using InstantiateFromURL github_project("QuantEcon/quantecon-notebooks-julia", version = "0.6.0") # uncomment to force package installation and precompilation # github_project("QuantEcon/quantecon-notebooks-julia", version="0.6.0", instantiate=true, precompile = true) using LinearAlgebra, Statistics using DataFrames, RDatasets, DataFramesMeta, CategoricalArrays, Query, VegaLite using GLM using DataFrames, RDatasets # RDatasets provides good standard data examples from R # note use of missing commodities = ["crude", "gas", "gold", "silver"] last_price = [4.2, 11.3, 12.1, missing] df = DataFrame(commod = commodities, price = last_price) df.price df.commod DataFrames.describe(df) nt = (commod = "nickel", price= 5.1) push!(df, nt) nt = (t = 1, col1 = 3.0) df2 = DataFrame([nt]) push!(df2, (t=2, col1 = 4.0)) df[!, :price] df[!, :price] *= 2.0 # double prices allowmissing!(df2, :col1) # necessary to add in a for col1 push!(df2, (t=3, col1 = missing)) push!(df2, (t=4, col1 = 5.1)) @show mean(df2.col1) @show mean(skipmissing(df2.col1)) df2.col1 .= coalesce.(df2.col1, 0.0) # replace all missing with 0.0 using DataFramesMeta f(x) = x^2 df2 = @transform(df2, col2 = f.(:col1)) using CategoricalArrays id = [1, 2, 3, 4] y = ["old", "young", "young", "old"] y = CategoricalArray(y) df = DataFrame(id=id, y=y) levels(df.y) x = 3.0 f(x) = x^2 g(x) = log(x) @show g(f(x)) @show x |> f |> g; # pipes nest function calls using Query df = DataFrame(name=["John", "Sally", "Kirk"], age=[23., 42., 59.], children=[3,5,2]) x = @from i in df begin @where i.age>50 @select {, i.children} @collect DataFrame end using RDatasets, VegaLite iris = dataset("datasets", "iris") iris |> @vlplot( :point, x=:PetalLength, y=:PetalWidth, color=:Species ) using GLM x = randn(100) y = 0.9 .* x + 0.5 * rand(100) df = DataFrame(x=x, y=y) ols = lm(@formula(y ~ x), df) # R-style notation using RegressionTables regtable(ols) # regtable(ols, renderSettings = latexOutput()) # for LaTex output using FixedEffectModels cigar = dataset("plm", "Cigar") cigar.StateCategorical = categorical(cigar.State) cigar.YearCategorical = categorical(cigar.Year) fixedeffectresults = reg(cigar, @formula(Sales ~ NDI + fe(StateCategorical) + fe(YearCategorical)), weights = :Pop, Vcov.cluster(:State)) regtable(fixedeffectresults)