#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Echoing signal n steps is an example of synchronized many-to-many task: # In[ ]: from sequential_tasks import EchoData batch_size = 5 echo_step = 3 series_length = 20000 truncated_length = 10 data_gen = EchoData( echo_step=echo_step, batch_size=batch_size, series_length=series_length, truncated_length=truncated_length) # In[ ]: # Let's print first 20 timesteps of the first sequences to see the echo data: print('(1st sequence) x = ', data_gen.raw_x[0, :20], '... ') print('(1st sequence) y = ', data_gen.raw_y[0, :20], '... ') # In[ ]: # batch_size different sequences are created: print('bax = ') print(data_gen.raw_x[:, :20]) print('y = ') print(data_gen.raw_y[:, :20]) print('raw_x shape:', data_gen.raw_x.shape) # shape = (batch_size, sequence_length) print('raw_y shape:', data_gen.raw_y.shape) # shape = (batch_size, sequence_length) # In[ ]: # In order to use RNNs data is organized into tensors of size: # [batch_size, truncated_sequence_length, feature_dim i_batch = 0 print('batch x shape:', data_gen.x_batches[i_batch].shape) print('batch y shape:', data_gen.y_batches[i_batch].shape) # In[ ]: print(data_gen.x_batches[i_batch]) print(data_gen.y_batches[i_batch]) # # In[ ]: