#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Looking at the Bathymetry Leading to South Sound # # Is the lack of connectivity the reason why we are not seeing deep water in South Sound? # In[35]: from IPython.display import Image import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import xarray as xr # ### Chart of Bathymetry # In[38]: Image(filename='./Grid/TheNarrows.png') # The soundings are in fathoms. 25 fathoms = 46 m # ### Our Bathymetry # In[3]: bathy = xr.open_dataset('/home/sallen/MEOPAR/grid/bathymetry_201702.nc') # In[40]: bathy.Bathymetry.plot(cmap='gist_ncar'); # In[41]: bathy.Bathymetry[5:35, 160:190].plot(cmap='gist_ncar', vmin=45, vmax=60); # In[42]: bathy.Bathymetry[5:35, 160:190].plot(cmap='gist_ncar_r', vmin=30, vmax=45, figsize=(8, 7)); plt.plot(181-160, 22-5, 'ro') plt.plot(178-160, 20-5, 'bo'); plt.plot(173-160, 18-5, 'ko'); # Yes there are multiple connection breaks at the depth of 45 m. # Need to deepen, to 45 m, the three circled points above. # In[ ]: