#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

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# In[1]: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import sys, scipy from scipy import linalg as LA import spkit as sp # In[2]: sp.__version__ # # Ramanujan Dictionary - with sparse penalty # ## Signal with 3-periods and SNR=10 # In[5]: #np.random.seed(None) periods = [3,7,11] signal_length = 200 SNR = 10 x = np.zeros(signal_length) for period in periods: x_temp = np.random.randn(period) x_temp = np.tile(x_temp,int(np.ceil(signal_length/period))) x_temp = x_temp[:signal_length] x_temp /= LA.norm(x_temp,2) x += x_temp x /= LA.norm(x,2) noise = np.random.randn(len(x)) noise /= LA.norm(noise,2) noise_power = 10**(-1*SNR/20) noise *= noise_power x_noise = x + noise plt.figure(figsize=(15,3)) plt.plot(x,label='signal: x') plt.plot(x_noise, label='signal+noise: x_noise') plt.xlabel('sample (n)') plt.legend() plt.show() # ## With L1 and sparse penalty # In[6]: periodE = sp.PeriodStrength(x_noise,Pmax=80,method='Ramanujan',lambd=1, L=1, cvxsol=True) plt.stem(np.arange(len(periodE))+1,periodE) plt.xlabel('period (in samples)') plt.ylabel('strength') plt.title('L1 + penality') plt.show() print('top 10 periods: ',np.argsort(periodE)[::-1][:10]+1) # ## With L1 with no penalty # In[7]: periodE = sp.PeriodStrength(x_noise,Pmax=80,method='Ramanujan',lambd=0, L=1, cvxsol=True) plt.stem(np.arange(len(periodE))+1,periodE) plt.xlabel('period (in samples)') plt.ylabel('strength') plt.title('L1 + no penality') plt.show() print('top 10 periods: ',np.argsort(periodE)[::-1][:10]+1) # ## With L2 and sparse penalty # In[8]: periodE = sp.PeriodStrength(x_noise,Pmax=80,method='Ramanujan',lambd=1, L=2, cvxsol=False) plt.stem(np.arange(len(periodE))+1,periodE) plt.xlabel('period (in samples)') plt.ylabel('strength') plt.title('L2 + penality') plt.show() print('top 10 periods: ',np.argsort(periodE)[::-1][:10]+1) # ## With RFB # In[9]: y,Plist = sp.RFB_prange(x=x_noise,Pmin=1,Pmax=30, Rcq=10, Rav=2, thr=0.2,return_filters=False) plt.figure(figsize=(15,5)) im = plt.imshow(y.T,aspect='auto',cmap='jet',extent=[1,len(x_noise),30,1]) plt.colorbar(im) plt.xlabel('sample (n)') plt.ylabel('period (in samples)') plt.show() Penrgy = np.sum(y,0) plt.stem(Plist,Penrgy) plt.xlabel('period (in samples)') plt.ylabel('strength') plt.show() print('top 10 periods: ',Plist[np.argsort(Penrgy)[::-1]][:10]) # In[ ]: