#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # China Oil Flows during the Covid-19 Outbreak # With the beginning of Q2 2020 the global economy finds itself adapting to an unprecedented situation brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic. Oil demand and supply has already been severely impacted across the world. In this notebook, we will see how [Vortexa's Python SDK](https://github.com/VorTECHsa/python-sdk) can help analysts, traders and data scientists identify the earliest flow trends related to **China**, in its capacity as a major crude importer and clean products exporter.
# # For the purposes of this analysis we will take advantage of the SDK's [CargoTimeSeries](https://vortechsa.github.io/python-sdk/endpoints/cargo_timeseries/) endpoint. This endpoint allows SDK users to find aggregate flows between regions and provinces, for various products, vessels or commercial entities such as charterers and effective controllers. To see more details about Endpoints check our [Docs page](https://vortechsa.github.io/python-sdk/endpoints/about-endpoints/).
# # **PS1**: This notebook was generated on 15 April 2020. Vortexa is constantly improving the quality of our data and models, and consequently some historical data points may change causing future runs of the notebook to yield different results. # # **PS2**: The following packages were used: # * vortexasdk==0.14.0 # * pandas==0.25.2 # * matplotlib==3.1.2 # # Please note that `matplotlib` is not part of the default requirements of the SDK and therefore it needs to be installed prior to running the notebook. To install the library simply run `pip install -U matplotlib` or if you are using conda environment `conda install -c conda-forge matplotlib`. # In[1]: import pandas as pd from datetime import datetime import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from vortexasdk import CargoTimeSeries, Products, Geographies pd.options.display.max_columns = None pd.options.display.max_colwidth = 200 pd.options.display.max_rows = 100 # # China Flows Exploration # We will study China flows starting from January 2018 until the end of March 2020. Note that the SDK provides access to Vortexa data since 2016-01-01 with a maximum date range of 4 years per query. # In[2]: # Define filter limits, i.e. start and end date for this analysis. We will consider only historical (i.e. closed) # movements. Given that the notebook was populated at mid April, we will then set our max date # to the end of March 2020 START_DATE = datetime(2018, 1, 1) # Make sure you include the whole day, i.e. since we want to include movements up to the end of March we should # specify end date either as midnight of March 31st or 1st of April (if we used datetime(2020,3,31)) we would # lose essentially one whole day of movements END_DATE = datetime(2020, 3, 31, 23, 59, 59) # Define cargo unit for the timeseries (will be constant over the analysis) TS_UNIT = 'bpd' # Define the granularity of the timeseries (will be constant over the analysis) TS_FREQ = 'month' print('Start date: {}'.format(START_DATE)) print('End date: {}'.format(END_DATE)) # ## China Crude Imports # In[3]: # We want to search the ID that corresponds to the origin `China`. china = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('china').to_list() if 'country' in g.layer] # Check we've only got one ID for China assert len(china) == 1 print('China polygon id: {}'.format(china[0])) # At this point it is worth paying some attention to the `.search` method. Given a *term* argument the query will return all Geographies that match this term. Given the fact that one term can return multiple results we need to make sure we retrieve only the ID(s) we are interested for. In the case above we use the `layer` attribute to keep only the Geographies that are of `layer` country. To understand the different layers in Geographies check the [Geography Entries Docs](https://docs.vortexa.com/reference/intro-geography-entries). We will also illustrate with an example how the results would look if we didn't filter on country layer. # # PS: As you can see everytime an API query is executed, logs are printed to the console. The SDK uses a `LOG_LEVEL=INFO` as the default option, but users can [configure](https://vortechsa.github.io/python-sdk/config/) the level of detail of logs with the use of environment variables. # In[4]: # This is just for illustration purposes china_all = [(g.id, g.name, g.layer) for g in Geographies().search('china').to_list()] china_all_df = pd.DataFrame(data = china_all, columns = ['id', 'name', 'layer']) china_all_df # We will now search for the ID that corresponds to *Crude/Condensates* product. In the same manner as above we will use the product layer to ensure we retrieve the desired ID (although not necessary in this *specific* case since there is only one product with that name). To understand the different layers in Products check the [Product Entries Docs](https://docs.vortexa.com/reference/intro-product-entities). # In[5]: # Find Crude/Condensates ID crude = [p.id for p in Products().search('Crude/Condensates').to_list() if p.layer[0] == 'group'] # Check we've only got one Crude ID assert len(crude) == 1 print('Crude id: {}'.format(crude[0])) # For all the following flow aggregations, **intra-movements** will be **excluded** from analysis. Intra-movements are defined as movements having their origin and destination to the same *geographic area* (e.g. if origin is a country intra-movements are defined as movements starting and finishing at the same country and the same goes for any other layer such as geographic region, trading region etc.). The `.search()` method of `CargoTimeSeries` object accepts an argument called `disable_geographic_exclusion_rules` which is set to None and by default **excludes** all intra-movements. To include intra-movements to aggregations use `disable_geographic_exclusion_rules=True`. # In[6]: # Query API df = CargoTimeSeries().search( # Filter on cargo arrival date (i.e. the date that the unloading operation started) filter_activity = 'unloading_start', # We are interested in movements into China filter_destinations = china, # Keep only Crude/Condensate movements filter_products = crude, # Quantity unit to use timeseries_unit = TS_UNIT, # Look on monthly imports timeseries_frequency = TS_FREQ, # Uncomment to INCLUDE intra-movements to aggregations # disable_geographic_exclusion_rules = True, # Set the date range of analysis filter_time_min = START_DATE, filter_time_max = END_DATE).\ to_df() # Convert key column to datetime and set as index df['key'] = pd.to_datetime(df['key']).dt.date df = df.rename(columns = {'key': 'date', 'value': 'bpd'}) df = df.set_index('date') df.tail() # In[7]: # Plot the data (df['bpd'] / 10**6).plot(kind='bar', figsize = (10,5)) plt.xticks(rotation = 60) plt.title('China Crude Imports \n 2-Year Average Import Volume: {:,}M bpd'. format(round(df['bpd'][:-3].mean() / 10**6, 2)), fontsize=13) plt.ylabel('Quantity (Millions bpd)') plt.xlabel('Month') # March seaborne crude imports into China seem steady at **8.91M bpd**, very close to the **8.76M bpd** of February and to the 2-year historical average (Jan 2018 - Dec 2019) of **8.71M bpd** (note that China also imports crude via pipeline). The data makes sense intuitively, since February/March China arrivals are cargoes that have been bought and loaded at least one or two months before, a period when the coronovirus pandemic hadn't yet escalated at its full extent. The real impact of the pandemic is expected to be seen from April onward.

Let’s also look at the main crude **suppliers** of China, and how their exports have fared. We will focus on *MEG/AG, West Africa, South America East Coast and Russia Far East* trading regions. Please note that MEG exports include the port of *Ceyhan* due to the *Kirkuk* Iraqi exports and exclude movements loading from *Saudi Arabia Red Sea* region. # In[8]: # Find region IDs meg = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('MEG').to_list() if 'shipping_region' in g.layer] waf = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('West Africa').to_list() if 'shipping_region' in g.layer] saec = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('South America East').to_list() if 'trading_region' in g.layer] russia = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('Russia Far').to_list() if 'trading_region' in g.layer] suppliers = meg + waf + saec + russia # Ensure we've only got one ID for the desired regions assert len(meg) == 1 assert len(waf) == 1 assert len(saec) == 1 assert len(russia) == 1 # Create a dictionary to map region ids to names. This will be useful when we will combine the results from # different queries to a single DataFrame suppliers_dict = {meg[0]: 'MEG/AG', waf[0]: 'West Africa', saec[0]: 'South America East Coast', russia[0]: 'Russia Far East'} # We will now make separate API calls for each origin (i.e. China supplier) and store the results for all suppliers to a single DataFrame. # In[9]: # Create an empty list. After each API call the resulting DataFrame will be appended to this list. At the end, # the DataFrames of the list will be concatenated to create a single DataFrame df_list = [] # Iterate through China crude suppliers for p in suppliers: print('Loading China crude imports from {}'.format(suppliers_dict[p])) dfp = CargoTimeSeries().search( # Filter on cargo arrival date (i.e. the date that the unloading operation started) filter_activity = 'unloading_start', # At each iteration use a different origin filter_origins = p, # We are only interested in movements into China filter_destinations = china, # Keep only Crude/Condensate movements filter_products = crude, # Quantity unit to use timeseries_unit = TS_UNIT, # Look on monthly imports timeseries_frequency = TS_FREQ, # Set the date range of analysis filter_time_min = START_DATE, filter_time_max = END_DATE).\ to_df() dfp['key'] = pd.to_datetime(dfp['key']).dt.date dfp = dfp.drop(columns = 'count') dfp = dfp.rename(columns = {'key': 'date', 'value': '{}'.format(suppliers_dict[p])}) dfp = dfp.set_index('date') df_list.append(dfp) print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------') # Concatenate DataFrames df_supl = pd.concat(df_list, axis=1) df_supl = round(df_supl).astype(int) df_supl.tail() # In[10]: # Calculate 2-year (Jan 2018 to Dec 2019) historical average exports volume per origin round(df_supl[:-3].mean().to_frame().rename(columns={0: 'avg_bpd'})).astype(int) # In[11]: # Plot the data (df_supl / 10**6).plot(figsize=(10,5)) plt.title('China Crude Main Suppliers', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Quantity (Millions bpd)') plt.xlabel('Month') plt.grid() # In[12]: # Alternative way to visualize data: Create a stacked barplot (df_supl[list(suppliers_dict.values())] / 10**6).plot.bar(stacked=True, figsize = (14,7)) plt.xticks(rotation = 60) plt.title('China Crude Main Suppliers', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Quantity (Millions bpd)') plt.xlabel('Month') # *MEG, West African and Russian Far East* seaborne crude arrivals to China also look steady and close to their historical averages of approximately **4.1M bpd**, **1.48M bpd** and **570k bpd** respectively. On the other hand, arrivals from *South America East Coast* stood at ~**1.1M bpd** on February, a **10%** decrease compared to January numbers, to be followed by a further **26.5%** decrease in March, standing at **800k bpd**. # # China Clean Product Exports # Let's move on now to explore China's exports on clean products. To make the export analysis compatible with the most commonly used benchmark data, instead of using `China` as origin, we will use `China (excl. HK & Macau)`. We will focus our analysis on the following products: *Gasoline/Blending Components, Jet/Kero and Diesel/Gasoil*. # In[13]: # Find China exl HK & Macau ID china_excl = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('China (excl. HK & Macau)').to_list()] # Check we've only got one ID assert len(china_excl) == 1 # In[14]: # Find product IDs gasoline = [p.id for p in Products().search('Gasoline/Blending Components').to_list() if p.layer[0] == 'group_product'] jet_kero = [p.id for p in Products().search('Jet/Kero').to_list() if p.layer[0] == 'group_product'] diesel_gasoil = [p.id for p in Products().search('Diesel/Gasoil').to_list() if p.layer[0] == 'group_product'] clean_products = gasoline + jet_kero + diesel_gasoil # Ensure we've only got one ID for the desired clean products assert len(gasoline) == 1 assert len(jet_kero) == 1 assert len(diesel_gasoil) == 1 # Create a dictionary to map product ids to names products_dict = {gasoline[0]: 'Gasoline/Blending Components', jet_kero[0]: 'Jet/Kero', diesel_gasoil[0]: 'Diesel/Gasoil'} # Now we will apply a similar logic and make consecutive API calls, but this time origin and destination will be fixed and product will change at each iteration. # In[15]: # Apply same logic as with Crude Suppliers df_list_2 = [] # Iterate through all products for p in clean_products: print('Loading China {} exports'.format(products_dict[p])) dfc = CargoTimeSeries().search( # We look on exports, therefore we will filter on cargo deparure date (i.e. the date where the loading operation was completed) filter_activity = 'loading_end', # Will now use China exl HK & Macau instead of China filter_origins = china_excl, # At each iteration an API call for a different product will be made filter_products = p, # Keep same unit as before timeseries_unit = TS_UNIT, # Look on monthly exports timeseries_frequency = TS_FREQ, # Keep same date range filter_time_min = START_DATE, filter_time_max = END_DATE).\ to_df() dfc['key'] = pd.to_datetime(dfc['key']).dt.date dfc = dfc.drop(columns = 'count') dfc = dfc.rename(columns = {'key': 'date', 'value': '{}'.format(products_dict[p])}) dfc = dfc.set_index('date') df_list_2.append(dfc) print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------') # Concatenate results df_clean = pd.concat(df_list_2, axis=1) # Calculate total clean exports df_clean['total'] = df_clean.sum(axis=1) # Round results df_clean = round(df_clean).astype(int) df_clean.tail() # In[16]: # Calculate 2-year (Jan 2018 to Dec 2019) historical average exports volume per product round(df_clean[:-3].mean().to_frame().rename(columns={0: 'avg_bpd'})).astype(int) # In[17]: # Plot the data (df_clean / 10**6).plot(figsize=(10,5)) plt.title('China Clean Exports', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Quantity (Millions bpd)') plt.xlabel('Month') plt.grid() # In[23]: # Alternative way to visualize data: Create a stacked barplot (df_clean[list(products_dict.values())] / 10**6).plot.bar(stacked=True, figsize = (14,6)) plt.xticks(rotation = 60) plt.title('China Clean Exports (Breakdown by Product)', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Quantity (Millions bpd)') plt.xlabel('Month') # While we see a lag on the coronavirus impact on China's crude imports, the impact on clean product exports is more immediate. **Diesel** exports showed an uptick from Oct 2019 reaching a 2-year high at **~515k bpd** on March, a ~**30%** increase compared to the (2-year) historical average of **358k bpd**. March **Gasoline** and **Jet/Kero** exports held steady at **390k bpd** and **290k bpd** respectively, both matching February levels. # Finally, to finish our analysis, let's look at the historical trend of the main **destinations** for the Chinese *Diesel/Gasoil* exports. This time we won't look at regions, but we will explore results on a *country* level. More specifically, we will focus on exports to the *Phillipines, Australia and Singapore*. # In[19]: # Find country IDs philli = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('Philippines').to_list() if 'country' in g.layer] australia = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('Australia').to_list() if 'country' in g.layer] singapore = [g.id for g in Geographies().search('Singapore').to_list() if 'country' in g.layer] receivers = philli + australia + singapore # Ensure we've only got one ID for the desired countries assert len(philli) == 1 assert len(australia) == 1 assert len(singapore) == 1 # Create a dictionary to map country ids to names. This will be useful when plotting the results receivers_dict = {philli[0]: 'Philippines', australia[0]: 'Australia', singapore[0]: 'Singapore'} # In[20]: # Create an empty list. After each API call the resulting DataFrame will be appended to this list. At the end # the DataFrames of the list will just be concatenated to create a single DataFrame df_list_3 = [] # Iterate through all destinations for p in receivers: print('Loading China diesel/gasoil exports to {}'.format(receivers_dict[p])) dfp = CargoTimeSeries().search( # Filter on cargo deparure date filter_activity = 'loading_end', # Will again use China exl HK & Macau instead of China filter_origins = china_excl, # At each iteration an API call for a different destination will be made filter_destinations = p, # Look only at Diesel/F=Gasoil exports filter_products = diesel_gasoil, # Keep same quantity as before timeseries_unit = TS_UNIT, # Look at monthly exports timeseries_frequency = TS_FREQ, # Keep same date range as before filter_time_min = START_DATE, filter_time_max = END_DATE).\ to_df() dfp['key'] = pd.to_datetime(dfp['key']).dt.date dfp = dfp.drop(columns = 'count') dfp = dfp.rename(columns = {'key': 'date', 'value': '{}'.format(receivers_dict[p])}) dfp = dfp.set_index('date') df_list_3.append(dfp) print('-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------') # Concatenate DataFrames df_receiv = pd.concat(df_list_3, axis=1) df_receiv = round(df_receiv).astype(int) df_receiv.tail() # In[21]: # Calculate 2-year (Jan 2018 to Dec 2019) historical average Diesel/Gasoil exports volume per country destination round(df_receiv[:-3].mean().to_frame().rename(columns={0: 'avg_bpd'})).astype(int) # In[22]: # Plot the data df_receiv.plot(figsize=(10,5)) plt.title('China Diesel/Gasoil Exports', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel('Quantity (bpd)') plt.xlabel('Month') plt.grid() # From the above graph, we see a large increase in China's **Diesel/Gasoil** exports heading towards *Singapore*, cargoes that will be used for *storage* purposes. Exports to Singapore have been steadily rising since January reaching a two-year high of close to **100k bpd** in February and March, more than 3-times higher compared to the historical (2-year) average of **29k bpd** and a **300%** increase compared to the **25k bpd** of December 2019. # # Conclusion # That’s a very quick overview of how coronavirus is currently impacting China’s crude and clean products flows. As noted above, there are many important signals already evident in the data that tells us about how the situation could unfold in the coming months. Especially on the crude side, the datasets can additionally be blended with analysis of floating storage data – another leading indicator that will be watched given the current shape of the oil forward curve. Stay tuned and keep an eye on our [Floating Storage](https://github.com/VorTECHsa/python-sdk/blob/master/docs/examples/Crude_Floating_Storage.ipynb) notebook and the upcoming [Predicting Flows, Floating Storage Trends, and Covid-19 Effects with Python SDK](https://zoom.us/webinar/register/3515873726271/WN_AIskOpeNTdCVb1b8irDa7A) webinar. # In[ ]: # In[ ]: