#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # DiscreteDP Example: Modeling Career Choice # **Daisuke Oyama** # # *Faculty of Economics, University of Tokyo* # We use `DiscreteDP` to solve the carrer-job model considered in # [http://quant-econ.net/py/career.html](http://quant-econ.net/py/career.html). # In[1]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # In[2]: from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d.axes3d import Axes3D from matplotlib import cm import quantecon as qe from quantecon.markov import DiscreteDP # ## Setup # Construct the state space: # In[3]: # Number of possible realizations for both theta and epsilon N = 50 # Upper bound for both theta and epsilon B = 5 theta = np.linspace(0, B, N) # set of theta values epsilon = np.linspace(0, B, N) # set of epsilon values # Set of indices for theta-epsilon pairs s_indices2d = qe.cartesian([np.arange(N), np.arange(N)]) # States are ordered as follows: # In[4]: print(s_indices2d) # In[5]: # Number of states n = N * N # Distrubtions of `theta` and `epsilon`: # In[6]: F_a, F_b = 1, 1 F_probs = qe.distributions.BetaBinomial(N-1, F_a, F_b).pdf() F_mean = np.sum(theta * F_probs) G_a, G_b = 1, 1 G_probs = qe.distributions.BetaBinomial(N-1, G_a, G_b).pdf() G_mean = np.sum(epsilon * G_probs) # Construct the reward array `R` and the transition probability array `Q`: # In[7]: # Number of actions; 0: stay put, 1: new job, 2: new life m = 3 # Reward and transition probability arrays R = np.empty((n, m)) Q = np.zeros((n, m, n)) # Stay put R[:, 0] = theta[s_indices2d[:, 0]] + epsilon[s_indices2d[:, 1]] Q[np.arange(n), 0, np.arange(n)] = 1 # New job R[:, 1] = theta[s_indices2d[:, 0]] + G_mean for i in range(N): Q[i*N:(i+1)*N, 1, i*N:(i+1)*N] = G_probs # New life R[:, 2] = F_mean + G_mean Q[:, 2] = F_probs.reshape(N, 1).dot(G_probs.reshape(1, N)).ravel() # Discount factor: # In[8]: beta = 0.95 # Create a `DiscreteDP` instance: # In[9]: ddp = DiscreteDP(R, Q, beta) # ## Solving the model # Solve the Markov decision problem: # In[10]: res = ddp.solve() # Number of iterations: # In[11]: res.num_iter # The returned value function `res.v` and `res.sigma` are 1-dimenstional arrays. # To convert them to 2-dimensional arrays: # In[12]: v_2d = res.v.reshape(N, N) sigma_2d = res.sigma.reshape(N, N) # Plot the optimal value function: # In[13]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') tg, eg = np.meshgrid(theta, epsilon) ax.plot_surface(tg, eg, v_2d.T, rstride=2, cstride=2, cmap=cm.jet, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.25) ax.set_zlim(150, 200) ax.set_xlabel('theta', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('epsilon', fontsize=14) ax.set_zlabel('value', fontsize=14) ax.view_init(ax.elev, 225) ax.set_title(r'Optimal value function: $\beta = {0}$' .format(ddp.beta), y=1.05) plt.show() # Plot the optimal policy function: # In[14]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) tg, eg = np.meshgrid(theta, epsilon) lvls=(-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5) ax.contourf(tg, eg, sigma_2d.T, levels=lvls, cmap=cm.winter, alpha=0.5) ax.contour(tg, eg, sigma_2d.T, colors='k', levels=lvls, linewidths=2) ax.set_xlabel('theta', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('epsilon', fontsize=14) ax.text(1.8, 2.5, 'new life', fontsize=14) ax.text(4.5, 2.5, 'new job', fontsize=14, rotation='vertical') ax.text(4.0, 