#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Back to the main [Index](../index.ipynb) #

First (basic) lesson with Abinit and AbiPy


The H2 molecule


This lesson aims at showing how to get the following physical properties:

# # #
# # This tutorial is a complement to the standard [ABINIT tutorial on H$_2$](https://docs.abinit.org/tutorial/base1). Here, powerful flow and visualisation procedures # will be demonstrated. Still, some basic understanding of the stand-alone working of ABINIT is a prerequisite. # Also, in order to fully benefit from this Abipy tutorial, other more basic Abipy tutorials should have been followed, # as suggested in the [abitutorials index page](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/abinit/abitutorials/blob/master/abitutorials/index.ipynb). # # There are three methodologies to compute the optimal distance between the two Hydrogen atoms. One could: # # * compute the **total energy** for different values of the interatomic distance, make a fit through # the different points, and determine the minimum of the fitting function; # * compute the **forces** for different values of the interatomic distance, make a fit through # the different values, and determine the zero of the fitting function; # * use an automatic algorithm for minimizing the energy (or finding the zero of forces). # # In this AbiPy notebook, we will be focusing on the first approach. # More specifically we will build an AbiPy `Flow` to compute the energy and the forces in the $H_2$ molecule # for different values of the interatomic distance. # This exercise will allow us to learn how to generate multiple input files using AbiPy and # how to analyze multiple ground-state calculations with the AbiPy robots. # # # ## Table of Contents # [[back to top](#top)] # # * [Our first AbiPy function](#Our-first-AbiPy-function) # * [Computation of the interatomic distance](#Computation-of-the-interatomic-distance) # * [Analyzing the main output file](#Analyzing-the-main-output-file) # * [Extracting results from the GSR files](#Extracting-results-from-the-GSR-files) # * [Analysis of the charge density](#Analysis-of-the-charge-density) # * [Conclusions](#Conclusions) # ## Our first AbiPy function # [[back to top](#top)] # In[2]: # Use this at the beginning of your script so that your code will be compatible with python3 from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals import numpy as np import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore") # Ignore warnings from abipy import abilab abilab.enable_notebook() # This line tells AbiPy we are running inside a notebook # This line configures matplotlib to show figures embedded in the notebook. # Replace `inline` with `notebook` in classic notebook get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') # Option available in jupyterlab. See https://github.com/matplotlib/jupyter-matplotlib #%matplotlib widget # We need a function that generates an input file for a GS calculations for the $H_2$ molecule in a big box. # Ideally a function that receives the distance `x`, the cutoff energy `ecut` and the size of the big box # in input so that we can customize the output and generate multiple input objects easily. # # Fortunately we already have such a function in the `lesson_base1.py` module. # Let's import it and look at the code: # In[3]: from lesson_base1 import gs_input abilab.print_source(gs_input) # If the function is called without arguments, the default values (specified in the prototype) are used. # Let's try: # In[4]: gsinp = gs_input() print("The value of ecut is:", gsinp["ecut"]) # The `AbinitInput` is a dict-like object whose usage is documented in this [notebook](../abinit_input.ipynb). # Inside jupyter, we can get the HTML representation of the input with: # In[5]: gsinp # The input object can be converted into a string. # More importantly, an `AbinitInput` *has* an AbiPy structure # (see [Structure notebook](../structure.ipynb)), # a list of pseudopotential objects and provides several methods # to facilitate the specification of input variables. # In[6]: print(gsinp.structure) print("The big box volume is:", gsinp.structure.volume) # In[7]: gsinp.structure.plot(); # Let's print some info about our pseudopotentials: # In[8]: print(gsinp.pseudos[0]) # ## Computation of the interatomic distance # [[back to top](#top)] # At this point, we can use `gs_input` to generate an [Abinit Flow](../flows.ipynb) # to compute the total energy and the forces of H-H with different interatomic distances. # We have already prepared such a function in `build_flow`, let's have a look at the code: # In[9]: from lesson_base1 import build_flow abilab.print_source(build_flow) # Note that we are working at fixed `ecut` and `acell`, only the H-H distance is modified. # Let's call the function to build our flow: # In[10]: flow = build_flow(options=None) flow.get_graphviz() # Ok, so far so sood. # With just three lines of codes and our `gs_input` function, we managed # to construct an AbiPy flow for the $H_2$ molecule. # Let's write some python code to check that we really obtained what we had in mind: # In[11]: inputs = [task.input for task in flow.iflat_tasks()] print("ecuts:\n", [inp["ecut"] for inp in inputs]) print("vols:\n", ["%.1f" % inp.structure.volume for inp in inputs]) def hh_dist(structure): return np.linalg.norm(structure.cart_coords[1] - structure.cart_coords[0]) from pprint import pprint print("h-h [Ang]:\n", ["%.3f" % hh_dist(inp.structure) for inp in inputs]) # At this point, we could run the flow in the notebook by just calling: # # flow.make_scheduler().start() # # or, alternatively, execute the `lesson_base1.py` script to build # the directory with the flow and then use: # # abirun.py flow_h2 scheduler # # inside the terminal. # # # # Let's assume the flow has been already executed and let's focus on the analysis of the final results. # ## Analyzing the main output file # [[back to top](#top)] # # First of all, it is always a good idea to check whether the SCF cycle is converged. # Obviously one could open the main output file, find the SCF iterations and look for warnings but # there is a much faster (and better) way to do that with AbiPy: # In[12]: abo = abilab.abiopen("flow_h2/w0/t0/run.abo") print(abo) # To get the list of Warnings/Comments/Errors: # In[13]: print(abo.events) # To plot the SCF cycle, use: # In[14]: abo.plot(); # Since this is not a structural relaxation, the initial and final structures must be equal: # In[15]: abo.initial_structure == abo.final_structure # The basic dimensions and parameters of the run can be extracted from the output file with: # In[16]: abo.get_dims_spginfo_dataset() # Within the shell, one can use: # # abiview.py abo flow_h2/w0/t0/run.abo # # to plot the SCF cycle or # # abiopen.py flow_h2/w0/t0/run.abo # # to open the file and start the ipython terminal # # ## Extracting results from the GSR files # [[back to top](#top)] # # The ground-state results are saved in the `GSR.nc` files whose API is extensively # discussed in the [GSR notebook](../gsr.ipynb). # # Let's have a look at the results produced by the first task: # In[17]: with abilab.abiopen("flow_h2/w0/t0/outdata/out_GSR.nc") as gsr: print(gsr) # As we can see from the previous output, the `GSR` file contains information about # the crystalline structure, forces, stresses as well as the KS band structure. # In the jargon of object-oriented programming, one says that a `GSRFile` *has* a `Structure` object: # # gsr.structure # # and *has* an `ElectronBands` object: # # gsr.ebands # # This means that if you learn how to use the methods provided by `structure` and `ebands`, then you can # easily get these objects from the `GSR` file and use this API to post-process the results. # This is a general philosophy of AbiPy: every netcdf file object returned by `abiopen` contains # other objects (the structure is always available, while the presence of other objects depend of the particular file). # Remember this point because we will use it in the other lessons. # Ok, now we know how to open and extract information from one `GSR` file. # In this tutorial, however, we need to analyze multiple `GSR` files! # If you are familiar with python, it should not be difficult to write a `for loop` that # iterates over a list of GSR files, extracts the total energy with the corresponding volume and creates two # lists that can be used to plot $E(d_{H-H})$. # This kind of operations are, however, very common and AbiPy provides a high-level interface (`robots`) to # operate on multiple files and post-process the data. # # In the simplest case, the `Robot` finds all files of a particular type located within a directory tree, # stores all the data in memory and exposes methods to extract/post-process the results. # In[18]: robot = abilab.GsrRobot.from_dir("flow_h2") robot # In[19]: table = robot.get_dataframe() # The table contains several columns: # In[20]: table.keys() # Inside the notebook, we can visualize the table with: # In[21]: table # Great! We managed to get a nice table with lot of useful results with just 3 lines of code and the robot! # There are however two problems: # # - The rows of the table are not ordered by increasing H-H distance (files are sorted alphabetically) # # - Our dataframe contains the energy of the different configurations but we would like to plot the energy # as a function of the H-H distance # # Well, robots can do a lot of hard work but they are a little bit stupid so # we have to tell them what to do with the data. # More specifically we need a way to tell the robot that, for each `GSR` file, it should get the crystalline # structure, compute the distance between the first and the second atom and insert the result # in our table in a given column. # This kind of tasks are usually executed with `callbacks` i.e. functions that are passed in input # and **automatically executed** by the framework at runtime. # # # # Let's look at the documentation of `robot.get_dataframe`: # In[22]: abilab.print_doc(robot.get_dataframe) # It seems complicated but the actual implementation of the callback is just three lines of code: # In[23]: def hh_dist(gsr): """ This callback receives a GSR file and computes the H-H distance. The robot will call this function to compute the H-H distance, and return a (key, value) tuple that will be inserted in the pandas DataFrame. """ cart_coords = gsr.structure.cart_coords d = np.linalg.norm(cart_coords[1] - cart_coords[0]) return "hh_dist", d with abilab.GsrRobot.from_dir("flow_h2") as robot: table = robot.get_dataframe(funcs=hh_dist) table = table.sort_values(by="hh_dist") # As expected, now the table contains a new column with `hh_dist` in Angstrom: # In[24]: "hh_dist" in table # Let's print the two columns with the H-H distance and the total energy: # In[25]: table[["hh_dist", "energy"]] # Note that the energy in our `DataFrame` is given in eV to facilitate the integration # with `pymatgen` that uses eV for energies and Angstrom for lengths. # Let's add another column to our table with energies in Hartree: # In[26]: table["energy_Ha"] = table["energy"] * abilab.units.eV_to_Ha # and use the `plot` method of pandas `DataFrames` to plot `energy_Ha` vs `hh_dist` # In[27]: table.plot(x="hh_dist", y="energy_Ha", style="-o"); # At this point, it should be clear that to plot the maximum of the forces as a function of the H-H distance # we just need: # In[28]: table.plot(x="hh_dist", y="max_force", style="-o"); # Want to plot the two quantities on the same figure? # In[29]: table.plot(x="hh_dist", y=["energy_Ha", "max_force"], subplots=True); # Your boss understands the data only if it is formatted inside a $\LaTeX$ tabular environment? # In[30]: print(table[["hh_dist", "energy"]].to_latex()) # Need to send data to Windows users? # In[31]: #table.to_excel("'output.xlsx") # Want to copy the dataframe to the system clipboard so that one can easily past the data into an other applications e.g. Excel? # In[32]: #table.to_clipboard() # ## Analysis of the charge density # [[back to top](#top)] # # The `DEN.nc` file stores the density in real space on the FFT mesh. # A `DEN.nc` file *has* a `structure`, and an `ebands` object with the electronic eigenvalues/occupations # and a `Density` object with $n(r)$ (numpy array `.datar`) and $n(G)$ (`.datag`). # # Let's open the file with `abiopen` and print it: # In[33]: with abilab.abiopen("flow_h2/w0/t10/outdata/out_DEN.nc") as denfile: print(denfile) density = denfile.density # The simplest thing we can do now is to print $n(r)$ along a line passing through two points specified # either in terms of two vectors or two integers defining the site index in our `structure`. # Let's plot the density along the H-H bond by passing the index of the two atoms: # In[34]: density.plot_line(0, 1); # Great! If we have a netcdf file and AbiPy, we don't need to use cut3d to extract the data from the file # and we can do simple plots with matplotlib. # Unfortunately, $n(r)$ is a 3D object and the notebook is not the most suitable tool to visualize this kind of dataset. # Fortunately there are several graphical applications to visualize 3D fields in crystalline environments # and AbiPy provides tools to export the data from netcdf to the text format supported by the external graphical tool. # # For example, one can use: # In[35]: #density.visualize("vesta") # to visualize density isosurfaces of our system: # # ![](https://github.com/abinit/abipy_assets/blob/master/h2_density.png?raw=true) # ## Conclusions # [[back to top](#top)] # # To summarize, we learned how to define python functions that can be used to generate many input files easily. # We briefly discussed how to use these inputs to build a basic AbiPy flow without dependencies. # More importantly, we showed that AbiPy provides several tools that can be used to inspect and analyze # the results without having to pass necessarly through the creation and execution of the `Flow`. # Last but not least, we discussed how to use `robots` to collect results from the output files and store # them in pandas DataFrames # # AbiPy users are **strongly recommended** to familiarize themself with this kind of interface before # moving to more advanced features such as the flow execution that requires a good understanding of the python language. # As a matter of fact, we decided to write AbiPy in python not for efficiency reasons (actually python # is usually slower that Fortran/C) but because there are tons of libraries for scientific applications # (numpy, scipy, pandas, matplotlib, jupyter, etc). # If you learn to use these great libraries for your work you can really boost your productivity and save a lot of time. # A logical next lesson would be the the tutorial about the # [ground-state properties of silicon](https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/abinit/abitutorials/blob/master/abitutorials/base3/lesson_base3.ipynb) # Back to the main [Index](../index.ipynb) # In[ ]: