#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # MathematicalProgram Tutorial # # For instructions on how to run these tutorial notebooks, please see the [README](https://github.com/RobotLocomotion/drake/blob/master/tutorials/README.md). # ## Background # Many engineering problems can be formulated as mathematical optimization problems, and solved by numerical solvers. A generic mathematical optimization problem can be formulated as # \begin{align} # \begin{array}{rl} # \min_x \; & f(x) # \\[0.1pc]\text{subject to} \; & x \in\mathcal{S} # \end{array} # \hspace{1.45em} # {\scriptsize # \begin{array}{|ll|} # \hline \text{The real-valued decision variable is} & x # \\[-0.21pc] \text{The real-valued cost function is} & f(x) # \\[-0.21pc] \text{The constraint set is} & \mathcal{S} # \\[-0.21pc] \text{The optimal $x$ that minimizes the cost function is} & x^* # \\[0.03pc]\hline # \end{array} # } # \end{align} # # where $x$ is the real-valued decision variable(s), $f(x)$ is the real-valued *cost function*, $\mathcal{S}$ is the constraint set for $x$. Our goal is to find the optimal $x^*$ within the constraint set $\mathcal{S}$, such that $x^*$ minimizes the cost function $f(x)$. # # For example, the following optimization problem determines the value of $x$ # that minimizes $x^3 + 2x + 1$ subject to $x \ge 1$. # \begin{align} # \begin{array}{rl} # \min_x & x^3 + 2x + 1 # \\[0.1pc] \text{subject to} & x \ge 1 # \end{array} # \hspace{1.45em} # {\scriptsize # \begin{array}{|ll|} # \hline \text{The real-valued decision variable is} & x # \\[-0.21pc] \text{The real-valued cost function $f(x)$ is} & x^3 + 2x + 1 # \\[-0.21pc] \text{The set $\mathcal{S}$ of constraints is} & x \ge 1 # \\[-0.21pc] \text{The value that minimizes the cost function is} & x^* = 1 # \\[0.03pc]\hline # \end{array}} # \end{align} # # In general, how an optimization problem is solved depends on its categorization (categories include Linear Programming, Quadratic Programming, Mixed-integer Programming, etc.). Categorization depends on properties of both the cost function $f(x)$ and the constraint set $\mathcal{S}$. For example, if the cost function $f(x)$ is a linear function of $x$, and the constraint $\mathcal{S}$ is a linear set $\mathcal{S} = \{x | Ax\le b\}$, then we have a *linear programming* problem, which is efficiently solved with certain solvers. # # There are multiple solvers for each category of optimization problems, # but each solver has its own API and data structures. # Frequently, users need to rewrite code when they switch solvers. # To remedy this, Drake provides a common API through the *MathematicalProgram* class. # In addition to avoiding solver-specific code, # the constraint and cost functions can be written in symbolic form (which makes code more readable). # In these ways, Drake's MathematicalProgram is akin to [YALMIP](https://yalmip.github.io/) in MATLAB or [JuMP](https://github.com/JuliaOpt/JuMP.jl) in Julia, and we support both Python and C++. #
Note: Drake supports many [solvers](https://drake.mit.edu/doxygen_cxx/group__solvers.html) # (some are open-source and some require a license). # # Drake can formulate and solve the following categories of optimization problems # * Linear programming # * Quadratic programming # * Second-order cone programming # * Nonlinear nonconvex programming # * Semidefinite programming # * Sum-of-squares programming # * Mixed-integer programming (mixed-integer linear programming, mixed-integer quadratic programming, mixed-integer second-order cone programming). # * Linear complementarity problem # # This tutorial provides the basics of Drake's MathematicalProgram. # Advanced tutorials are available at the [bottom](#Advanced-tutorials) of this document. # # ## Basics of MathematicalProgram class # Drake's MathematicalProgram class contains the mathematical formulation of an optimization problem, namely the decision variables $x$, the cost function $f(x)$, and the constraint set $\mathcal{S}$. # ### Initialize a MathematicalProgram object # # To initialize this class, first create an empty MathematicalProgram as # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'notebook') # In[ ]: from pydrake.solvers.mathematicalprogram import MathematicalProgram import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # Create an empty MathematicalProgram named prog (with no decision variables, # constraints or cost function) prog = MathematicalProgram() # # # ### Adding decision variables # Shown below, the function `NewContinuousVariables` adds two new continuous decision variables to `prog`. The newly added variables are returned as `x` in a numpy array. #
Note the range of the variable is a continuous set, as opposed to binary variables which only take discrete value 0 or 1. # In[ ]: x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2) # The default names of the variable in *x* are "x(0)" and "x(1)". The next line prints the default names and types in `x`, whereas the second line prints the symbolic expression "1 + 2x[0] + 3x[1] + 4x[1]". # In[ ]: print(x) print(1 + 2*x[0] + 3*x[1] + 4*x[1]) # To create an array `y` of two variables named "dog(0)"" and "dog(1)", pass the name "dog" as a second argument to `NewContinuousVariables()`. Also shown below is the printout of the two variables in `y` and a symbolic expression involving `y`. # In[ ]: y = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2, "dog") print(y) print(y[0] + y[0] + y[1] * y[1] * y[1]) # To create a $3 \times 2$ matrix of variables named "A", type # In[ ]: var_matrix = prog.NewContinuousVariables(3, 2, "A") print(var_matrix) # ### Adding constraints # There are many ways to impose constraints on the decision variables. This tutorial shows a few simple examples. Refer to the links at the [bottom](#Advanced-tutorials) of this document for other types of constraints. # # # #### AddConstraint # The simplest way to add a constraint is with `MathematicalProgram.AddConstraint()`. # In[ ]: # Add the constraint x(0) * x(1) = 1 to prog prog.AddConstraint(x[0] * x[1] == 1) # # You can also add inequality constraints to `prog` such as # In[ ]: prog.AddConstraint(x[0] >= 0) prog.AddConstraint(x[0] - x[1] <= 0) # `prog` automatically analyzes these symbolic inequality constraint expressions and determines they are all *linear* constraints on $x$. # ### Adding Cost functions # In a complicated optimization problem, it is often convenient to write the total cost function $f(x)$ as a sum of individual cost functions # \begin{align} # f(x) = \sum_i g_i(x) # \end{align} # # #### AddCost method. # The simplest way to add an individual cost function $g_i(x)$ to the total cost function $f(x)$ is with the `MathematicalProgram.AddCost()` method (as shown below). # In[ ]: # Add a cost x(0)**2 + 3 to the total cost. Since prog doesn't have a cost before, now the total cost is x(0)**2 + 3 prog.AddCost(x[0] ** 2 + 3) # To add another individual cost function $x(0) + x(1)$ to the total cost function $f(x)$, simply call `AddCost()` again as follows # In[ ]: prog.AddCost(x[0] + x[1]) # now the total cost function becomes $x(0)^2 + x(0) + x(1) + 3$. # # `prog` can analyze each of these individual cost functions and determine that $x(0) ^ 2 + 3$ is a convex quadratic function, and $x(0) + x(1)$ is a linear function of $x$. # ### Solve the optimization problem # Once all the decision variables/constraints/costs are added to `prog`, we are ready to solve the optimization problem. # # # #### Automatically choosing a solver # The simplest way to solve the optimization problem is to call `Solve()` function. Drake's MathematicalProgram analyzes the type of the constraints/costs, and then calls an appropriate solver for your problem. The result of calling `Solve()` is stored inside the return argument. Here is a code snippet # In[ ]: """ Solves a simple optimization problem min x(0)^2 + x(1)^2 subject to x(0) + x(1) = 1 x(0) <= x(1) """ from pydrake.solvers.mathematicalprogram import Solve # Set up the optimization problem. prog = MathematicalProgram() x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2) prog.AddConstraint(x[0] + x[1] == 1) prog.AddConstraint(x[0] <= x[1]) prog.AddCost(x[0] **2 + x[1] ** 2) # Now solve the optimization problem. result = Solve(prog) # print out the result. print("Success? ", result.is_success()) # Print the solution to the decision variables. print('x* = ', result.GetSolution(x)) # Print the optimal cost. print('optimal cost = ', result.get_optimal_cost()) # Print the name of the solver that was called. print('solver is: ', result.get_solver_id().name()) # Notice that we can then retrieve optimization result from the return argument of `Solve`. For example, the solution $x^*$ is retrieved from `result.GetSolution()`, and the optimal cost from `result.get_optimal_cost()`. # # Some optimization solution is infeasible (doesn't have a solution). For example in the following code example, `result.get_solution_result()` will not report `kSolutionFound`. # In[ ]: """ An infeasible optimization problem. """ prog = MathematicalProgram() x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1)[0] y = prog.NewContinuousVariables(1)[0] prog.AddConstraint(x + y >= 1) prog.AddConstraint(x + y <= 0) prog.AddCost(x) result = Solve(prog) print("Success? ", result.is_success()) print(result.get_solution_result()) # #### Manually choosing a solver # # If you want to choose a solver yourself, rather than Drake choosing one for you, you could instantiate a solver explicitly, and call its `Solve` function. There are two apporaches to instantiate a solver. For example, if I want to solve a problem using the open-source solver [IPOPT](https://github.com/coin-or/Ipopt), I can instantiate the solver using either of the two approaches: # 1. The simplest approach is to call `solver = IpoptSolver()` # 2. The second approach is to construct a solver with a given solver ID as `solver = MakeSolver(IpoptSolver().solver_id())` # In[ ]: """ Demo on manually choosing a solver Solves the problem min x(0) s.t x(0) + x(1) = 1 0 <= x(1) <= 1 """ from pydrake.solvers.ipopt import IpoptSolver prog = MathematicalProgram() x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2) prog.AddConstraint(x[0] + x[1] == 1) prog.AddConstraint(0 <= x[1]) prog.AddConstraint(x[1] <= 1) prog.AddCost(x[0]) # Choose IPOPT as the solver. # First instantiate an IPOPT solver. solver = IpoptSolver() # The initial guess is [1, 1]. The third argument is the options for Ipopt solver, # and we set no solver options. result = solver.Solve(prog, np.array([1, 1]), None) print(result.get_solution_result()) print("x* = ", result.GetSolution(x)) print("Solver is ", result.get_solver_id().name()) print("Ipopt solver status: ", result.get_solver_details().status, ", meaning ", result.get_solver_details().ConvertStatusToString()) # Note that `solver.Solve()` expects three input arguments, the optimization program `prog`, the initial guess of the decision variable values (`[1, 1]` in this case), and an optional setting for the solver (`None` in this case, we use the default IPOPT setting). If you don't have an initial guess, you could call `solver.Solve(prog)`. Drake will choose a default initial guess (a 0-valued vector), but this initial guess might be a bad starting point for optimization. Note from the following example code, with the default initial guess, the solver cannot find a solution, even though a solution exists (and could be found with initial guess [1, 1]). # In[ ]: from pydrake.solvers.mathematicalprogram import MakeSolver solver = MakeSolver(IpoptSolver().solver_id()) result = solver.Solve(prog) print(result.get_solution_result()) print("x* = ", result.GetSolution(x)) # Also note that if we know which solver is called, then we can access some solver-specific result, by calling `result.get_solver_details()`. For example, `IpoptSolverDetails` contains a field `status`, namely the status code of the IPOPT solver, we could access this info by # In[ ]: print("Ipopt solver status: ", result.get_solver_details().status, ", meaning ", result.get_solver_details().ConvertStatusToString()) # Each solver has its own details. You should refer to `XXXSolverDetails` class on what is stored inside the return argument of `result.get_solver_details()`. For example, if you know that IPOPT is called, then refer to `IpoptSolverDetails` class; for OSQP solver, refer to `OsqpSolverDetails`, etc. # # ### Using an initial guess # Some optimization problems, such as nonlinear optimization, require an initial guess. Other types of problems, such as quadratic programming, mixed-integer optimization, etc, can be solved faster if a good initial guess is provided. The user could provide an initial guess as an input argument in `Solve` function. If no initial guess is provided, Drake will use a zero-valued vector as the initial guess. # # In the example below, we show that an initial guess could affect the result of the problem. Without an user-provided initial guess, the solver might be unable to find the solution. # In[ ]: from pydrake.solvers.ipopt import IpoptSolver prog = MathematicalProgram() x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2) prog.AddConstraint(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 == 100.) prog.AddCost(x[0]**2-x[1]**2) solver = IpoptSolver() # The user doesn't provide an initial guess. result = solver.Solve(prog, None, None) print(f"Without a good initial guess, the result is {result.is_success()}") print(f"solution {result.GetSolution(x)}") # Pass an initial guess result = solver.Solve(prog, [-5., 0.], None) print(f"With a good initial guess, the result is {result.is_success()}") print(f"solution {result.GetSolution(x)}") # For more details on setting the initial guess, the user could refer to [Nonlinear program](./nonlinear_program.ipynb) section `Setting the initial guess`. # # # ## Add callback # Some solvers support adding a callback function in each iteration. One usage of the callback is to visualize the solver progress in the current iteration. `MathematicalProgram` supports this usage through the function `AddVisualizationCallback`, although the usage is not limited to just visualization, the callback function can do anything. Here is an example # In[ ]: # Visualize the solver progress in each iteration through a callback # Find the closest point on a curve to a desired point. fig = plt.figure() curve_x = np.linspace(1, 10, 100) ax = plt.gca() ax.plot(curve_x, 9./curve_x) ax.plot(-curve_x, -9./curve_x) ax.plot(0, 0, 'o') x_init = [4., 5.] point_x, = ax.plot(x_init[0], x_init[1], 'x') ax.axis('equal') def update(x): global iter_count point_x.set_xdata(x[0]) point_x.set_ydata(x[1]) ax.set_title(f"iteration {iter_count}") fig.canvas.draw() fig.canvas.flush_events() # Also update the iter_count variable in the callback. # This shows we can do more than just visualization in # callback. iter_count += 1 plt.pause(0.1) iter_count = 0 prog = MathematicalProgram() x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2) prog.AddConstraint(x[0] * x[1] == 9) prog.AddCost(x[0]**2 + x[1]**2) prog.AddVisualizationCallback(update, x) result = Solve(prog, x_init) # ## Advanced tutorials # [Setting solver parameters](./solver_parameters.ipynb) # # [Linear program](./linear_program.ipynb) # # [Nonlinear program](./nonlinear_program.ipynb) # # [Sum-of-squares optimization](./sum_of_squares_optimization.ipynb)