4.5, 'stay put', fontsize=14) ax.set_title(r'Optimal policy function: $\beta = {0}$'.format(ddp.beta)) plt.show() # Simulate the controlled Markov chain: # In[15]: ts_length = 20 seed = 3210 # for replication # seed = None # to randomly initialize the random number generator X = res.mc.simulate(ts_length=ts_length, num_reps=2, random_state=seed) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8)) for x, ax in zip(X, axes): theta_path, epsilon_path = theta[s_indices2d[x, 0]], epsilon[s_indices2d[x, 1]] ax.plot(epsilon_path, label='epsilon') ax.plot(theta_path, label='theta') ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set_ylim(0, B) axes[0].set_title(r'Sample paths: $\beta = {0}$'.format(ddp.beta)) plt.show() # Generate sample paths and compute the first passage times for the stay-put region: # In[16]: M = 25000 # Number of samples ts_length = 100 seed = 42 X = res.mc.simulate(ts_length=ts_length, init=0, num_reps=M, random_state=seed) # In[17]: T_stars = (res.sigma[X] != 0).sum(axis=1) # Check that the state enters the regions before `ts_length`: # In[18]: all(T_stars < ts_length) # In[19]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) hist = np.histogram(T_stars, bins=T_stars.max(), range=(0, T_stars.max())) ax.bar(np.arange(T_stars.max()), hist[0], align='center') ax.set_xlim(0, ts_length) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax.set_title(r'First passage time: $\beta = {0}$'.format(ddp.beta)) plt.show() # In[20]: np.mean(T_stars) # In[21]: np.median(T_stars) # ## Increased discount factor # Repeat the above exercises with $\beta = 0.99$. # In[22]: ddp.beta = 0.99 # In[23]: res99 = ddp.solve() # In[24]: v99_2d = res99.v.reshape(N, N) sigma99_2d = res99.sigma.reshape(N, N) # In[25]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') tg, eg = np.meshgrid(theta, epsilon) ax.plot_surface(tg, eg, v99_2d.T, rstride=2, cstride=2, cmap=cm.jet, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.25) ax.set_xlabel('theta', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('epsilon', fontsize=14) ax.set_zlabel('value', fontsize=14) ax.view_init(ax.elev, 225) ax.set_title(r'Optimal value function: $\beta = {0}$' .format(ddp.beta), y=1.05) plt.show() # In[26]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) tg, eg = np.meshgrid(theta, epsilon) lvls=(-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5) ax.contourf(tg, eg, sigma99_2d.T, levels=lvls, cmap=cm.winter, alpha=0.5) ax.contour(tg, eg, sigma99_2d.T, colors='k', levels=lvls, linewidths=2) ax.set_xlabel('theta', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('epsilon', fontsize=14) ax.text(1.8, 2.5, 'new life', fontsize=14) ax.text(4.6, 2.5, 'new job', fontsize=14, rotation='vertical') ax.text(4.5, 4.7, 'stay put', fontsize=14) ax.set_title(r'Optimal policy function: $\beta = {0}$'.format(ddp.beta)) plt.show() # In[27]: ts_length = 20 seed = 3210 # for replication # seed = None # to randomly initialize the random number generator X = res99.mc.simulate(ts_length=ts_length, num_reps=2, random_state=seed) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8)) for x, ax in zip(X, axes): theta_path, epsilon_path = theta[s_indices2d[x, 0]], epsilon[s_indices2d[x, 1]] ax.plot(epsilon_path, label='epsilon') ax.plot(theta_path, label='theta') ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set_ylim(0, B) axes[0].set_title(r'Sample paths: $\beta = {0}$'.format(ddp.beta)) plt.show() # In[28]: M = 25000 # Number of samples ts_length = 120 seed = 42 # for replication # seed = None # to randomly initialize the random number generator x = res99.mc.simulate(ts_length=ts_length, init=0, num_reps=M, random_state=seed) T_stars = (res99.sigma[x] != 0).sum(axis=1) # In[29]: all(T_stars < ts_length) # In[30]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) hist = np.histogram(T_stars, bins=T_stars.max(), range=(0, T_stars.max())) ax.bar(np.arange(T_stars.max()), hist[0], align='center') ax.set_xlim(0, ts_length) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax.set_title(r'First passage time: $\beta = {0}$'.format(ddp.beta)) plt.show() # In[31]: np.mean(T_stars) # In[32]: np.median(T_stars) # ## Wrapping the procedure in a class # In[33]: class CareerWorkerProblemDiscreteDP(object): """ Class to solve the career-job choice model. Parameters ---------- See `CareerWorkerProblem`. """ def __init__(self, B=5.0, beta=0.95, N=50, F_a=1, F_b=1, G_a=1, G_b=1): self.beta, self.N, self.B = beta, N, B self.theta = np.linspace(0, B, N) # set of theta values self.epsilon = np.linspace(0, B, N) # set of epsilon values self.F_probs = qe.distributions.BetaBinomial(N-1, F_a, F_b).pdf() self.G_probs = qe.distributions.BetaBinomial(N-1, G_a, G_b).pdf() self.F_mean = np.sum(self.theta * self.F_probs) self.G_mean = np.sum(self.epsilon * self.G_probs) self.s_indices2d = qe.cartesian((np.arange(N), np.arange(N))) self.s_values2d = qe.cartesian((self.theta, self.epsilon)) n = N * N # Number of states m = 3 # Number of actions; 0: stay put, 1: new job, 2: new life # Reward and transition probability arrays R = np.empty((n, m)) Q = np.zeros((n, m, n)) # Stay put R[:, 0] = self.s_values2d.sum(axis=-1) Q[np.arange(n), 0, np.arange(n)] = 1 # New job R[:, 1] = self.s_values2d[:, 0] + self.G_mean for i in range(N): Q[i*N:(i+1)*N, 1, i*N:(i+1)*N] = self.G_probs # New life R[:, 2] = self.F_mean + self.G_mean Q[:, 2] = self.F_probs.reshape(N, 1).dot(self.G_probs.reshape(1, N)).ravel() self.ddp = DiscreteDP(R, Q, self.beta) self._mc = None self.num_iter = None @property def mc(self): if self._mc is None: self.solve() return self._mc def solve(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Solve the model. """ res = self.ddp.solve(*args, **kwargs) v = res.v.reshape(self.N, self.N) sigma = res.sigma.reshape(self.N, self.N) self._mc = res.mc self.num_iter = res.num_iter return v, sigma def simulate(self, ts_length, init=None, num_reps=None, random_state=None, ret='state_value'): """ Simulate the controlled Markov chain. """ if init is not None: init = init[0]*self.N + init[1] X = self.mc.simulate(ts_length, init, num_reps, random_state) if ret == 'state_index': paths_index = self.s_indices2d[X] return paths_index elif ret == 'state_value': paths_value = self.s_values2d[X] return paths_value else: raise ValueError() # ## Different set of parameter values # Let `G_a = G_b = 100`: # In[34]: G_a, G_b = 100, 100 wp = CareerWorkerProblemDiscreteDP(G_a=G_a, G_b=G_b) # In[35]: v, sigma = wp.solve() # In[36]: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d') tg, eg = np.meshgrid(wp.theta, wp.epsilon) ax.plot_surface(tg, eg, v.T, rstride=2, cstride=2, cmap=cm.jet, alpha=0.5, linewidth=0.25) ax.set_xlabel('theta', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('epsilon', fontsize=14) ax.set_zlabel('value', fontsize=14) ax.view_init(ax.elev, 