#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # PyPlot Animation with MultibodyPlant Tutorial # For instructions on how to run these tutorial notebooks, please see the [index](./index.ipynb). # # ## Selecting matplotlib Backends # # Jupyter notebooks provide the `%matplotlib` that we will use to select # different backends: # https://ipython.readthedocs.io/en/stable/interactive/magics.html#magic-matplotlib # # Generally, the backends you can use are either non-interactive (e.g. `inline`) # or interactive (`notebook`, `tk`). This notebook shows some options you can # comment and uncomment to try them out. # # **Note: We recommend using only the `inline` backend on Deepnote and Google Colab.** # # First, show what options might be available. Note that some of these backends # may not have all dependencies installed, so they may not work. # In[ ]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', '--list') # Now select **one** of the backends here. These options are more likely # to be supported on your system. # # Note that you can only select a different backend once during a kernel session. # If you want to change backends, you will need to restart your session. # In[ ]: # This is non-interactive: it shows static plots inline get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # This is interactive: it shows dynamic plots in the notebook # %matplotlib notebook # This is interactive: it shows dynamic plots in separate GUI windows # %matplotlib tk # ## Imports # In[ ]: from IPython.display import HTML from matplotlib import animation import numpy as np # In[ ]: from pydrake.common import FindResourceOrThrow from pydrake.multibody.parsing import Parser from pydrake.multibody.plant import AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph from pydrake.systems.analysis import Simulator from pydrake.systems.framework import DiagramBuilder from pydrake.systems.planar_scenegraph_visualizer import ( ConnectPlanarSceneGraphVisualizer) # ## Define Pendulum Example # # This function is consolidated from `run_planar_scenegraph_visualizer.py`. # In[ ]: def run_pendulum_example(duration=1., playback=True, show=True): """ Runs a simulation of a pendulum. Arguments: duration: Simulation duration (sec). playback: Enable pyplot animations to be produced. """ builder = DiagramBuilder() plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, 0.) parser = Parser(plant) parser.AddModelFromFile(FindResourceOrThrow( "drake/examples/pendulum/Pendulum.urdf")) plant.Finalize() T_VW = np.array([[1., 0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., 0., 1.]]) visualizer = ConnectPlanarSceneGraphVisualizer( builder, scene_graph, T_VW=T_VW, xlim=[-1.2, 1.2], ylim=[-1.2, 1.2], show=show) if playback: visualizer.start_recording() diagram = builder.Build() simulator = Simulator(diagram) simulator.Initialize() simulator.set_target_realtime_rate(1.) # Fix the input port to zero. plant_context = diagram.GetMutableSubsystemContext( plant, simulator.get_mutable_context()) plant.get_actuation_input_port().FixValue( plant_context, np.zeros(plant.num_actuators())) plant_context.SetContinuousState([0.5, 0.1]) simulator.AdvanceTo(duration) if playback: visualizer.stop_recording() ani = visualizer.get_recording_as_animation() return ani else: return None # ## Run without Playback # # If you have a non-interactive backend, you will not see any animation. # Additionally, you will see a UserWarning that it is using a non-GUI backend. # # If you have an interactive backend, you should see the simulation animation # as it happens. # # If you select a GUI option, this will open a new figure each time you run the # following cell. # In[ ]: run_pendulum_example(playback=False) # ## Run with Playback # # If you have a non-interactive backend, you will not see any animation # in the first output. # # If you have an interactive backend, you will see animation in the first output # (as the simulation happens). Additionally, the direct animation plot itself will # loop its playback. # In[ ]: ani = run_pendulum_example(playback=True) # Given that you recorded playback, now you can produce an animation (regardless # of your backend) either as: # # * A JavaScript HTML widget - allows for slightly finer-grained control # * An HTML5 video - requires ffmpeg, which is not installed as part of Drake's # dependencies # In[ ]: HTML(ani.to_jshtml()) # In[ ]: if animation.writers.is_available("ffmpeg"): display(HTML(ani.to_html5_video())) # If you do not want to render the image (only the animation), then pass `show=False` in to the constructor of `PlanarSceneGraphVisualizer()`. # In[ ]: ani = run_pendulum_example(playback=True, show=False) HTML(ani.to_jshtml())