# Load (and install if necessary) the Chron.jl package using Chron using Plots dt_sigma = 30; # Timescale relative to analytical uncertainty N = 42; # Number of zircons # Draw set of pseudorandom ages from MELTS volcanic zircon distribution, # with true minimum == 0 and analytical sigma == 1 ages = draw_from_distribution(MeltsVolcanicZirconDistribution,N).*dt_sigma + randn(N); uncert = ones(N) # Calculate the weighted mean age (wx, wsigma, mswd) = awmean(ages, uncert) h = plot(framestyle=:box, ylabel="Time before eruption (sigma)", xlabel="N", fg_color_legend=:white, legend=:topleft, ) plot!(h,1:length(ages),sort(ages),yerror=uncert*2,seriestype=:scatter, label="Synthetic zircon ages") plot!(h,collect(xlims()), [0,0], label="Eruption age") plot!(h,collect(xlims()), [wx,wx], label="Weighted mean, MSWD $(round(mswd,sigdigits=2))") # Bootstrap the crystallization distribution, # accounting for any expected analytical "tail" beyond eruption/deposition dist = BootstrapCrystDistributionKDE(ages, uncert) dist ./= nanmean(dist) # Normalize # Plot bootstrapped distribution plot(range(0,1.3,length=length(dist)),dist, label="bootstrapped", ylabel="Probability Density", xlabel="Time before eruption (scaled)", legend=:bottomleft, fg_color_legend=:white, framestyle=:box) plot!(range(0,1,length=100),MeltsVolcanicZirconDistribution,label="original") # Configure model nsteps = 200000; # Length of Markov chain burnin = 100000; # Number of steps to discard at beginning of Markov chain # Run MCMC tminDist = metropolis_min(nsteps,dist,ages,uncert); # Print results AgeEst = nanmean(tminDist[burnin:end]); AgeEst_sigma = nanstd(tminDist[burnin:end]); print("\nEstimated eruption age of synthetic dataset:\n $AgeEst +/- $(2*AgeEst_sigma) Ma (2σ)\n (True synthetic age 0 Ma)") # Plot results h = histogram(tminDist[burnin:end], nbins=50, label="Posterior distribution", xlabel="Eruption Age (Ma)", ylabel="N", framestyle=:box ) plot!(h,[0,0],collect(ylims()),line=(3),label="True (synthetic) age",fg_color_legend=:white) plot!(h,[wx,wx],collect(ylims()),line=(3),label="Weighted mean age",legend=:topright) display(h) sleep(0.5) # (just to make sure this section is finished running) # Age and one-sigma uncertainty. ages = [28.196, 28.206, 28.215, 28.224, 28.232, 28.241, 28.246, 28.289, 28.308, 28.332, 28.341, 28.359, 28.379, 28.383, 28.395, 28.4, 28.405, 28.413, 28.415, 28.418, 28.42, 28.422, 28.428, 28.452, 28.454, 28.454, 28.458, 28.468, 28.471, 28.475, 28.482, 28.485, 28.502, 28.52, 28.551, 28.561, 28.565, 28.582, 28.584, 28.586, 28.611, 28.638, 28.655] uncert = [0.019, 0.0155, 0.019, 0.0215, 0.018, 0.023, 0.013, 0.029, 0.0175, 0.0315, 0.0095, 0.0245, 0.0255, 0.0175, 0.0235, 0.014, 0.021, 0.022, 0.0125, 0.0135, 0.016, 0.0195, 0.0175, 0.0125, 0.01, 0.014, 0.015, 0.0205, 0.0155, 0.011, 0.0115, 0.0185, 0.0255, 0.014, 0.0125, 0.013, 0.015, 0.014, 0.012, 0.016, 0.0215, 0.0125, 0.0215] # Sort by age (just to make rank-order plots prettier) t = sortperm(ages) ages = ages[t]; uncert = uncert[t]; # Bootstrap the crystallization distribution, # accounting for any expected analytical "tail" beyond eruption/deposition BootstrappedDistribution = BootstrapCrystDistributionKDE(ages, uncert) BootstrappedDistribution ./= nanmean(BootstrappedDistribution) # Normalize # Plot bootstrapped distribution plot(range(0,1,length=length(BootstrappedDistribution)),BootstrappedDistribution, label="bootstrapped f_xtal", ylabel="Probability Density", xlabel="Time before eruption (unitless)", fg_color_legend=:white, framestyle=:box ) # Configure model nsteps = 400000; # Length of Markov chain burnin = 150000; # Number of steps to discard at beginning of Markov chain # Choose the form of the prior closure/crystallization distribution to use dist = BootstrappedDistribution ## You might alternatively consider: # dist = UniformDistribution # A reasonable default # dist = MeltsVolcanicZirconDistribution # A single magmatic pulse, truncated by eruption # dist = ExponentialDistribution # Applicable for survivorship processes, potentially including inheritance/dispersion in Ar-Ar dates # Run MCMC tminDist = metropolis_min(nsteps,dist,ages,uncert); # Print results AgeEst = nanmean(tminDist[burnin:end]); AgeEst_sigma = nanstd(tminDist[burnin:end]); print("\nEstimated eruption age:\n $AgeEst +/- $(2*AgeEst_sigma) Ma (2σ)\n") # Plot results h = histogram(tminDist[burnin:end],nbins=100,label="Posterior distribution",xlabel="Eruption Age (Ma)",ylabel="N",legend=:topleft,fg_color_legend=:white, framestyle=:box) # plot!(h,[wx,wx],collect(ylims()),line=(3),label="Weighted mean age",legend=:topleft) display(h) sleep(0.5) # Plot eruption age estimate relative to rank-order plot of raw zircon ages h = plot(framestyle=:box, ylabel="Age (Ma)", xlabel="N", legend=:topleft, fg_color_legend=:white, ) plot!(h,1:length(ages),ages,yerror=uncert*2,seriestype=:scatter, markerstrokecolor=:auto, label="Observed ages") plot!(h,[length(ages)],[AgeEst],yerror=2*AgeEst_sigma, markerstrokecolor=:auto, label="Bayesian eruption age estimate",color=:red) plot!(h,collect(xlims()),[AgeEst,AgeEst],color=:red, label="")