require 'mixed_models' alien_species = Daru::DataFrame.from_csv '../examples/data/alien_species.csv' # mixed_models expects that all variable names in the data frame are ruby Symbols: alien_species.vectors = { |v| v.to_sym }) model_fit = LMM.from_formula(formula: "Aggression ~ Age + Species + (Age | Location)", data: alien_species) puts "Fixed effects terms estimates and some diagnostics:" puts model_fit.fix_ef_summary.inspect(20) puts "Random effects correlation structure:" puts model_fit.ran_ef_summary.inspect(12) complex_model = LMM.from_formula(formula: "Aggression ~ Age + Species + (Age | Location)", data: alien_species, reml: false) simple_model = LMM.from_formula(formula: "Aggression ~ Species + (1 | Location)", data: alien_species, reml: false) LMM.likelihood_ratio(simple_model, complex_model) chi2_p_value = LMM.likelihood_ratio_test(simple_model, complex_model, method: :chi2) bootstrap_p_value = LMM.likelihood_ratio_test(simple_model, complex_model, method: :bootstrap, nsim: 1000) lrt_p_value = complex_model.fix_ef_p(variable: :Age, method: :lrt) bootstrap_p_value = complex_model.fix_ef_p(variable: :Age, method: :bootstrap, nsim: 1000) model_fit.fix_ef_sd model_fit.fix_ef_z model_fit.fix_ef_p(method: :wald) bootstrap_t_intervals = model_fit.fix_ef_conf_int(level: 0.98, method: :bootstrap, boottype: :studentized, nsim: 1000) conf_int = model_fit.fix_ef_conf_int(level: 0.9, method: :wald) df = Daru::DataFrame.rows(conf_int.values, order: [:lower90, :upper90], index: model_fit.fix_ef_names) df[:coef] = model_fit.fix_ef.values df ci = model_fit.fix_ef_conf_int(method: :all, nsim: 1000) complex_model.ran_ef_p(variable: :intercept, grouping: :Location, method: :lrt) complex_model.ran_ef_p(variable: :Age, grouping: :Location, method: :bootstrap, nsim: 1000)