#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Solver Parameters Tutorial # For instructions on how to run these tutorial notebooks, please see the [index](./index.ipynb). # # ## Setting solver parameters # Many solvers allow the users to adjust the parameters. When calling `Solve()` function, Drake will use the default parameters for the solver (iterations, optimality tolerance, etc). You could modify these parameters in two ways, by either calling `MathematicalProgram::SetSolverOption`, or pass a `SolverOptions` argument to the `Solve()` function. # ### Calling MathematicalProgram::SetSolverOption # By calling `MathematicalProgram::SetSolverOption(solver_id, option_name, option_value)`, you can set a parameter for a specific solver (with the matching `solver_id`). The `option_name` is specific to that solver (for example, [here](https://coin-or.github.io/Ipopt/OPTIONS.html) is a list of IPOPT parameters). Note that `MathematicalProgram` object will store this solver parameter, and this parameter will be applied in the `Solve()` call, if that specific solver (with the matching `solver_id`) is invoked. # # In the following code snippet, we show an example of setting the options of IPOPT. # In[ ]: from pydrake.solvers import MathematicalProgram, SolverOptions, Solve from pydrake.solvers import IpoptSolver import numpy as np prog = MathematicalProgram() x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2) prog.AddCost(x[0]**2 + x[1] ** 2) prog.AddConstraint(x[0] + x[1] == 1) # Set the maximum iteration for IPOPT to be 1. # max_iter is a parameter of IPOPT solver, explained in # https://www.coin-or.org/Ipopt/documentation/node42.html prog.SetSolverOption(IpoptSolver().solver_id(), "max_iter", 1) solver = IpoptSolver() result = solver.Solve(prog, np.array([10, 1]), None) # With fewer maximum iteration, IPOPT hasn't converged to optimality yet (The true optimal is [0.5, 0.5]) print("Success? ", result.is_success()) print(result.get_solution_result()) print("IPOPT x*= ", result.GetSolution(x)) # Also note that setting the parameter of a solver **doesn't** mean that `result = Solve(prog)` will invoke that solver. The invoked solver is determined by Drake, to choose whichever solver it thinks most appropriate. # # In the following snippet, although we set the solver options for IPOPT, Drake chooses another solver (which can solve this particular problem in the closed form.) # In[ ]: prog.SetSolverOption(IpoptSolver().solver_id(), "max_iter", 1) result = Solve(prog) print(result.get_solver_id().name()) # ### Passing a SolverOptions to Solve function # Another way of setting the solver options is to pass in a `SolverOptions` object as an argument to `Solve` function. `MathematicalProgram` will *not* store this `SolverOptions` object. # # In the following example, in the first `Solve` call, it uses the `SolverOptions` object to set the parameter for IPOPT; in the second `Solve` call, it uses the default IPOPT parameters, hence we get different results from two `Solve` calls. # In[ ]: prog = MathematicalProgram() x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(2) prog.AddCost(x[0]**2 + x[1] ** 2) prog.AddConstraint(x[0] + x[1] == 1) solver_options = SolverOptions() solver_options.SetOption(IpoptSolver().solver_id(), "max_iter", 1) solver = IpoptSolver() # Call Solve with solver_options, IPOPT will use `max_iter` = 1 result = solver.Solve(prog, np.array([10, 1]), solver_options) print("Success? ", result.is_success()) print(result.get_solution_result()) # Call Solve without solver_options, IPOPT will use the default options. result = solver.Solve(prog, np.array([10, 1]), None) print("Success? ", result.is_success()) print(result.get_solution_result())