225) ax.set_title(r'Optimal value function: ' r'$G_a = {G_a}$, $G_b = {G_b}$, $\beta = {beta}$' .format(G_a=G_a, G_b=G_b, beta=wp.beta), y=1.05) plt.show() # In[37]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) tg, eg = np.meshgrid(wp.theta, wp.epsilon) lvls=(-0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 2.5) ax.contourf(tg, eg, sigma.T, levels=lvls, cmap=cm.winter, alpha=0.5) ax.contour(tg, eg, sigma.T, colors='k', levels=lvls, linewidths=2) ax.set_xlabel('theta', fontsize=14) ax.set_ylabel('epsilon', fontsize=14) ax.text(1.8, 2.5, 'new life', fontsize=14) ax.text(4.5, 2.5, 'new job', fontsize=14, rotation='vertical') ax.text(4.0, 4.5, 'stay put', fontsize=14) ax.set_title(r'Optimal policy function: ' r'$G_a = {G_a}$, $G_b = {G_b}$, $\beta = {beta}$' .format(G_a=G_a, G_b=G_b, beta=wp.beta)) plt.show() # In[38]: ts_length = 20 seed = 3210 # for replication # seed = None # to randomly initialize the random number generator paths = wp.simulate(ts_length=ts_length, num_reps=2, random_state=seed) fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(10, 8)) for path, ax in zip(paths, axes): theta_path, epsilon_path = path[:, 0], path[:, 1] ax.plot(epsilon_path, label='epsilon') ax.plot(theta_path, label='theta') ax.legend(loc='lower right') ax.set_ylim(0, wp.B) axes[0].set_title(r'Sample paths: ' r'$G_a = {G_a}$, $G_b = {G_b}$, $\beta = {beta}$' .format(G_a=G_a, G_b=G_b, beta=wp.beta)) plt.show() # In[39]: M = 25000 # Number of samples ts_length = 100 seed = 42 # for replication # seed = None # to randomly initialize the random number generator X = wp.simulate(ts_length=ts_length, init=(0, 0), num_reps=M, random_state=seed, ret='state_index') T_stars = (sigma[X[..., 0], X[..., 1]] != 0).sum(axis=1) # In[40]: all(T_stars < ts_length) # In[41]: fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 5)) hist = np.histogram(T_stars, bins=T_stars.max(), range=(0, T_stars.max())) ax.bar(np.arange(T_stars.max()), hist[0], align='center') ax.set_xlim(0, ts_length) ax.set_xlabel('Time') ax.set_ylabel('Frequency') ax.set_title(r'First passage time: ' r'$G_a = {G_a}$, $G_b = {G_b}$, $\beta = {beta}$' .format(G_a=G_a, G_b=G_b, beta=wp.beta)) plt.show() # In[42]: np.mean(T_stars) # In[43]: np.median(T_stars) # ## Comparison with `CareerWorkerProblem` # Let us compare the above `CareerWorkerProblemDiscreteDP` with the original `CareerWorkerProblem`: # With `quantecon` version 0.3 or above, # we need to download the script file `career.py` from the `career` directory # in the [QuantEcon.applications](https://github.com/QuantEcon/QuantEcon.applications) repo. # In[44]: # Download the module file and then import it module = "career" directory = "career" object_name = "CareerWorkerProblem" file = module + ".py" repo = "https://github.com/QuantEcon/QuantEcon.applications" qe.util.fetch_nb_dependencies(files=[file], repo=repo, deps=directory) exec("from {0} import {1}".format(module, object_name)) # We are now ready to use `CareerWorkerProblem`. # In[45]: wp_orig = CareerWorkerProblem() wp_ddp = CareerWorkerProblemDiscreteDP() # Solve the model by value iteration with `max_iter = 50`, # which is the default value in `qe.compute_fixed_point`: # In[46]: v_init = np.ones((wp_orig.N, wp_orig.N))*100 v_orig = qe.compute_fixed_point(wp_orig.bellman_operator, v_init, verbose=False) sigma_orig = wp_orig.get_greedy(v_orig) # In[47]: v_init_1d = np.ones(wp_orig.N*wp_orig.N)*100 error_tol = 1e-3 epsilon = error_tol * (2*wp_orig.beta) / (1-wp_orig.beta) v_ddp, sigma_ddp = \ wp_ddp.solve(method='vi', v_init=v_init_1d, epsilon=epsilon, max_iter=50) # In[48]: np.abs(v_orig - v_ddp).max() # In[49]: np.array_equal(sigma_orig-1, sigma_ddp) # `max_iter = 50` is binding: # In[50]: wp_ddp.num_iter # Solve by policy iteration: # In[51]: v_ddp_pi, sigma_ddp_pi = \ wp_ddp.solve(method='pi', v_init=v_init_1d) # In[52]: np.abs(v_orig - v_ddp_pi).max() # In[53]: np.array_equal(sigma_orig-1, sigma_ddp_pi) # In[54]: (sigma_orig-1 != sigma_ddp_pi).sum() # In[55]: np.where(sigma_orig-1 != sigma_ddp_pi) # Increse `max_iter`: # In[56]: v_ddp2, sigma_ddp2 = \ wp_ddp.solve(method='vi', v_init=v_init_1d, epsilon=epsilon, max_iter=250) # In[57]: wp_ddp.num_iter # In[58]: v_init = np.ones((wp_orig.N, wp_orig.N))*100 v_orig2 = qe.compute_fixed_point(wp_orig.bellman_operator, v_init, verbose=False, max_iter=250) sigma_orig2 = wp_orig.get_greedy(v_orig2) # In[59]: np.array_equal(sigma_orig2-1, sigma_ddp_pi) # Consider the case of $\beta = 0.99$. # In[60]: beta = 0.99 wp_orig99 = CareerWorkerProblem(beta=beta) wp_ddp99 = CareerWorkerProblemDiscreteDP(beta=beta) # In[61]: v_init = np.ones((wp_orig99.N, wp_orig99.N))*100 v_orig99 = qe.compute_fixed_point(wp_orig99.bellman_operator, v_init, verbose=False) sigma_orig99 = wp_orig99.get_greedy(v_orig99) # In[62]: v_init_1d = np.ones(wp_orig.N*wp_orig.N)*100 error_tol = 1e-3 epsilon = error_tol * (2*wp_orig.beta) / (1-wp_orig.beta) v_ddp99, sigma_ddp99 = \ wp_ddp99.solve(method='vi', v_init=v_init_1d, epsilon=epsilon, max_iter=50) # In[63]: np.array_equal(sigma_orig99-1, sigma_ddp99) # In[64]: v_ddp99_pi, sigma_ddp99_pi = \ wp_ddp99.solve(method='pi', v_init=v_init_1d) # In[65]: np.array_equal(sigma_orig99-1, sigma_ddp99_pi) # In[66]: (sigma_orig99-1 != sigma_ddp99_pi).sum() # In[67]: F = qe.DiscreteRV(wp_orig99.F_probs) G = qe.DiscreteRV(wp_orig99.G_probs) def gen_first_passage_time(sigma): t = 0 i = j = 0 while 1: if sigma[i, j] == 1: # Stay put return t elif sigma[i, j] == 2: # New job j = int(G.draw()) else: # New life i, j = int(F.draw()), int(G.draw()) t += 1 M = 25000 # Number of samples samples = np.empty(M) for i in range(M): samples[i] = gen_first_passage_time(sigma=sigma_orig99) print(np.median(samples)) # In[68]: M = 25000 # Number of samples ts_length = 120 seed = 42 # for replication # seed = None # to randomly initialize the random number generator X = wp_ddp99.simulate(ts_length=ts_length, init=(0, 0), num_reps=M, random_state=seed, ret='state_index') T_stars = (sigma_ddp99[X[..., 0], X[..., 1]] != 0).sum(axis=1) np.median(T_stars) # Increase `max_iter` for value iteration: # In[69]: v_ddp99, sigma_ddp99 = \ wp_ddp99.solve(method='vi', v_init=v_init_1d, epsilon=epsilon, max_iter=2000) # In[70]: wp_ddp99.num_iter # In[71]: np.array_equal(sigma_ddp99, sigma_ddp99_pi) # In[72]: v_init = np.ones((wp_orig99.N, wp_orig99.N))*100 v_orig99 = qe.compute_fixed_point(wp_orig99.bellman_operator, v_init, verbose=False, max_iter=2000) sigma_orig99 = wp_orig99.get_greedy(v_orig99) # In[73]: M = 25000 # Number of samples samples = np.empty(M) for i in range(M): samples[i] = gen_first_passage_time(sigma=sigma_orig99) print(np.median(samples)) # In[ ]: