#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Before you turn this problem in, make sure everything runs as expected. First, **restart the kernel** (in the menubar, select Kernel$\rightarrow$Restart) and then **run all cells** (in the menubar, select Cell$\rightarrow$Run All). # # Make sure you fill in any place that says `YOUR CODE HERE` or "YOUR ANSWER HERE", as well as your name and collaborators below: # In[ ]: NAME = "" COLLABORATORS = "" # --- # # *This notebook contains material from [PyRosetta](https://RosettaCommons.github.io/PyRosetta.notebooks); # content is available [on Github](https://github.com/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks.git).* # # < [PyRosetta Google Drive Setup](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/01.01-PyRosetta-Google-Drive-Setup.ipynb) | [Contents](toc.ipynb) | [Index](index.ipynb) | [How to Get PyRosetta on Your Personal Computer](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/01.03-How-to-Get-Local-PyRosetta.ipynb) >

Open in Colab # # PyRosetta Google Drive Usage Example # After installing PyRosetta in Colab, here is an example for how you would initialize PyRosetta in Colab and use it. # In[ ]: # Notebook setup import sys if 'google.colab' in sys.modules: get_ipython().system('pip install pyrosettacolabsetup') import pyrosettacolabsetup pyrosettacolabsetup.setup() print ("Notebook is set for PyRosetta use in Colab. Have fun!") # In[ ]: from pyrosetta import * pyrosetta.init() # In[ ]: test = Pose() # to check that it works # # < [PyRosetta Google Drive Setup](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/01.01-PyRosetta-Google-Drive-Setup.ipynb) | [Contents](toc.ipynb) | [Index](index.ipynb) | [How to Get PyRosetta on Your Personal Computer](http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/RosettaCommons/PyRosetta.notebooks/blob/master/notebooks/01.03-How-to-Get-Local-PyRosetta.ipynb) >

Open in Colab