#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ### Try out the VortexaSDK # First let's import our requirements # In[ ]: from datetime import datetime import vortexasdk as v # Average daily speed by week and knots, over the last month, from Middle East to China; broken down by vessel class. # You'll need to enter your Vortexa API key when prompted. # In[ ]: df = v.FleetUtilisationSpeedBreakdown().search( filter_vessel_status="vessel_status_laden_known", filter_origins="80aa9e4f3014c3d96559c8e642157edbb2b684ea0144ed76cd20b3af75110877", filter_destinations="934c47f36c16a58d68ef5e007e62a23f5f036ee3f3d1f5f85a48c572b90ad8b2", filter_time_min=datetime(2020, 12, 19), filter_time_max=datetime(2021, 1, 18), breakdown_unit="kn", breakdown_frequency="week", breakdown_property="vessel_class", ).to_df() # In[ ]: df.head() # That's it! You've successfully loaded data using the Vortexa SDK. Check out https://vortechsa.github.io/python-sdk/ for more examples