#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # ## Access Saved Data Via the Web # # **This tutorial shows Databoker 2.0.0, which is in prelease. It is currently being evaluated and tested at some NSLS-II beamlines.** # # **To run this, first we need to point Juptyer at a separate Python environment. Execute the line below, and the click "Python 3" in the top-right corner of this notebook, and choose "Python 3 (preview)" from the options that appear.** # In[ ]: get_ipython().system('/srv/conda/envs/preview/bin/python -m ipykernel install --user --name preview --display-name "Python 3 (preview)"') # In[ ]: from tiled.client import from_uri # In[ ]: c = from_uri("http://data-samples.blueskyproject.io") # In[ ]: c # In[ ]: c['bmm'] # In[ ]: run = c['bmm'][22521] run # In[ ]: run['primary'] # In[ ]: run['primary']['data'] # In[ ]: run['primary']['data'][['dcm_energy', 'I0', 'It']] # In[ ]: run['primary']['data'].uri # In[ ]: