes_with_rotation(ptss, stripes_widths, thickness, f_widths, f_rotations) = vcat([width==0 ? empty_shape() : with(current_layer, vertical) do stripe_centered(pt, width, thickness[1], f_widths[1], f_rotations[1]) end for (pt,width) in zip(ptss[1], cycle(stripes_widths[1]))], with(current_cs, cs_from_o_vx_vy(u0(), vz(1), vy(1))) do [width==0 ? empty_shape() : with(current_layer, horizontal) do stripe_centered(pt, width, thickness[2], f_widths[2], f_rotations[2]) end for (pt,width) in zip(ptss[2], cycle(stripes_widths[2]))] end ) @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(8.881,6.913,0.338), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i-5,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.1, [[-1,+1],[+1,-1]], [[0.1],[0.1]], false, false) stripes_with_rotation(ptss, [[0.25],[0.25]], [0.05, 0.05], [i->0, i->0], [[i->0,i->0], [i->0,i->0]]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(8.881,6.913,0.338), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i-5,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.1, [[-1,+1,+1,+1],[+1,-1,+1,+1],[+1,+1,-1,+1],[+1,+1,+1,-1]], [[0.1],[0.1]], false, false) nothing stripes_with_rotation(ptss, [[0.25],[0.25]], [0.05, 0.05], [i->0, i->0], [[i->0,i->0], [i->0,i->0]]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(8.881,6.913,0.338), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i-5,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[-1,+1,+1,+1],[+1,-1,+1,+1],[+1,+1,-1,+1],[+1,+1,+1,-1]], [[0.1],[0.1]], false, false) stripes_with_rotation(ptss, [[0.25],[0.25]], [0.05, 0.05], [i->0, i->0], [[i->0,i->0], [i->pi/2*(-1+cos(2pi*i.x/10)), i->pi/2*(-1+cos(2pi*i.x/10))]]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(8.881,6.913,0.338), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i-5,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[-1,+1,+1,+1],[+1,-1,+1,+1],[+1,+1,-1,+1],[+1,+1,+1,-1]], [[0.1],[0.1]], false, false) stripes_with_rotation(ptss, [[0.25],[0.25]], [0.05, 0.05], [i->0, i->0], [[i->pi/2*(-1+cos(2pi*i.z/10)), i->pi/2*(-1+cos(2pi*i.z/10))], [i->0,i->0]]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(8.881,6.913,0.338), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i-5,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.2, [[-1,+1,+1,+1],[+1,-1,+1,+1],[+1,+1,-1,+1],[+1,+1,+1,-1]], [[0.1],[0.1]], false, false) nothing stripes_with_rotation(ptss, [[0.1],[0.1]], [0.05, 0.05], [i->0.05+0.4*sin(i.z/pi/4), i->0.05+0.1*sin((i.x-48)/pi)], [[i->0,i->0],[i->0,i->0]]) nothing end @test begin new_backend() set_view(xyz(8.881,6.913,0.338), u0(), 20) facade = Surf((i,j)-> xz(i-5,j-5), 0, 10, 0, 10) ptss = weave_ptss_centered(facade, 10, 10, 0.4, [[-1,+1,+1,+1],[+1,-1,+1,+1],[+1,+1,-1,+1],[+1,+1,+1,-1]], [[0.1],[0.1]], false, false) stripes_with_rotation(ptss, [[0.1],[0.1]], [0.05, 0.05], [i->0.4*sin(i.z/pi/4), i->0.09*sin((i.x-60)/pi)], [[i->pi/2*(-1+cos(pi*i.z/10)), i->pi/2*(-1+cos(pi*i.z/10))], [i->0,i->0]]) nothing end # Folders Structure base_folder = pwd() results_folder_phase1 = joinpath(base_folder, "algorithms") # CSV File Configuration has_header = true files_sep = "," file_extension = "csv" # Optimization Settings runs = [1] nruns = length(runs) max_evals = 500 ## Problem Definition (in the files) ### Variables m_stripes = :m_stripes rotation = :rotation thickness = :thickness vars_cols = [m_stripes, rotation, thickness] ### Objectives ASE = :ASE sDA = :sDA objs_cols = [ASE, sDA] relevant_cols = vcat(vars_cols, objs_cols) names_mapping = ( 4 => m_stripes, 5 => rotation, 6 => thickness, 7 => ASE, 8 => sDA, ) ## Multi-Objective Optimization Algorithms ### Metaheuristics pop_size = 20 metaheuristics = ["NSGAII", "OMOPSO"] ### Model-Based (or metamodel) metamodels_base = ["GPR"] metamodels_strategies = ["SPEA2"] metamodels_algorithms = ["$(b)_$(s)" for b in metamodels_base for s in metamodels_strategies] all_algorithms_phase1 = vcat(metaheuristics, metamodels_algorithms) n_algorithms_phase1 = length(all_algorithms_phase1) ### Filenames with the results filenames_phase1 = ["$(a)_results_0$(r).$(file_extension)" for r in runs for a in all_algorithms_phase1] filenames_phase1 layout_weaved = Layout( template="plotly_white", autosize=false, # Define plot size width=900, height=540, # Legend Position # showlegend = False, legend=Dict( :orientation=>'h', :x=>-0.01, :y=>-0.2 ), # Define axis xaxis=Dict( :title=>"sDA", :autorange=>true, :showgrid=>true, :zeroline=>false, :showline=>true, :ticks=>"", :showticklabels=>true, :tickformat=>"." ), yaxis=Dict( :title=>"ASE", :autorange=>true, :showgrid=>true, :zeroline=>false, :showline=>true, :ticks=>"", :showticklabels=>true, :tickformat=>"." ) ) # Read algorithms dfs1 = load_results(filenames_phase1) nothing dfs1 = [rename!(df, [map(x->x[2], names_mapping) ...]) for df in dfs1] nothing # Compute non_dominated_solutions (per run) pfs1 = [add_isdominated_cols(df) for df in dfs1] nothing # Computes combined Pareto Front (optimal solutions found from all the algorithms, all the runs) combined_pf1 = get_combined_PF(dfs1, drop_cols=relevant_cols) nothing #Run this cell only once!!! pfs1 = [unscale(pf, rotation, -pi, 0.02) for pf in pfs1] pfs1 = [unscale(pf, thickness, 0, 0.02) for pf in pfs1] nothing first(pfs1[1], 6) # Since sDA is actually a maximization, let us use the symmetric operation pfs1 = [get_symmetric(pf, sDA) for pf in pfs1] combined_pf1 = get_symmetric(combined_pf1, sDA) nothing # Sort sDA values in ascending order ## This fixes the error we were getting in the create_pfs_interactive function, ## which would return a different point than the one we selected pfs1 = [sort(pf, [sDA], rev=false) for pf in pfs1] nothing first(pfs1[1], 6) new_backend() create_pfs(pfs1, x=sDA, y=ASE, tpf=nothing, names=all_algorithms_phase1, colorscale=nothing, colors=["#43a0b5", "#B5557A", "#eb911c"], draw_dominated=true, layout=layout_weaved)