#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

Table of Contents

# # Independed Principle Component analysis with # # *InfoMax, Extended InfoMax, FastICA, & Picard* # In[1]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.style.use('ggplot') from scipy import signal from joblib import Parallel, delayed # ## Import ICA from spkit # In[11]: from spkit import ICA from spkit.data import load_data # ## Load sample EEG Data ( 16 sec, 128 smapling rate, 14 channel) # ### Filter signal (with IIR highpass 1Hz) # In[3]: X,ch_names = load_data.eegSample() # In[4]: band =[1,63.5] order,fs = 5,128 b,a = signal.butter(order,np.array(band)/(0.5*fs),btype='bandpass') Xf = np.array(Parallel(n_jobs=-1)(delayed(signal.lfilter)(b,a,X[:,i]) for i in range(X.shape[1]))).T # In[5]: t = np.arange(X.shape[0])/128.0 plt.figure(figsize=(12,5)) plt.plot(t,Xf+np.arange(-7,7)*200) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.xlabel('time(sec)') plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*200,ch_names) plt.show() # ## Apply ICA on 2 sec segment of EEG # In[12]: methods = ('fastica', 'infomax', 'extended-infomax', 'picard') icap = ['ICA'+str(i) for i in range(1,15)] # In[13]: x = Xf[128*10:128*12,:] t = np.arange(x.shape[0])/128.0 myICA = ICA(n_components=14,method='fastica') myICA.fit(x.T) s1 = myICA.transform(x.T) myICA = ICA(n_components=14,method='infomax') myICA.fit(x.T) s2 = myICA.transform(x.T) myICA = ICA(n_components=14,method='picard') myICA.fit(x.T) s3 = myICA.transform(x.T) myICA = ICA(n_components=14,method='extended-infomax') myICA.fit(x.T) s4 = myICA.transform(x.T) plt.figure(figsize=(15,15)) plt.subplot(321) plt.plot(t,x+np.arange(-7,7)*200) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*200,ch_names) plt.title('X : EEG Data') plt.subplot(322) plt.plot(t,s1.T+np.arange(-7,7)*700) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*700,icap) plt.title('FastICA') plt.subplot(323) plt.plot(t,s2.T+np.arange(-7,7)*700) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*700,icap) plt.title('Infomax') plt.subplot(324) plt.plot(t,s3.T+np.arange(-7,7)*700) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*700,icap) plt.title('Picard') plt.subplot(325) plt.plot(t,s4.T+np.arange(-7,7)*700) plt.xlim([t[0],t[-1]]) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*700,icap) plt.title('Extended-Infomax') plt.show() # ## Decomposition and Construction matrices (Extended InfoMax) # $$ S = A\cdot (X-\mu)$$ # $$ X = W\cdot S + \mu$$ # where $\mu$ is mean, computed before applying PCA # In[9]: mu = myICA.pca_mean_[:, None] W = myICA.get_sMatrix() A = myICA.get_tMatrix() # In[10]: s1 = np.dot(A,(x.T-mu)) x1 = np.dot(W,s4)+mu plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) plt.subplot(121) plt.plot(x1.T+np.arange(-7,7)*400) plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*400,ch_names) plt.title('Reconstructed X') plt.subplot(122) plt.plot(s1.T+np.arange(-7,7)*400) plt.title('Computed ICA Ex-InfoMax') plt.yticks(np.arange(-7,7)*400,icap) plt.show() print('Error X',np.sum(x1-x.T)) print('Error S',np.sum(s1-s4)) # In[ ]: