from __future__ import division import datetime from glob import glob import os from IPython.core.display import HTML import netCDF4 as nc from salishsea_tools.nowcast import figures %matplotlib inline def results_dataset(period, grid, results_dir): """Return the results dataset for period (e.g. 1h or 1d) and grid (e.g. grid_T, grid_U) from results_dir. """ filename_pattern = 'SalishSea_{period}_*_{grid}.nc' filepaths = glob(os.path.join(results_dir, filename_pattern.format(period=period, grid=grid))) return nc.Dataset(filepaths[0]) run_date = datetime.datetime(2014,12,21) # Results dataset location results_home = '/data/dlatorne/MEOPAR/SalishSea/nowcast/' results_dir = os.path.join(results_home, run_date.strftime('%d%b%y').lower()) # model winds model_path = '/ocean/sallen/allen/research/MEOPAR/Operational/' grid_T_hr = results_dataset('1h', 'grid_T', results_dir) bathy = nc.Dataset('/data/nsoontie/MEOPAR/NEMO-forcing/grid/') HTML('

{:%d%b%y} Figures

'.format(run_date)) from __future__ import division from cStringIO import StringIO import datetime import glob import os import arrow from dateutil import tz import matplotlib from matplotlib.backends import backend_agg as backend import as cm import matplotlib.dates as mdates import matplotlib.gridspec as gridspec import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import netCDF4 as nc import numpy as np import pandas as pd import requests from scipy import interpolate as interp from salishsea_tools import ( nc_tools, viz_tools, stormtools, tidetools, ) # Plotting colors model_c = 'MediumBlue' observations_c = 'DarkGreen' predictions_c = 'MediumVioletRed' stations_c = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, 7)) # Time shift for plotting in PST time_shift = datetime.timedelta(hours=-8) hfmt = mdates.DateFormatter('%m/%d %H:%M') # Font format title_font = { 'fontname': 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'size': '20', 'color': 'black', 'weight': 'medium' } axis_font = {'fontname': 'Bitstream Vera Sans', 'size': '16'} # Average mean sea level calculated over 1983-2001 # (To be used to centre model output about mean sea level) MSL_DATUMS = { 'Point Atkinson': 3.10, 'Victoria': 1.90, 'Campbell River': 2.89, 'Patricia Bay': 2.30} back_c = '#14657E' def axis_colors(ax, plot): """ Formats the background colour of plots and colours of labels. :arg ax: Axis to be formatted. :type ax: axis object :arg plot: Keyword for background needed for plot. :type plot: string :returns: axis format """ labels_c = 'white' ticks_c = 'white' spines_c = 'white' if plot == 'blue': ax.set_axis_bgcolor(back_c) if plot == 'gray': ax.set_axis_bgcolor('#DBDEE1') if plot == 'white': ax.set_axis_bgcolor('white') ax.xaxis.label.set_color(labels_c), ax.yaxis.label.set_color(labels_c) ax.tick_params(axis='x', colors=ticks_c), ax.tick_params(axis='y', colors=ticks_c) ax.spines['bottom'].set_color(spines_c), ax.spines['top'].set_color(spines_c) ax.spines['left'].set_color(spines_c), ax.spines['right'].set_color(spines_c) ax.title.set_color('white') def PA_tidal_predictions(grid_T, PST=1, MSL=0, figsize=(20, 8)): """ Plots the tidal cycle at Point Atkinson during a 4 week period centred around the simulation start date. This function assumes that a tidal prediction file exists in a specific directory. Tidal predictions were calculated with ttide based on a time series from 2013. Plots are of predictions caluclated with all consituents. :arg grid_T: Hourly tracer results dataset from NEMO. :type grid_T: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg PST: Specifies if plot should be presented in PST. 1 = plot in PST, 0 = plot in UTC. :type PST: 0 or 1 :arg MSL: Specifies if the plot should be centred about mean sea level. 1=centre about MSL, 0=centre about 0. :type MSL: 0 or 1 :arg figsize: Figure size (width, height) in inches. :type figsize: 2-tuple :returns: matplotlib figure object instance (fig). """ # Time range t_orig,t_end,t_nemo=figures.get_model_time_variables(grid_T) timezone=PST*'[PST]' + abs((PST-1))*'[UTC]' # Axis limits are set as 2 weeks before and after start date. ax_start = t_orig - datetime.timedelta(weeks=2) ax_end = t_orig + datetime.timedelta(weeks=2) ylims=[-3,3] # Figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) fig.patch.set_facecolor(back_c) fig.autofmt_xdate() ttide=figures.plot_tides(ax,'Point Atkinson',PST,MSL,'black') # Line indicating current date ax.plot([t_orig +time_shift*PST,t_orig+time_shift*PST],ylims,'-r',lw=2) ax.plot([t_end+time_shift*PST,t_end+time_shift*PST],ylims,'-r',lw=2) # Axis ax.set_xlim([ax_start+time_shift*PST,ax_end+time_shift*PST]) ax.set_ylim(ylims) ax.set_title('Tidal Predictions at Point Atkinson: ' + t_orig.strftime('%d-%b-%Y'),**title_font) ax.set_ylabel('Sea Surface Height [m]',**axis_font) ax.set_xlabel('Time {}'.format(timezone),**axis_font) ax.grid() axis_colors(ax, 'gray') ax.text(1., -0.2, 'Tidal predictions calculated with t_tide:', horizontalalignment='right', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, color = 'white') PA_tidal_predictions(grid_T_hr) def compare_tidalpredictions_maxSSH( grid_T, grid_B, model_path, PST=1, MSL=0, name='Point Atkinson', figsize=(20, 15), ): """Plots a map for sea surface height when it was at its maximum at Point Atkinson and compares modelled water levels to tidal predications over one day. It is assummed that the tidal predictions were calculated ahead of time and stored in a very specific location. The tidal predictions were calculated with all constituents using ttide based on a time series from 2013. The corrected model takes into account errors resulting in using only 8 constituents. The residual is calculated as corrected model - tides (with all constituents). :arg grid_T: Hourly tracer results dataset from NEMO. :type grid_T: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg grid_B: Bathymetry dataset for the Salish Sea NEMO model. :type grid_B: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg model_path: The directory where the model wind files are stored. :type model_path: string :arg PST: Specifies if plot should be presented in PST. 1 = plot in PST, 0 = plot in UTC. :type PST: 0 or 1 :arg MSL: Specifies if the plot should be centred about mean sea level. 1=centre about MSL, 0=centre about 0. :type MSL: 0 or 1 :arg name: Name of station. :type name: string :arg figsize: Figure size (width, height) in inches. :type figsize: 2-tuple :returns: matplotlib figure object instance (fig). """ # Stations information [lats, lons] = figures.station_coords() # Time range t_orig,t_final,t=figures.get_model_time_variables(grid_T) tzone=PST*'[PST]' + abs((PST-1))*'[UTC]' # Bathymetry bathy, X, Y = tidetools.get_bathy_data(grid_B) # Get sea surface height [j,i]=tidetools.find_closest_model_point(lons[name],lats[name],X,Y,bathy,allow_land=False) ssh = grid_T.variables['sossheig'] ssh_loc = ssh[:,j,i] # Figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig.patch.set_facecolor(back_c) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(3, 2, width_ratios=[2,1]) gs.update(wspace=0.13, hspace=0.2) ax0 = fig.add_subplot(gs[0, 0]) # information box axis_colors(ax0, 'blue') plt.setp(ax0.spines.values(), visible=False) # hide axes for information box ax0.xaxis.set_visible(False); ax0.yaxis.set_visible(False) ax1 = fig.add_subplot(gs[1, 0]) # sea surface height ax2 = fig.add_subplot(gs[:, 1]) # map ax3 = fig.add_subplot(gs[2, 0]) # residual # Sea surface height plot ttide=figures.plot_tides(ax1,name,PST,MSL) ssh_corr=figures.plot_corrected_model(ax1,t,ssh_loc,ttide,t_orig,t_final, PST,MSL,MSL_DATUMS[name]) ax1.plot(t+PST*time_shift,ssh_loc,'--',c=model_c,linewidth=1,label='Model') # Compute residual res = figures.compute_residual(ssh_loc,ttide,t_orig,t_final) # Find maximim sea surface height and timing max_ssh,index,tmax,max_res,max_wind,ind_w = figures.get_maxes(ssh_corr, t, res, lons[name], lats[name], model_path) ax0.text(0.05, 0.9, name, fontsize=20, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', color = 'white') ax0.text(0.05, 0.75, 'Max SSH: {:.2f} metres above mean sea level'.format(max_ssh), fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', color = 'white') ax0.text(0.05, 0.6, 'Time of max: {time} {timezone}'.format(time=tmax +PST*time_shift, timezone=PST*'[PST]' + abs((PST-1))*'[UTC]'), fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', color = 'white') ax0.text(0.05, 0.45, 'Residual: {:.2f} metres'.format(max_res), fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', color = 'white') ax0.text(0.05, 0.3, 'Wind speed: {:.1f} m/s'.format(float(max_wind)), fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', color = 'white') # Mark point for maximum ssh ax1.plot(tmax+PST*time_shift, max_ssh, color='white', marker='o', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=3, label='Maximum SSH') # Axis for sea surface height plot ax1.set_xlim(t_orig+PST*time_shift,t_final+PST*time_shift) ax1.set_ylim([-3,3]) ax1.set_title('Hourly Sea Surface Height at ' + name + ': ' + (t_orig).strftime('%d-%b-%Y'),**title_font) ax1.set_xlabel('Time {}'.format(tzone),**axis_font) ax1.set_ylabel('Water Levels wrt MSL (m)',**axis_font) ax1.grid() ax1.legend(loc = 0, numpoints = 1) axis_colors(ax1, 'gray') ax1.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) # Plot Residual ax3.plot(t +PST*time_shift,res,'-k',linewidth=2,label='Residual') # Axis for residual plot ax3.set_xlim(t_orig+PST*time_shift,t_final+PST*time_shift) ax3.set_ylim([-1,1]) ax3.set_xlabel('Time {}'.format(tzone),**axis_font) ax3.set_ylabel('Residual (m)',**axis_font) ax3.set_yticks(np.arange(-1.0,1.25,0.25)) ax3.grid() ax3.legend(loc = 0, numpoints = 1) axis_colors(ax3, 'gray') ax3.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) fig.autofmt_xdate() # Map of sea surface height cs = [-1,-0.5,0.5,1, 1.5,1.6,1.7,1.8,1.9,2,2.1,2.2,2.4,2.6] ssh_max_field =[index], 0) mesh=ax2.contourf(ssh_max_field,cs,cmap='nipy_spectral',extend='both',alpha=0.6) ax2.contour(ssh_max_field,cs,colors='k',linestyles='--') cbar = fig.colorbar(mesh,ax=ax2) cbar.set_ticks(cs) plt.setp(plt.getp(, 'yticklabels'), color='w') cbar.set_label('[m]', color='white') ax2.set_title('Sea Surface Height: ' + (tmax+PST*time_shift).strftime('%d-%b-%Y, %H:%M'),**title_font) ax2.set_xlabel('X Index',**axis_font) ax2.set_ylabel('Y Index',**axis_font) ax2.grid() axis_colors(ax2, 'white') viz_tools.plot_coastline(ax2,grid_B) viz_tools.plot_land_mask(ax2,grid_B,color='burlywood') ax2.plot(i, j, marker='o', color='white', markersize=10, markeredgewidth=3) compare_tidalpredictions_maxSSH(grid_T_hr, bathy, model_path) def plot_thresholds_all(grid_T, grid_B, model_path, PST=1, MSL=1, figsize=(20, 10)): """Plots sea surface height over one day with respect to warning thresholds. This function applies only to Point Atkinson, Campbell River, and Victoria. There are three different warning thresholds. The locations of stations are colored depending on the threshold in which they fall: green, yellow, red. :arg grid_T: Hourly tracer results dataset from NEMO. :type grid_T: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg grid_B: Bathymetry dataset for the Salish Sea NEMO model. :type grid_B: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg model_path: The directory where the model wind files are stored. :type model_path: string :arg PST: Specifies if plot should be presented in PST. 1 = plot in PST, 0 = plot in UTC. :type PST: 0 or 1 :arg MSL: Specifies if the plot should be centred about mean sea level. 1=centre about MSL, 0=centre about 0. :type MSL: 0 or 1 :arg figsize: Figure size (width, height) in inches. :type figsize: 2-tuple :returns: matplotlib figure object instance (fig). """ # Figure fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig.patch.set_facecolor(back_c) gs = gridspec.GridSpec(1, 3, width_ratios=[1,1,1]) gs.update(wspace=0.15, hspace=0.1) # Map of region fig2 = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) fig2.patch.set_facecolor(back_c) ax0=fig2.add_subplot(1,1,1) figures.plot_map(ax0, grid_B) ax0.set_xlim(-125.4, -122.2) ax0.set_ylim(48, 50.3) ax0.set_title('Station Locations',**title_font) axis_colors(ax0, 'gray') fig.suptitle('Hourly Sea Surface Height', fontsize=20, color='white') # Stations information [lats, lons] = figures.station_coords() # Bathymetry bathy, X, Y = tidetools.get_bathy_data(grid_B) m = np.arange(3) names = ['Point Atkinson', 'Campbell River', 'Victoria'] extreme_sshs = [5.61,5.35,3.76] for M, name, extreme_ssh in zip(m, names, extreme_sshs): # Get sea surface height [j,i]=tidetools.find_closest_model_point(lons[name],lats[name],X,Y,bathy,allow_land=False) ssh = grid_T.variables['sossheig'] ssh_loc = ssh[:,j,i] # Time range t_orig,t_final,t=figures.get_model_time_variables(grid_T) tzone=PST*'[PST]' + abs((PST-1))*'[UTC]' # Sea surface height plot ax = fig.add_subplot(gs[0,M]) # Plot tides, corrected model and original model if name =='Point Atkinson': figures.plot_PA_observations(ax,PST) ttide=figures.plot_tides(ax,name,PST,MSL) ssh_corr=figures.plot_corrected_model(ax,t,ssh_loc,ttide,t_orig,t_final, PST,MSL,MSL_DATUMS[name]) ax.plot(t+PST*time_shift,ssh_loc+MSL_DATUMS[name]*MSL,'--', c=model_c,linewidth=1,label='Model') # Axis ax.set_xlim(t_orig+PST*time_shift,t_final+PST*time_shift) ax.set_ylim([-1,6]) ax.set_title(name + ': ' + (t_orig).strftime('%d-%b-%Y'), **title_font) ax.set_xlabel('Time {}'.format(tzone),**axis_font) ax.set_ylabel('Water Level above Chart Datum (m)',**axis_font) ax.grid() axis_colors(ax, 'gray') ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(hfmt) fig.autofmt_xdate() # Map bbox_args = dict(boxstyle='square',facecolor='white',alpha=0.8) ax0.annotate(name,(lons[name]-0.05,lats[name]-0.18),fontsize=15, color='black',bbox=bbox_args) # Define thresholds in sea surface height plots [max_tides, mid_tides, extreme_ssh] = figures.plot_threshold_map(ax0,ttide, ssh_corr, 'D', 25, 1.0, name) # Plot thresholds in sea surface height plots ax.axhline(y=max_tides,color='Gold',linewidth=2,ls='solid',label='Maximum tides') ax.axhline(y=mid_tides,color='Red',linewidth=2,ls='solid',label='Extreme water') ax.axhline(y=extreme_ssh,color='DarkRed',linewidth=2,ls='solid',label='Historical maximum') # Legend if M == 2: legend = ax.legend(bbox_to_anchor=(1.5, 1.1), loc='upper right', borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':15}, title=r'Legend') legend.get_title().set_fontsize('20') # Citation ax0.text(0.3 , -0.1, 'Tidal predictions calculated with t_tide: \nObserved water levels from Fisheries and Oceans, Canada \nvia Scott Tinis at', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax0.transAxes, color = 'white') plot_thresholds_all(grid_T_hr, bathy, model_path) def winds_at_max_ssh(grid_T, grid_B, model_path, station, figsize=(20, 15)): """ Plots winds at individual stations 4 hours before the maxmimum sea surface height at Point Atkinson. If that data is not available then the plot is generated at the start of the simulation. This function applies to stations at Campbell River, Point Atkinson, Victoria, Cherry Point, Neah Bay, and Friday Harbor. :arg grid_T: Hourly tracer results dataset from NEMO. :type grid_T: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg grid_B: Bathymetry dataset for the Salish Sea NEMO model. :type grid_B: :class:`netCDF4.Dataset` :arg model_path: The directory where the model files are stored. :type model_path: string :arg station: Name of the station. :type station: string :arg figsize: Figure size (width, height) in inches. :type figsize: 2-tuple :returns: matplotlib figure object instance (fig). """ # Stations information [lats, lons] = figures.station_coords() # Map fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1) fig.patch.set_facecolor(back_c) figures.plot_map(ax, grid_B) # Arrow scale scale = 0.1 # Time range [t_orig,t_final,t] = figures.get_model_time_variables(grid_T) # Reference arrow ax.arrow(-123, 50., 5.*scale, 0.*scale, head_width=0.05, head_length=0.1, width=0.02, color='white',fc='DarkMagenta', ec='black') ax.text(-123, 50.1, "5 m/s") # Condition if plotting all stations or a single station if station == 'all': names = ['Neah Bay', 'Victoria', 'Friday Harbor', 'Cherry Point', 'Sandheads', 'Point Atkinson', 'Campbell River'] colors=stations_c else: names=[station] colors=['DarkMagenta'] # Indices for plotting wind vectors inds = figures.isolate_wind_timing('Point Atkinson',grid_T,grid_B,model_path,t,4,average=False) # Loop through all stations to plot arrows and markers for name, station_c in zip (names, colors): plot_time=figures.plot_wind_vector(ax, name, t_orig, t_final, model_path, inds, scale) ax.plot(lons[name], lats[name], marker='D', color=station_c, markersize=10, markeredgewidth=2,label=name) # Time for title and legend plot_time=(plot_time[0]+time_shift).strftime('%d-%b-%Y %H:%M') legend = ax.legend(numpoints=1, bbox_to_anchor=(-0.1, 1.05), loc=2, borderaxespad=0., prop={'size':15}, title=r'Stations') legend.get_title().set_fontsize('20') ax.set_title('Modelled winds at \n {time} [PST]'.format(time=plot_time),**title_font) # Citation ax.text(0.4,-0.05, 'Modelled winds are from the High Resolution Deterministic Prediction System of Environment Canada.\n', horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes, color = 'white') axis_colors(ax, 'gray') winds_at_max_ssh(grid_T_hr, bathy, model_path, station = 'all') fig=figures.plot_threshold_website(bathy, grid_T_hr, model_path)