#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #

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# # # # # Tutorial for Hyperactive (v4) # # # This is a tutorial to introduce you to the basic functionalities of Hyperactive and provide some interesting applications. It will also give an introduction to some optimization techniques. Hyperactive is a package that can optimize any python function and collect its search data. # # ### [You can learn more about Hyperactive on Github](https://github.com/SimonBlanke/Hyperactive) # # ## Table of contents: # * [Introduction](#intro) # # * Optimization basics: # * [Convex Optimization](#convex) # * [Non-convex Optimization](#non_convex) # # * Advanced Usage: # * [Hyperactive memory](#memory) # * [Machine Learning Optimization](#machine_learning) # * [Continuing the search](#continuing-search) # * [Parallel Computing](#parallel-comp) # * [Data collection](#data_collect) # * [Multiple objectives](#multi_objectives) # * [Non-numerical search space](#search_space) # * [Deep Learning Optimization](#deep_learning) # # # # # This tutorial is made for version 4 of Hyperactive # In[1]: def warn(*args, **kwargs): pass import warnings warnings.warn = warn import time import numpy as np import plotly.express as px import plotly.graph_objects as go from sklearn.preprocessing import Normalizer, MinMaxScaler from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor from sklearn.neural_network import MLPClassifier from sklearn.gaussian_process.kernels import Matern, WhiteKernel, RBF, ConstantKernel from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor from sklearn.datasets import load_wine, load_iris from hyperactive import Hyperactive from hyperactive.optimizers import BayesianOptimizer, HillClimbingOptimizer from surfaces.visualize import plotly_surface, plotly_heatmap color_scale = px.colors.sequential.Jet # In[2]: def _create_grid(objective_function, search_space): def objective_function_np(*args): para = {} for arg, key in zip(args, search_space.keys()): para[key] = arg return objective_function(para) (x_all, y_all) = search_space.values() xi, yi = np.meshgrid(x_all, y_all) zi = objective_function_np(xi, yi) return xi, yi, zi import plotly.graph_objects as go from plotly.subplots import make_subplots def compare_objective_functions(objective_function1, objective_function2): search_space_plot = { "x": list(np.arange(-5, 5, 0.2)), "y": list(np.arange(-5, 5, 0.2)), } xi_c, yi_c, zi_c = _create_grid(objective_function1, search_space_plot) xi_a, yi_a, zi_a = _create_grid(objective_function2, search_space_plot) fig1 = go.Surface(x=xi_c, y=yi_c, z=zi_c, colorscale=color_scale) fig2 = go.Surface(x=xi_a, y=yi_a, z=zi_a, colorscale=color_scale) fig = make_subplots(rows=1, cols=2, specs=[[{'is_3d': True}, {'is_3d': True}]], subplot_titles=['Convex Function', 'Non-convex Function'], ) fig.add_trace(fig1, 1, 1) fig.add_trace(fig2, 1, 2) fig.update_layout(title_text="Objective Function Surface") fig.show() # In[3]: from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist from tensorflow.keras.layers import Conv2D, MaxPooling2D, Dropout, Dense, Flatten from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential from tensorflow.keras.optimizers import SGD from keras.utils import np_utils from tensorflow import keras import tensorflow as tf config = tf.compat.v1.ConfigProto() config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True config.log_device_placement = True sess = tf.compat.v1.Session(config=config) tf.compat.v1.keras.backend.set_session(sess) # In[4]: # load dataset (x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = mnist.load_data() img_width = 28 img_height = 28 x_train = x_train.astype("float32") x_train /= 255.0 x_test = x_test.astype("float32") x_test /= 255.0 # reshape input data x_train = x_train.reshape(x_train.shape[0], img_width, img_height, 1) x_test = x_test.reshape(x_test.shape[0], img_width, img_height, 1) # one hot encode outputs y_train = np_utils.to_categorical(y_train) y_test = np_utils.to_categorical(y_test) num_classes = y_test.shape[1] data = load_wine() X_boston, y_boston = data.data, data.target data = load_iris() X_iris, y_iris = data.data, data.target # # # ## Introduction # # There are two things you need to define before starting your first optimization run: # # - the objective function: # Contains some kind of model. It always returns a score that will be maximized during # - a search space: # Defines the parameter space in which the optimizer searches for the best parameter set # # In this notebook you will see several different examples for objective functions. # # In[5]: def objective_function(para): loss = para["x"]*para["x"] # -x*x is an inverted parabola return -loss # We have only one dimension here search_space = { "x": list(np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)), } # # # In the next step we will start the optimization run. # # You only need the objective_function, search_space and the number of iterations. Each iteration will evaluate the objective function. This will generate a score, that the optimization algorithm uses to determine which position in the search space to look next. All of the calculations will be done by Hyperactive in the background. You will receive the results of the optimization run when all iterations are done. # In[6]: hyper_0 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_0.add_search(objective_function, search_space, n_iter=70, initialize={"random": 2, "vertices": 2}) hyper_0.run() search_data_0 = hyper_0.search_data(objective_function) search_data_0[["x", "score"]] # # # In the table above you can see the 70 iterations performed during the run. This is called the **search data**. In each row you can see the parameter ```x``` and the corresponding score. As we previously discussed the optimization algorithm determines which position to select next based on the score from the evaluated objective function. # # When Hyperactive starts the optimization the **first iterations are initializations** from the ```initialize```-dictionary. In the example above there are 4 initializations (2 random and 2 vertices). They determine the initial positions in the search space that are used to evaluate the objective funtion. As you can see in the search data the 2. and 3. iteration are the vertices (edge points) of the search space. The 0. and 1. # The first rows of the search data are randomly selected. After those few initialization steps the optimization algorithm will select the next positions in the search space based on the score of the previous position(s). # # The default algorithm for the optimization is the **random-search**. You can see the random pattern in the last few iterations of the search data. We can also see the random pattern if we plot the search data: # # # ### Random Search Optimizer # # The random search optimizer is a very simple algorithm. It randomly selects the position in each iteration without adapting to the optimization problem (exploitation). One the other hand it is very useful to initialy explore the search space or find new regions with optima (exploration). # # The following two gifs show how random search explores the search space for two different objective functions: # # # #
# In[7]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_0, x="x", y="score") fig.show() # # # The plot above shows the score of each parameter set (in this case just one parameter "x"). The random search explores the search space very well, so that we can see the inverse parabola. # # # ## Objective Functions # # The shape of the objective function in the search space is a very important part of the optimization problem, because it heavily impacts the behaviour of the algorithm. Each optimization algorithm is well equiped to solve some kind of objective functions and perform poorly for others. # # A basic classifications of optimization problems is into convex- and nonconvex-problems. Convex optimization problems have a shape, where the score improves continuously as the position gets closer to the global optimum. So it does not have any local optima in its shape. Nonconvex-problems do have these local optima. # # # ### Convex Optimization # # Lets take a closer look at the convex optimization problem and try out different optimization algorithms: # In[8]: def convex_function(para): loss = (para["x"]*para["x"] + para["y"]*para["y"]) return -loss search_space = { "x": list(np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)), "y": list(np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)), } # In[9]: hyper_convex_0 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_convex_0.add_search(convex_function, search_space, n_iter=2000) hyper_convex_0.run() # In[10]: search_data_convex_0 = hyper_convex_0.search_data(convex_function) # In[11]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_convex_0, x="x", y="y", color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800, xaxis_range=[-5, 5], yaxis_range=[-5, 5]) fig.show() # # # The plot above shows the samples from the search data acquired from the convex-function in a 2-dimensional search space. The score is shown by the color of each point in the scatter plot. # # # We were able to see, that random search is a good optimization technique to explore the search space. But the goal is often to quickly find position in the search space with a high score. Therefore we should consider other optimization techniques like the hill climbing algorithm. # # # ### Hill Climbing Optimizer # # The hill climbing optimization algorithm works by finding a random neighbour position close to the current position. If the score of the new position is better than the current one the algorithm makes a step to the new position and returns to finding the next position. This behaviour is like someone who tries to find the highest (highest score) position in a space by only moving up and never moves down. # # The hill climbing algorithm works very well with convex optimization problems, because the score continuously improves towards a direction. Hill climbing can find this direction by exploring the scores of its neighbours. # Hill climbing does not work of there are local optima. It tends to get "stuck" in certain regions, where the current position is surrounded by positions with worse scores. The algorithm would need to first "go down" and later "go up" again to find other (even better) positions in the search space. # # # # #
# In[12]: optimizer = HillClimbingOptimizer(rand_rest_p=0) hyper_convex_1 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_convex_1.add_search(convex_function, search_space, n_iter=90, optimizer=optimizer, initialize={"vertices":1}) hyper_convex_1.run() search_data_convex_1 = hyper_convex_1.search_data(convex_function) # In[13]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_convex_1, x="x", y="y", color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800, xaxis_range=[-5, 5], yaxis_range=[-5, 5]) fig.show() # # # The 2D-scatter plot above shows that the hill climbing algorithm convertes quickly to the optimum of the objective function in the search space. Hill climbing is specialized to find the optimum of convex functions quickly. It was able to find a good score in less than 100 iterations, while the random search used much more for a similar maximum score. # # # ## Non-convex Optimization # # Next we explore the performance of different optimization algorithms on the ackley-function, which is a nonconvex objective function: # In[14]: def ackley_function(para): x, y = para["x"], para["y"] loss = ( -20 * np.exp(-0.2 * np.sqrt(0.5 * (x * x + y * y))) - np.exp(0.5 * (np.cos(2 * np.pi * x) + np.cos(2 * np.pi * y))) + np.exp(1) + 20 ) return -loss search_space = { "x": list(np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)), "y": list(np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)), } # # # The ackley function is a non convex function that has a lot of local optima. This is because of the cos-terms that create wave-like patterns in both dimensions. # # In the following 3D-surface plots you can see an example for the sphere-function and ackley-function. Both plots are interactive, so you can take a closer look at the shape of those objective functions: # In[15]: compare_objective_functions(convex_function, ackley_function) # In[16]: hyper_ackley_0 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_ackley_0.add_search(ackley_function, search_space, n_iter=2000) hyper_ackley_0.run() search_data_ackley_0 = hyper_ackley_0.search_data(ackley_function) # In[17]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_ackley_0, x="x", y="y", color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800) fig.show() # # # The plot above shows the random search exploring the ackley function. Random search is not affected by the many local optima in the search space. Lets try out the hill climbing algorithm on the ackley function and see the results. # # In[18]: optimizer = HillClimbingOptimizer(rand_rest_p=0) hyper_ackley_1 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_ackley_1.add_search(ackley_function, search_space, n_iter=100, optimizer=optimizer, initialize={"vertices": 1}) hyper_ackley_1.run() search_data_ackley_1 = hyper_ackley_1.search_data(ackley_function) # In[19]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_ackley_1, x="x", y="y", color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800, xaxis_range=[-5, 5], yaxis_range=[-5, 5]) fig.show() # # # Maybe you already expected, that the hill climbing algorithm delivers bad results optimizing the ackley function. That does not mean, that hill climbing is a bad algorithm in general. It means that it is bad for this kind of objective functions. This is a very important idea in mathematical optimization. It is very useful to know about the properties of the objective function, because you can choose an optimization algorithm that works really well for this problem. # # # ### Repulsing Hill Climbing Optimizer # # The repulsing hill climbing optimizer tries to improve how hill climbing solves non-convex objective functions. It does so by increasing the radius in which hill climbing selects a neighbour position if the last position wasn't an improvement over the current one. This means the hill climber will jump away from its current position of it does not find better position in its close environment. # # # #
# In[20]: from hyperactive.optimizers import RepulsingHillClimbingOptimizer optimizer = RepulsingHillClimbingOptimizer() hyper_ackley_2 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_ackley_2.add_search(ackley_function, search_space, n_iter=100, optimizer=optimizer, initialize={"vertices": 1}) hyper_ackley_2.run() search_data_ackley_2 = hyper_ackley_2.search_data(ackley_function) # In[21]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_ackley_2, x="x", y="y", color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800, xaxis_range=[-5, 5], yaxis_range=[-5, 5]) fig.show() # # # The plot above shows how the repulsing hill climbing optimizer explored the search space of the ackley function. It does a much better job finding new optima in the space, while also exploring local regions. # # # ## Hyperactive memory # # Some objective functions (especially with machein- or deep- learning models) can take a long time to evaluate, which slows down the optimization run. This means, that we want to avoid any unnecessary evaluation of the objective function. Unfortunately most optimization algorithms won't avoid positions in the search space that were already evaluated. For example: # # - Random Search, which could select a position it already selected before # - Hill climbing stuck in an optimum # - Particle swarms that converge on one position # # The bottom line is, that optimization algorithms don't "remember" already explored positions and won't avoid them. But Hyperactive has a feature that solves this problem, by saving the position and score in a memory-dictionary. If a position is selected Hyperactive will look up if this position is already known. If it knows the position and score it won't reevaluate the objective function but extract the score, which saves time. This is very useful for computationally expensive objective functions. # # You can even pass the search data from a previous optimization run into the ```memory_warm_start```-argument, so that the optimization run "remembers" the memory from the previous one. # In[22]: def dtr_model(opt): dtr = DecisionTreeRegressor( max_depth=opt["max_depth"], min_samples_split=opt["min_samples_split"], ) scores = cross_val_score(dtr, X_boston, y_boston, cv=5) return scores.mean() search_space_dtr = { "max_depth": list(range(10, 35)), "min_samples_split": list(range(2, 35)), } # In[23]: c_time1 = time.time() hyper_dtr_0 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_dtr_0.add_search(dtr_model, search_space_dtr, n_iter=300) hyper_dtr_0.run() d_time1 = time.time() - c_time1 print("Optimization time 1:", round(d_time1, 2)) # Hyperactive collects the search data search_data_dtr_0 = hyper_dtr_0.search_data(dtr_model, times=True) # # # After the first optimization run we start an additional run and pass the search data into ```memory_warm_start```. We expect that the next run will be faster, because we already have explored 300 positions in the search space from the previous optimization run. # # # # # # # In[24]: c_time2 = time.time() hyper_dtr_1 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_dtr_1.add_search(dtr_model, search_space_dtr, n_iter=300, memory_warm_start=search_data_dtr_0) hyper_dtr_1.run() d_time2 = time.time() - c_time2 print("Optimization time 2:", round(d_time2, 2)) # In[25]: print("\n The second optimization run is "+'{}'.format(round((1-d_time2/d_time1)*100,2))+"% faster than the first one.") # In[26]: search_data_dtr_1 = hyper_dtr_1.search_data(dtr_model, times=True) search_data_dtr = search_data_dtr_1.append(search_data_dtr_0, ignore_index=True) # In[27]: # times in seconds eval_times = search_data_dtr_0["eval_times"] eval_times_mem = search_data_dtr_1["eval_times"] opt_times = search_data_dtr["iter_times"]-search_data_dtr["eval_times"] # In[28]: fig = go.Figure() fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=eval_times, name="evaluation time", nbinsx=15)) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=eval_times_mem, name="evaluation time second run", nbinsx=15)) fig.add_trace(go.Histogram(x=opt_times, name="optimization time", nbinsx=15)) fig.show() # # # The evaluation- and optimization- times from the two optimization runs is shown in the histogram above. There are several interesting things to see: # # - Even for simple machine learning models the optimization algorithm is much faster. # - The evaluations, which are faster than the optimization are from the memory-dictionary lookup. # - The second optimization run has much more memory lookups than the first. # # # # # ## Machine Learning Hyperparameter Optimization # # Until now we mostly optimized test functions to show how an objective function and the search space can look like. These problems were easy to solve, because the objective funtion evaluates very fast and the search space is very small. Real optimization problems often have one of those two problems: # - The objective function is computationally expensive, so it takes a long time to evaluate. This increases the iteration time and slowes down the optimization progress. # - The search space is very large. This can makes it very difficult to find positions with a high score. # # In the first case you would want to use optimization algorithms that are very inteligent in finding new positions with high scores. You don't want to waste too much time exploring the search space, because each evaluation takes such a long time. You want to get to a good position with a high score in as few steps as possible. # # In the second case you would want a fast algorithm, that looks for a good score but also explores the search space very well. # # # Lets take a look at a (kind of) real optimization problem. We want to optimize the hyperparameters of a gradient boosting regressor that is trained on the boston housing regression dataset. # In[29]: def gbr_model_0(opt): gbr = GradientBoostingRegressor( n_estimators=opt["n_estimators"], max_depth=opt["max_depth"], ) scores = cross_val_score(gbr, X_boston, y_boston, cv=5) score = scores.mean() return score search_space_gbr_0 = { "n_estimators": list(range(10, 100)), "max_depth": list(range(2, 12)), } # In[30]: hyper_gbr_0 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_gbr_0.add_search(gbr_model_0, search_space_gbr_0, n_iter=50) hyper_gbr_0.run() search_data_gbr_0 = hyper_gbr_0.search_data(gbr_model_0) # In[31]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_gbr_0, x="n_estimators", y="max_depth", color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800) fig.show() # # # The scatter plot above contains the samples from the search data from the gbr-model. It seams that high ```max_depth``` delivers bad scores but we should explore higher values for ```n_estimators```. # # # ## Continuing the Search # #
# # Hyperactive makes it very easy to continue a search. The search data you already used for data exploration can just be passed to Hyperactive. This is done in multiple ways: # # - You can extract the best parameters via the "best_para"-method. This can than be passed to "initialize" to start at this position in the search space # - The search data from the "results"-method can be passed to "memory_warm_start". The search data is automaticaly added into the memory-dictionary. # - You can also pass the search data to "warm_start_smbo". This has the effect that the Bayesian optimizer can do more precise approximations in the beginning of the optimization run. # # In[32]: best_para_gbr_0 = hyper_gbr_0.best_para(gbr_model_0) initialize = {"random": 4, "warm_start": [best_para_gbr_0]} search_space_gbr_01 = { "n_estimators": list(range(10, 250, 5)), "max_depth": list(range(2, 8)), } hyper_gbr_01 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_gbr_01.add_search(gbr_model_0, search_space_gbr_01, n_iter=50, n_jobs=2, memory_warm_start=search_data_gbr_0, initialize=initialize) hyper_gbr_01.run() search_data_gbr_01 = hyper_gbr_01.search_data(gbr_model_0) # In[33]: # merge the search data from the previous run and the current run search_data_gbr_01_ = search_data_gbr_01.append(search_data_gbr_0, ignore_index=True) search_data_gbr_01_ # In[34]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_gbr_01_, x="n_estimators", y="max_depth", color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800) fig.show() # # # # The scatter plot shows the search data from the previous run on the left side and the new search data on the bottom, because of the different search spaces. # # # ## Parallel Computing # # # # # # Lets throw more computational resources at this problem: # # - 1 job does a hill climbing search starting at the best position from the last run # - 1 job does a hill climbing search with four random initial positions # - 2 jobs doing a random search # # All of those jobs run in parallel and merge their results into one search data file. # In[35]: best_para_gbr_01 = hyper_gbr_01.best_para(gbr_model_0) initialize = {"warm_start": [best_para_gbr_01]} search_space_gbr_02 = { "n_estimators": list(range(150, 300, 2)), "max_depth": list(range(2, 5)), } optimizer = HillClimbingOptimizer(rand_rest_p=0) hyper_gbr_02 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_gbr_02.add_search(gbr_model_0, search_space_gbr_02, n_iter=50, n_jobs=1, optimizer=optimizer, memory_warm_start=search_data_gbr_01_, initialize=initialize) hyper_gbr_02.add_search(gbr_model_0, search_space_gbr_02, n_iter=50, n_jobs=1, optimizer=optimizer, memory_warm_start=search_data_gbr_01_, initialize={"random": 4}) hyper_gbr_02.add_search(gbr_model_0, search_space_gbr_02, n_iter=50, n_jobs=2, memory_warm_start=search_data_gbr_01_) hyper_gbr_02.run() search_data_gbr_02 = hyper_gbr_02.search_data(gbr_model_0) # In[36]: search_data_gbr_02_ = search_data_gbr_02.append(search_data_gbr_01_, ignore_index=True) fig = px.scatter(search_data_gbr_02_, x="n_estimators", y="max_depth", color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800) fig.show() # # # All the search data we collected shows a clear pattern. We should keep the ```max_depth``` at 2. In the following plot the search data is filtered to show only ```max_depth``` == 2, while showing the ```n_estimators``` dependend on the score. # In[37]: search_data_gbr_02_f = search_data_gbr_02_[search_data_gbr_02_["score"] > 0.68] search_data_gbr_02_f_max_depth2 = search_data_gbr_02_f[search_data_gbr_02_["max_depth"] == 2] # In[38]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_gbr_02_f_max_depth2, x="n_estimators", y="score") fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800) fig.show() # # # The filtering and visualization of the search data in the last few plots was an example how you can explore the model and search space yourself. Hyperactive makes it very easy to collect and reuse search data. Let's take a look how to collect more data: # # # ## Collecting more Data # # Until now you have seen, that the objective function always returns only one variable: The score, which is always a real number. But Hyperactive has the capability to accept more variables. Those additional variables won't affect the score or the decision making of the optimization algorithm, but they will be collected in each iteration and accessed in the search data. # # This feature can be very useful, because you can add any variable you want to the search data, which might help you understand the model better. To collect additional data in the objective function you just put it into a dictionary and return it alongside with the score. The key will be the column name in the search data and the value will be collected. # In[39]: def gbr_model_1(opt): gbr = GradientBoostingRegressor( n_estimators=opt["n_estimators"], max_depth=opt["max_depth"], ) c_time = time.time() scores = cross_val_score(gbr, X_boston, y_boston, cv=5) cv_time = time.time() - c_time # add the dictionary to collect more data return scores.mean(), {"cv_time": cv_time} search_space_gbr_1 = { "n_estimators": list(range(10, 250, 5)), "max_depth": list(range(2, 8)), } # In[40]: hyper_gbr_1 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_gbr_1.add_search(gbr_model_1, search_space_gbr_1, n_iter=15, n_jobs=8, initialize={"random": 10}) hyper_gbr_1.run() search_data_gbr_1 = hyper_gbr_1.search_data(gbr_model_1) search_data_gbr_1.head() # In[41]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_gbr_1, x="n_estimators", y="max_depth", color="score", size='cv_time', color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=900, height=800) fig.show() # # # The scatter plot above shows the samples od the search data, but adds a visualization of the cross-validation-time with the size of the scatter-points. # # # ## Managing multiple objectives # # In the last chapter you were able to collect additional data during the optimization run. This data did not affect the score. But you can still try to create one score that represents information from multiple scores. In the following example we want to optimize a model to get a high score and at the same time a low training time. # In[42]: def gbr_model_2(opt): gbr = GradientBoostingRegressor( n_estimators=opt["n_estimators"], max_depth=opt["max_depth"], ) c_time = time.time() scores = cross_val_score(gbr, X_boston, y_boston, cv=5) cv_time = time.time() - c_time score_cv_avg = scores.mean() score_cv_std = scores.std() # the score is calculated from the cv-score and the cv-training time score = score_cv_avg / (cv_time**0.1) # independed from the score we want some additional data return score, {"cv_time": cv_time, "score_cv_avg": score_cv_avg, "score_cv_std": score_cv_std, "scores": scores, } search_space_gbr_2 = { "n_estimators": list(range(10, 250, 5)), "max_depth": list(range(2, 12)), } # # # The objective function above enables us to return a score that is composed of multiple variables. At the same time, we also want to collect data about the variables the score is composed from. This helps us understand the score later during the data visualization. # In[43]: hyper_gbr_2 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_gbr_2.add_search(gbr_model_2, search_space_gbr_2, n_iter=15, n_jobs=8, initialize={"random": 10}) hyper_gbr_2.run() search_data_gbr_2 = hyper_gbr_2.search_data(gbr_model_2) search_data_gbr_2.head() # In[44]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_gbr_2, x="n_estimators", y="max_depth", color="score", size='cv_time', color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=800, height=700) fig.show() # In[45]: fig = px.scatter(search_data_gbr_2, x="cv_time", y="score_cv_avg", color="score", size='score_cv_std', color_continuous_scale=color_scale) fig.update_layout(width=800, height=700) fig.show() # # # ## Non-numerical Search Spaces # # This chapter describes a very unique and helpful feature of Hyperactive: non-numerical values in the search space. You are not constrained to use numeric values in your search space, but also strings or even functions. Because of this you can do some really interesting stuff like: # # - hyperparameter optimization of any parameter # - preprocessing-optimization # - neural architecture search # # Lets take a look at the following example: # In[46]: def mlp_model(opt): scaler = MinMaxScaler() X_norm = scaler.fit_transform(X_iris) mlp = MLPClassifier( hidden_layer_sizes=opt["hidden_layer_sizes"], activation=opt["activation"], alpha=opt["alpha"], learning_rate_init=opt["learning_rate_init"], ) scores = cross_val_score(mlp, X_norm, y_iris, cv=5) return scores.mean() search_space_mlp = { "hidden_layer_sizes": list(range(10, 100, 10)), "activation": ["identity", "logistic", "tanh", "relu"], "solver": ["lbfgs", "sgd", "adam"], "alpha": [1/(10**x) for x in range(1, 9)], "learning_rate_init": [1/(10**x) for x in range(1, 9)], } # In[47]: hyper_mlp_0 = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_mlp_0.add_search(mlp_model, search_space_mlp, n_iter=40) hyper_mlp_0.run() mlp_search_data = hyper_mlp_0.search_data(mlp_model) mlp_search_data.head() # In[48]: parameter_names = list(search_space_mlp.keys()) mlp_search_data = mlp_search_data.sort_values('hidden_layer_sizes', ascending=False) fig = px.parallel_categories(mlp_search_data, color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale, dimensions=parameter_names, ) fig.update_layout(width=950, height=700) fig.show() # # # ## Deep Learning Optimization # # The optimization of deep learning models can be very difficult because the evaluation times of the objective functions are very high, due to the long training times. There is also the challenge of finding a way to find the optimal structure/architecture of the neural network. Hyperactive can help with both of those problems. # # The optimization of the structure/architecture of a neural network is called **n**eural **a**rchitecture **s**earch. Because Hyperactive can handle functions in its search spaces performing **nas** is very easy. # # In[49]: def deep_learning_model(params): filters_0 = params["filters.0"] kernel_size_0 = params["kernel_size.0"] model = Sequential() model.add(Conv2D(filters_0, (kernel_size_0, kernel_size_0), input_shape=(img_width, img_height, 1), activation="relu")) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) # the next two lines are layers that are put in during the optimization run model = params["layer.0"](params, model) model = params["layer.1"](params, model) model.add(Flatten()) model.add(Dense(params["dense.0"], activation="relu")) model.add(Dense(num_classes, activation="softmax")) model.compile(loss="categorical_crossentropy", optimizer="adam", metrics=["accuracy"]) model.fit( x_train, y_train, validation_data=(x_test, y_test), epochs=5, verbose=False, ) _, score = model.evaluate(x=x_test, y=y_test, verbose=False) return score # # # The following functions are the layers and layer-compositions that we will use in the search space. The ```params```-argument enables the optimization of parameters inside the layer-function. There is also a ```no_layer```-function because we want to test of it might be better for the score of the neural network if its number of layers is reduced. # In[50]: def Conv2D_MaxPooling2D_layer(params, model): filters_1 = params["layer.0.filters"] kernel_size_1 = params["layer.0.kernel_size"] model.add(Conv2D(filters_1, (kernel_size_1, kernel_size_1), activation='relu')) model.add(MaxPooling2D(pool_size=(2, 2))) return model def Conv2D_layer(params, model): filters_1 = params["layer.0.filters"] kernel_size_1 = params["layer.0.kernel_size"] model.add(Conv2D(filters_1, (kernel_size_1, kernel_size_1), activation='relu')) return model def Dropout_layer(params, model): model.add(Dropout(params["layer.1.rate"])) return model def no_layer(params, model): return model # # # In the search space you can see that the layer-functions are put inside lists. During the optimization run Hyperactive will select those layer-functions similar to any other variable inside the search space. # In[51]: # you can put the layers into lists like any other variable search_space_dl = { "filters.0": list(range(7, 15)), "kernel_size.0": list(range(3, 6)), "layer.0": [Conv2D_MaxPooling2D_layer, Conv2D_layer, no_layer], "layer.0.filters": list(range(5, 12)), "layer.0.kernel_size": list(range(3, 6)), "layer.1": [Dropout_layer, no_layer], "layer.1.rate": list(np.arange(0.2, 0.8, 0.1)), "dense.0": list(range(10, 200, 20)), } # # # ### Bayesian Optimization # #
# # Bayesian optimization is a global optimization technique that uses a machine learning model (surrogate model) to approximate the objective function. It relies on a gaussian process regressor fitting to known positions and scores in the search space and predicting where to search next. It follows the following steps: # # - fit the gaussian process regressor to the training data (positions in search space) and the target (score of each position). # - the regressor makes a prediction of every position in the search space # - from the predictions an acquisition function is calculated that determines which position to evaluate next # - after the evaluation the algorithm adds the position and score to the training data # # # Since the regressor is trained in every iteration the optimization step takes a long time compared to other algorithms. This is why it is often used for objective functions with a long evaluation time. The long optimization time does not matter if the evaluation time is even longer. In those cases it is much more important that each new position is carfully selected to avoid wasted time of an evaluation that has a low score. # # The following plots show an example of the path a bayesian optimization algorithm would take in different objective functions: # # # #
# In[52]: optimizer = BayesianOptimizer() hyper_dl = Hyperactive(verbosity=False) hyper_dl.add_search(deep_learning_model, search_space_dl, n_iter=30, optimizer=optimizer) hyper_dl.run() dl_search_data = hyper_dl.search_data(deep_learning_model, times=True) # In[53]: # we need to replace the functions with their names for the plot def func2str(row): return row.__name__ dl_search_data["layer.0"] = dl_search_data["layer.0"].apply(func2str) dl_search_data["layer.1"] = dl_search_data["layer.1"].apply(func2str) dl_search_data = dl_search_data.drop(["eval_times", "iter_times"], axis=1) # In[ ]: # In[54]: score_max = np.amax(search_data_0["score"]) score_std = search_data_0["score"].std() dl_search_data_f = dl_search_data[abs(search_data_0["score"]-score_max) < score_std*2] # In[55]: dl_search_data # In[56]: parameter_names = list(dl_search_data_f.keys()) fig = px.parallel_categories(dl_search_data, color="score", color_continuous_scale=color_scale, dimensions=parameter_names, ) fig.update_layout(width=950, height=700) fig.show()