#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 #


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# "Scheduling": mechanism to determine the order of operations during a simulation # # In this notebook we will look at its importance for: # * recording values with a `StateMonitor` # # You can also watch the   screencast video on Youtube. # # In[1]: from brian2 import * from brian2tools import brian_plot get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'notebook') prefs.codegen.target = 'numpy' # The following example is a leaky integrate-and-fire neuron with a constant current input. As soon as the membrane potential crosses the threshold of -50mV, a spike is emitted and the membrane potential reset to -70mV. # In[2]: start_scope() C_m = 1*nF g_L = 20*nS E_L = -70*mV I_ext = 1*nA group = NeuronGroup(1, '''dv/dt = (g_L*(E_L -v) + I_ext)/C_m : volt''', threshold='v>-50*mV', reset='v=E_L', method='exact') group.v = E_L mon = StateMonitor(group, 'v', record=0) run(100*ms) fig, ax = plt.subplots() brian_plot(mon, axes=ax) ax.axhline(-50, linestyle=':'); # If you zoom into the plot above, you see that the membrane potential never seems to cross the threshold! # We can also see this by analyzing the recorded membrane potential values: # In[3]: mon.v[0].max() # The reason for this becomes clear when we look into Brian's scheduling in more detail. Brian comes with a useful function `scheduling_summary`, that displays the scheduling information for the current network: # In[4]: scheduling_summary() # As you can see above, the first thing that gets executed during a time step is the `StateMonitor`, followed by the state update step (the numerical integration of the differential equations), the threshold check, and finally the reset. Now the previous observation makes sense. In a time step where the threshold is crossed, the following things happen: # 1. The membrane potential gets recorded (it is still below the threshold) # 2. The state update step updates the membrane potential, it is now above the threshold # 3. The thresholder compares the membrane potential to the threshold and signals a spike # 4. The resetter resets the membrane potential # # The `StateMonitor` therefore never records a membrane potential that is above the threshold. # # How is the order of operations determined? Each object has a `when` and and `order` attribute. The basic execution slot is defined by the `when` attribute, the `order` attribute is only used when there is more than one object in the same slot. # # The slots and their order are given in the `schedule` attribute of the `Network` object (here we use `magic_network`, because we haven't constructed a `Network` object ourselves): # In[5]: magic_network.schedule # In addition to the listed slots, there are `before_...` and `after_...` for each of the names, just before and after the corresponding slots. If we are interested in recording the membrane potential before the threshold is checked, we can therefore use `before_thresholds`: # In[6]: start_scope() C_m = 1*nF g_L = 20*nS E_L = -70*mV I_ext = 1*nA group = NeuronGroup(1, '''dv/dt = (g_L*(E_L -v) + I_ext)/C_m : volt''', threshold='v>-50*mV', reset='v=E_L', method='exact') group.v = E_L mon = StateMonitor(group, 'v', record=0, when='before_thresholds') # <-- change here run(100*ms) fig, ax = plt.subplots() brian_plot(mon, axes=ax) ax.axhline(-50, linestyle=':'); # Now, the membrane potential that gets recorded by the `StateMonitor` does indeed cross the threshold, as you can confirm by zooming into the above plot or by checking the recorded values: # In[7]: mon.v[0].max() # We can easily verify that this change is due to the change in scheduling: # In[8]: scheduling_summary() # As you can see above, the `StateMonitor` now records its values *after* the state update step and no longer before. # For more information on this topic, have a look at Brian's [ documentation](https://brian2.readthedocs.io/en/stable/user/running.html#scheduling)