import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import seaborn as sns import as cm import pandas as pd import matplotlib.ticker as mticker import matplotlib from matplotlib.pyplot import figure from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter import numpy as np from pathlib import Path Path("./content/sample_data").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # Set policy efficiencies test_cap = 0.001 hygiene = 0.30 distancing = 0.74 lockdown = 0.96 quarantine = 0.96 # ASSUMPTIONS: # Virus parameters transmission_days = 16.33/2.40 exposed_days = 5.27 recovery_days = 16.33 r0 = 2.64 transmission_rate = (1/ transmission_days) incubation_rate = (1/ exposed_days) recovery_rate = (1/ recovery_days) # Country parameters hospital_cap = 6/10000 death_rate_with_med = 0.6 # 60% chance to die with ICU treatment death_rate_without_med = 1 # 100% chance to die without ICU treatment general_dr = 0.02 # 2% death rate icu_case_rate = 0.06 # 6% need ICU treatment ser_case_rate = 0.15 # 15% of serious cases # Initialize susceptible0 = 0.99 infected0 = 0.01 exposed0 = 0 recovered0 = 0 population = 1000000 policy_start = 30 policy_end = 60 days = 300 def virus_model(days,policy): if policy == "hygiene": pol = hygiene elif policy == "distancing": pol = distancing elif policy == "lockdown": pol = lockdown elif policy == "quarantine": pol = quarantine elif policy == "None": pol = None # set values for the first date of the simulation susceptible = susceptible0 infected = infected0 exposed = exposed0 recovered = recovered0 dead = 0 # Scale to population size susc= [population * susceptible0] exp = [population * exposed0] inf = [population * infected0] rec = [population * recovered0] re = [r0] d = [0] for day in range(days): if policy_start < day < policy_end and pol != None: transmission_rate = (1/ transmission_days) * (1-pol) else: transmission_rate = (1/ transmission_days) # Simulate flow between compartments S2E = susceptible * infected * transmission_rate E2I = exposed * incubation_rate I2D = general_dr*infected/recovery_days # Account different death rates depending on condition if (icu_case_rate*infected < hospital_cap): I2D += icu_case_rate*infected*death_rate_with_med/recovery_days else: I2D += hospital_cap*death_rate_with_med/recovery_days + (icu_case_rate*infected - hospital_cap) * death_rate_without_med/recovery_days I2R = (1-general_dr)*infected*recovery_rate # Update the compartments exposed += S2E susceptible -= S2E infected += E2I exposed -= E2I recovered += I2R infected -= I2R infected -= I2D dead += I2D re.append((transmission_rate/ recovery_rate)*susceptible) susc.append(population* susceptible) exp.append(population* exposed) inf.append(population* infected) rec.append(population* recovered) d.append(population* dead) return susc, exp, inf, rec, d, re result_h = virus_model(days,'hygiene') result_d = virus_model(days,'distancing') result_l = virus_model(days,'lockdown') result_q = virus_model(days,'quarantine') result_0 = virus_model(days,'None') m = [m for m in range(days+1)] # Plot the graphs # Here we plot only lockdown sns.set_style("ticks") matplotlib.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = 8, 6 sns.despine() formatter = mticker.ScalarFormatter(useMathText=True) f = mticker.ScalarFormatter(useOffset=False, useMathText=True) g = lambda x,pos : "${}$".format(f._formatSciNotation('%10e' % x)) plots = ['Susceptible','Exposed', 'Infected','Recovered','Death cases'] abbrev = ['S','E', 'I','R','D'] for num,policy in enumerate(plots): plt.plot(m, result_0[num], label="No policy", color ='grey',linewidth=2.5) plt.plot(m, result_l[num], label="Lockdown", color ='green',linewidth=2.5) plt.axvline(x=policy_start,linestyle='--', linewidth=1.5, label='Policy start') plt.axvline(x=policy_end,linestyle='--', linewidth=1.5, color='red', label='Policy end') plt.tick_params(labelsize=22) plt.ylabel(policy, fontsize=22) plt.xlabel('Days', fontsize=22) plt.legend(fontsize=22) sns.despine() plt.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(mticker.FuncFormatter(g)) plt.savefig('./content/sample_data/{}.pdf'.format(abbrev[num]),bbox_inches='tight') # Set policy efficiencies test_cap = 0.001 hygiene = 0.30 distancing = 0.74 lockdown = 0.96 quarantine = 0.96 # ASSUMPTIONS: # Virus parameters transmission_days = 16.33/2.40 exposed_days = 5.27 recovery_days = 16.33 r0 = 2.64 transmission_rate0 = (1/ transmission_days) incubation_rate = (1/ exposed_days) recovery_rate = (1/ recovery_days) # Country parameters hospital_cap = 6/10000 death_rate_with_med = 0.6 # 60% chance to die with ICU treatment death_rate_without_med = 1 # 100% chance to die without ICU treatment general_dr = 0.02 # 2% death rate icu_case_rate = 0.06 # 6% need ICU treatment ser_case_rate = 0.15 # 15% of serious cases # Initialize susceptible0 = 0.99 infected0 = 0.01 exposed0 = 0 recovered0 = 0 population = 1000000 # Policy costs: lockdown_cost = 0.1 # 10% of yearly GDP quarantine_cost = 0.05 # 5% of yearly GDP mask_cost = 0.002 # 2$ distancing_cost = 0.05 # 5% of yearly GDP def evaluate(inf, rec, d, policy, cont_tracing): ''' Calculate penalty points ''' dd_point = -7000 # death inf_point = -0.3 # infection ct_point = -6.4 # contact_tracing result = sum(inf)*inf_point + d[-1]*dd_point + sum(policy) + sum(cont_tracing)*ct_point return result def virus_model(hygiene_list, distancing_list,lockdown_list,quarantine_list): assert len(hygiene_list) == len(distancing_list) == len(lockdown_list) == len(quarantine_list) duration = len(hygiene_list) susceptible = susceptible0 infected = infected0 exposed = exposed0 recovered = recovered0 dead = 0 susc= [population * susceptible0] exp = [population * exposed0] inf = [population * infected0] rec = [population * recovered0] cont_tracing = [] #for calculating contact tracing price re = [r0] d = [0] policy = [] for day in range(duration): # mitigate transmission rate (Re) by applying policies: transmission_rate = transmission_rate0 * (1- hygiene_list[day]*hygiene) * (1- distancing_list[day]*distancing) * (1- lockdown_list[day]*lockdown) * (1- quarantine_list[day]*quarantine) # calculate loss per day for each policy ld_point = - population * lockdown_cost * 30 /365 # account for 30k$ of yearly GDP qr_point = - population * quarantine_cost * 30 /365 # account for 30k$ of yearly GDP hg_point = - population * mask_cost dst_point = - population * distancing_cost * 30 /365 # account for 30k$ of yearly GDP policy_point = hg_point * hygiene_list[day] + dst_point * distancing_list[day] + ld_point*lockdown_list[day] + qr_point*quarantine_list[day] # Simulate the flow between compartments S2E = susceptible * infected * transmission_rate E2I = exposed * incubation_rate I2D = general_dr*infected/recovery_days # Account different death rates depending on condition if (icu_case_rate*infected < hospital_cap): I2D += icu_case_rate*infected*death_rate_with_med/recovery_days else: I2D += hospital_cap*death_rate_with_med/recovery_days + (icu_case_rate*infected - hospital_cap) * death_rate_without_med/recovery_days I2R = (1-general_dr)*infected*recovery_rate # Update the compartments exposed += S2E susceptible -= S2E infected += E2I exposed -= E2I recovered += I2R infected -= I2R infected -= I2D dead += I2D re.append((transmission_rate/ recovery_rate)*susceptible) susc.append(population* susceptible) exp.append(population* exposed) inf.append(population* infected) rec.append(population* recovered) d.append(population* dead) policy.append(policy_point) # Append number of exposed people for each date for contact-tracing loss estimation in evaluate() cont_tracing.append(S2E*quarantine_list[day]*population) return susc, exp, inf, rec, d, re, policy, cont_tracing # h1, h2, h3, d1, d2, d3, l1, l2, l3, q1, q2, q3 # numbers indicate month. Ex: l2 = 0.5 -> half lockdown is applied in 2nd month result = np.zeros((3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3,3), dtype = float) for index, value in np.ndenumerate(result): h1, h2, h3, d1, d2, d3, l1, l2, l3, q1, q2, q3 = index # Filter out unreasonable cases: Lockdown and social distancing in the same month # OR Distacing and (distabncing + tracing) in the same month if (d1!=0 and q1!=0) or (d2!=0 and q2!=0) or (d3!=0 and q3!=0) or \ (l1!=0 and (q1!=0 or d1!=0)) or (l2!=0 and (d2!=0 or q2!=0)) or (l3!=0 and (d3!=0 or q3!=0)): result[h1, h2, h3, d1, d2, d3, l1, l2, l3, q1, q2, q3] = None continue # Divide by two to get the policy strength: 0, 50%, 100% hygiene_list = [h1/2]*30 + [h2/2]*30 + [h3/2]*30 distancing_list = [d1/2]*30 + [d2/2]*30 + [d3/2]*30 lockdown_list = [l1/2]*30 + [l2/2]*30 + [l3/2]*30 quarantine_list = [q1/2]*30 + [q2/2]*30 + [q3/2]*30 # Get the compartments susc, exp, inf, rec, d, re, policy,cont_tracing = virus_model(hygiene_list, distancing_list,lockdown_list,quarantine_list) # Evaluate the loss point = evaluate(inf, rec, d, policy,cont_tracing) result[h1, h2, h3, d1, d2, d3, l1, l2, l3, q1, q2, q3] = point #no policy case print(result[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) # Optimal policy loss loss = np.nanmax(result) arg = np.unravel_index(np.nanargmax(result), result.shape) print(loss, arg) index = [] index.append([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) index.append([2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0]) # hygiene index.append([0,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0]) # distancing index.append([0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2,0,0,0]) # lockdown index.append([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2]) # quarantine index.append([2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,2,2]) # optimal combination ind = np.unique(np.asarray(index), axis = 0) ind.shape # Set policy efficiencies test_cap = 0.001 hygiene = 0.30 distancing = 0.74 lockdown = 0.96 quarantine = 0.96 # ASSUMPTIONS: # Virus parameters transmission_days = 16.33/2.40 exposed_days = 5.27 recovery_days = 16.33 r0 = 2.64 transmission_rate0 = (1/ transmission_days) incubation_rate = (1/ exposed_days) recovery_rate = (1/ recovery_days) # Country parameters hospital_cap = 6/10000 death_rate_with_med = 0.6 # 60% chance to die with ICU treatment death_rate_without_med = 1 # 100% chance to die without ICU treatment general_dr = 0.02 # 2% death rate icu_case_rate = 0.06 # 6% need ICU treatment ser_case_rate = 0.15 # 15% of serious cases # Initialize susceptible0 = 0.99 infected0 = 0.01 exposed0 = 0 recovered0 = 0 population = 1000000 # Policy costs: lockdown_cost = 0.1 # 10% of yearly GDP quarantine_cost = 0.05 # 5% of yearly GDP mask_cost = 0.002 # 2$ distancing_cost = 0.05 # 5% of yearly GDP def evaluate(inf, rec, d, policy, cont_tracing): ''' Calculate penalty points ''' dd_point = -7000 inf_point = -0.3 contact_tracing_point = -6.4 result = [-1000*(sum(inf[:i])*inf_point + d[i]*dd_point + sum(policy[:i])+ contact_tracing_point*sum(cont_tracing[:i])) for i in range(len(d))] return result def virus_model(hygiene_list, distancing_list,lockdown_list,quarantine_list): assert len(hygiene_list) == len(distancing_list) == len(lockdown_list) == len(quarantine_list) duration = len(hygiene_list) susceptible = susceptible0 infected = infected0 exposed = exposed0 recovered = recovered0 dead = 0 susc= [population * susceptible0] exp = [population * exposed0] inf = [population * infected0] rec = [population * recovered0] cont_tracing = [] re = [r0] d = [0] policy = [] testing = 0 for day in range(duration): # mitigate transmission rate (Re) by applying policies: transmission_rate = transmission_rate0 * (1- hygiene_list[day]*hygiene) * (1- distancing_list[day]*distancing) * (1- lockdown_list[day]*lockdown) * (1- quarantine_list[day]*quarantine) # calculate loss per day for each policy ld_point = - population * lockdown_cost * 30 /365 # account for 30k$ of yearly GDP qr_point = - population * quarantine_cost * 30 /365 # account for 30k$ of yearly GDP hg_point = - population * mask_cost dst_point = - population * distancing_cost * 30 /365 # account for 30k$ of yearly GDP policy_point = hg_point * hygiene_list[day] + dst_point * distancing_list[day] + ld_point*lockdown_list[day] + qr_point*quarantine_list[day] # Simulate the flow between compartments S2E = susceptible * infected * transmission_rate E2I = exposed * incubation_rate I2D = general_dr*infected/recovery_days # Account different death rates depending on condition if (icu_case_rate*infected < hospital_cap): I2D += icu_case_rate*infected*death_rate_with_med/recovery_days else: I2D += hospital_cap*death_rate_with_med/recovery_days + (icu_case_rate*infected - hospital_cap) * death_rate_without_med/recovery_days I2R = (1-general_dr)*infected*recovery_rate # Update the compartments exposed += S2E susceptible -= S2E infected += E2I exposed -= E2I recovered += I2R infected -= I2R infected -= I2D dead += I2D # Append number of exposed people for each date for contact-tracing loss estimation in evaluate() re.append((transmission_rate/ recovery_rate)*susceptible) susc.append(population* susceptible) exp.append(population* exposed) inf.append(population* infected) rec.append(population* recovered) d.append(population* dead) policy.append(policy_point) cont_tracing.append(S2E*quarantine_list[day]*population) return susc, exp, inf, rec, d, re, policy, cont_tracing # Plot figure(figsize=(10, 6), dpi=80) legends = ['No policy (worst)', 'Hygiene & Mask', 'Distancing', 'Lockdown', 'Distancing + tracing', 'Optimal policy'] al = [0.7]*5+[1] col = cm.rainbow(np.linspace(0, 1, 6)) plt.yscale('log') for i,indice in enumerate(index): h1, h2, h3, d1, d2, d3, l1, l2, l3, q1, q2, q3 = indice hygiene_list = [h1/2]*30 + [h2/2]*30 + [h3/2]*30 distancing_list = [d1/2]*30 + [d2/2]*30 + [d3/2]*30 lockdown_list = [l1/2]*30 + [l2/2]*30 + [l3/2]*30 quarantine_list = [q1/2]*30 + [q2/2]*30 + [q3/2]*30 susc, exp, inf, rec, d, re, policy,cont_tracing = virus_model(hygiene_list, distancing_list,lockdown_list,quarantine_list) point = evaluate(inf, rec, d, policy,cont_tracing) m = [m for m in range(91)] plt.plot(m, point, label=legends[i], alpha = al[i], color = col[i]) plt.plot() plt.legend(loc = 'upper left', fontsize = 20) plt.ylim([10**9, 10**12]) plt.xlim([0, 91]) plt.xlabel('Day(s) from start', fontsize = 20) plt.ylabel('Loss ($)', fontsize = 20) sns.despine() plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (10, 10) plt.tick_params(labelsize=20) plt.savefig('./content/sample_data/loss.pdf') # Code abbreviations res = [] keys = ['M', 'D', 'L', 'T'] for i,indice in enumerate(index): h1, h2, h3, d1, d2, d3, l1, l2, l3, q1, q2, q3 = indice hygiene_list = [h1/2]*30 + [h2/2]*30 + [h3/2]*30 distancing_list = [d1/2]*30 + [d2/2]*30 + [d3/2]*30 lockdown_list = [l1/2]*30 + [l2/2]*30 + [l3/2]*30 quarantine_list = [q1/2]*30 + [q2/2]*30 + [q3/2]*30 susc, exp, inf, rec, d, re, policy,cont_tracing = virus_model(hygiene_list, distancing_list,lockdown_list,quarantine_list) point = evaluate(inf, rec, d, policy,cont_tracing) print(point) label = '' for i in [0, 3, 6, 9]: if indice[i] == 2: label += keys[i//3] if indice[i] == 1: label += keys[i//3].lower() if sum([indice[i] for i in [0, 3, 6, 9]]) == 0: label += '-' label += ' | ' for i in [1, 4, 7, 10]: if indice[i] == 2: label += keys[i//3] if indice[i] == 1: label += keys[i//3].lower() if sum([indice[i] for i in [1, 4, 7, 10]]) == 0: label += '-' label += ' | ' for i in [2, 5, 8, 11]: if indice[i] == 2: label += keys[i//3] if indice[i] == 1: label += keys[i//3].lower() if sum([indice[i] for i in [2, 5, 8, 11]]) == 0: label += '-' res.append([label, int(1000000-susc[-1]), int(d[-1]), point[-1]/1000000000]) df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns = ['Policy combination', 'Cases', 'Deaths', 'Loss']) df = df.set_index('Policy combination') df.sort_values(by='Loss') # For more results: def k_largest_index_argsort(a, k): idx = np.argsort(a.ravel())[-k:] return np.column_stack(np.unravel_index(idx, a.shape)) def k_smallest_index_argsort(a, k): idx = np.argsort(a.ravel())[:k] return np.column_stack(np.unravel_index(idx, a.shape)) x = result # Choose bottom k combinations k = 5 idx = k_smallest_index_argsort(x, k) index.extend(idx.tolist()) # Choose top n combinations n = 5 idx = k_largest_index_argsort(x, n) index.extend(idx.tolist()) res = [] keys = ['M', 'D', 'L', 'T'] for i,indice in enumerate(index): h1, h2, h3, d1, d2, d3, l1, l2, l3, q1, q2, q3 = indice hygiene_list = [h1/2]*30 + [h2/2]*30 + [h3/2]*30 distancing_list = [d1/2]*30 + [d2/2]*30 + [d3/2]*30 lockdown_list = [l1/2]*30 + [l2/2]*30 + [l3/2]*30 quarantine_list = [q1/2]*30 + [q2/2]*30 + [q3/2]*30 susc, exp, inf, rec, d, re, policy,cont_tracing = virus_model(hygiene_list, distancing_list,lockdown_list,quarantine_list) point = evaluate(inf, rec, d, policy,cont_tracing) print(point) label = '' for i in [0, 3, 6, 9]: if indice[i] == 2: label += keys[i//3] if indice[i] == 1: label += keys[i//3].lower() if sum([indice[i] for i in [0, 3, 6, 9]]) == 0: label += '-' label += ' | ' for i in [1, 4, 7, 10]: if indice[i] == 2: label += keys[i//3] if indice[i] == 1: label += keys[i//3].lower() if sum([indice[i] for i in [1, 4, 7, 10]]) == 0: label += '-' label += ' | ' for i in [2, 5, 8, 11]: if indice[i] == 2: label += keys[i//3] if indice[i] == 1: label += keys[i//3].lower() if sum([indice[i] for i in [2, 5, 8, 11]]) == 0: label += '-' res.append([label, int(1000000-susc[-1]), int(d[-1]), point[-1]/1000000000]) df = pd.DataFrame(res, columns = ['Policy combination', 'Cases', 'Deaths', 'Loss']) df = df.set_index('Policy combination') df.sort_values(by='Loss')