require 'daru' df ={ a: {|i| i}, b:{rand} }) df.plot type: :scatter, x: :a, y: :b # DataFrame denoting Ice Cream sales of a particular food chain in a city # according to the maximum recorded temperature in that city. It also lists # the staff strength present in each city. df ={ :temperature => [30.4, 23.5, 44.5, 20.3, 34, 24, 31.45, 28.34, 37, 24], :sales => [350, 150, 500, 200, 480, 250, 330, 400, 420, 560], :city => ['Pune', 'Delhi']*5, :staff => [15,20]*5 }) df # Generating a scatter plot with tool tips, colours and different shapes. df.plot(type: :scatter, x: :temperature, y: :sales) do |plot, diagram| plot.x_label "Temperature" plot.y_label "Sales" plot.yrange [100, 600] plot.xrange [15, 50] diagram.tooltip_contents([:city, :staff]) diagram.color(Nyaplot::Colors.qual) # set the color scheme for this diagram. See Nyaplot::Colors for more info. diagram.fill_by(:city) # Change color of each point WRT to the city that it belongs to. diagram.shape_by(:city) # Shape each point WRT to the city that it belongs to. end # Move the mouse pointer over the points to see the tool tips. # A Bar Graph denoting the age at which various Indian Kings died. df ={ name: ['Emperor Asoka', 'Akbar The Great', 'Rana Pratap', 'Shivaji Maharaj', 'Krishnadevaraya'], age: [72,63,57,53,58] }, order: [:name, :age]) df.sort!([:age]) df.plot type: :bar, x: :name, y: :age do |plot, diagram| plot.x_label "Name" plot.y_label "Age" plot.yrange [20,80] end a = ['A', 'C', 'G', 'T'] v = { a.sample } df ={ a: v }) df.plot type: :bar, x: :a do |plot, diagram| plot.yrange [0,350] plot.y_label "Frequency" plot.x_label "Letter" end require 'distribution' rng = Distribution::Normal.rng Daru.lazy_update = true arr = [] 1000.times {arr.push(} arr1 ={|val| val/0.8-2} arr2 ={|val| val*1.1+0.3} arr3 ={|val| val*1.3+0.3} df ={ a: arr, b: arr1, c: arr2, d: arr3 }) df.plot type: :box df ={ temperature: [43,53,50,57,59,47], day: [1,2,3,4,5,6] }) df.plot(type: :line, x: :day, y: :temperature) do |plot, diagram| plot.x_label "Day" plot.y_label "Temperature" plot.yrange [20,60] plot.xrange [1,6] plot.legend true diagram.title "Temperature in NYC" end v = { rand } df ={ a: v }) df.plot type: :histogram, x: :a do |plot, diagram| plot.yrange [0,150] plot.y_label "Frequency" plot.x_label "Bins" end df ={ nyc_temp: [43,53,50,57,59,47], chicago_temp: [23,30,35,20,26,38], sf_temp: [60,65,73,67,55,52], day: [1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ,5 , 6] }) # As you can see, the options passed denote the x and y axes that are to be used by each diagram. # You can add as many x any y axes as you want, just make sure the relevant vectors are present # in your DataFrame! # # Heres an explanation of all the options passed: # # * type - The type of graph to be drawn. All the diagrams will be of the same type in this case. # * x1/x2/x3 - The Vector from the DataFrame that is to be treated as the X axis for each of the # three diagrams. In this case all of them need the :day Vector. # * y1/y2/y3 - The Vector from the DataFrame that is to be treated as the Y axis for each of the # three diagrams. As you can see the 1st diagram will plot nyc_temp, the 2nd chicago_temp and the # the 3rd sf_temp. # # The values yielded in the block are also slightly different in this case. # The first argument ('plot') is the same as in all the above examples (Nyaplot::Plot), but the # second argument ('diagrams') is now an Array of Nyaplot::Diagram objects. Each of the elements # in the Array represents the diagrams that you want to plot according to the sorting sequence # of the options specifying the axes. df.plot type: :scatter, x1: :day, y1: :nyc_temp, x2: :day, y2: :chicago_temp, x3: :day, y3: :sf_temp do |plot, diagrams| nyc = diagrams[0] chicago = diagrams[1] sf = diagrams[2] nyc.title "Temprature in NYC" nyc.color "#00FF00" chicago.title "Temprature in Chicago" chicago.color "#FFFF00" sf.title "Temprature in SF" sf.color "#0000FF" plot.legend true plot.yrange [0,100] plot.x_label "Day" plot.y_label "Temperature" end df ={ burger: ["Hamburger","Cheeseburger","Quarter Pounder","Quarter Pounder with Cheese","Big Mac","Arch Sandwich Special","Arch Special with Bacon","Crispy Chicken","Fish Fillet","Grilled Chicken","Grilled Chicken Light"], fat: [9,13 ,21 ,30 ,31 ,31 ,34 ,25 ,28 ,20 ,5], calories: [260,320,420,530,560,550,590,500,560,440,300] }, order: [:burger, :fat, :calories]) # Algorithm for computing the line of best fit sum_x = df[:fat].sum sum2_x = (df[:fat]*df[:fat]).sum sum_xy = (df[:fat]*df[:calories]).sum mean_x = df[:fat].mean mean_y = df[:calories].mean slope = (sum_xy - sum_x * mean_y) / (sum2_x - sum_x * mean_x) yint = mean_y - slope * mean_x # Assign the computed Y co-ordinates of the line of best fit to a column # in the DataFrame called :y_coords df[:y_coords] = df[:fat].map {|f| f*slope + yint } # As you can see the options passed into plot are slightly different this time. # # Instead of passing Vector names into :x1, :x2... separately, this time we pass # the relevant names of the X and Y axes co-ordinates as an Array into the :x and # :y options.This is a simpler and easier way to plot multiple diagrams. # # As is demonstrated in the previous example, the first argument yields a Nyaplot::Plot # object and the second an Array of Nyaplot::Diagram objects. The diagrams are ordered # according to the types specified in the `:type` option. df.plot type: [:scatter, :line], x: [:fat, :fat], y: [:calories, :y_coords] do |plot, diagrams| plot.x_label "Fat" plot.y_label "Calories" plot.xrange [0,50] scatter = diagrams[0] line = diagrams[1] line.color "#FF0000" #set color of the line to 'red' scatter.tooltip_contents [:burger] # set tool tip to :burger end