#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8
# # Lecture 1: Probability and Counting
# ## Stat 110, Prof. Joe Blitzstein, Harvard University
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# ## Definitions
# We start with some basic definitions:
# #### Definition: sample space
# > A __sample space__ is the set of all possible outcomes of an experiment.
# #### Definition: event
# > An __event__ is a subset of the sample space.
# #### Definition: naïve definition of probability
# > Under the __naïve definition of probability__, the probability of a given event $A$ occurring is expressed as
# >
# > \begin\{align\}
# > P(A) &= \frac{ \text{# favorable outcomes}}{\text{# possible outcomes}}
# > \end\{align\}
# >
# > assuming all outcomes are equally likely in a finite sample space.
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# ## Counting
# With the __multiplication rule__, if we have an experiment with $n_1$ possible outcomes; and we have a 2nd experiment with $n_2$ possible outcomes; ..., and for the rth experiment there are $n_r$ possible outcomes; then overall there are $n_1 n_2 ... n_r$ possible outcomes (product).
# Let's say you are ordering ice cream. You can either get a cone or a cup, and the ice cream comes in three flavors. The order of choice here does not matter, and the total number of choices is $2 \times 3 = 3 \times 2 = 6$. This can be represented with a very simple [probability tree][1].
# [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_diagram_(probability_theory)
# The __binomial coefficient__ is defined as
# \begin{align}
# \binom{n}{k} =
# \begin{cases}
# \frac{n!}{(n-k)!k!} & \quad \text{if } 0 \le k \le n \\
# 0 & \quad \text{if } k \gt n
# \end{cases}
# \end{align}
# This expresses the number of ways you could choose a subset of size $k$ from $n$ items, where order doesn't matter.
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# ## Sampling
# Choose $k$ objects out of $n$
# | | ordered | unordered |
# |-----------|:---------:|:-----------:|
# | __w/ replacement__ | $n^k$ | ??? |
# | __w/o replacement__ | $n(n-1)(n-2) \ldots (n-k+1)$ | $\binom{n}{k}$ |
# * __ordered, w/ replacement__: there are $n$ choices for each $k$, so this follows from the multiplication rule.
# * __ordered, w/out replacement__: there are $n$ choices for the 1st position; $n-1$ for the 2nd; $n-2$ for the 3rd; and $n-k+1$ for the $k$th.
# * __unordered, w/ replacement__: ???
# * __unordered, w/out replacement__: the binomial coefficient; think of choosing a hand from a deck of cards.
# Out of the 4 ways of choosing $k$ objects out of $n$, the case of __unordered, with replacement__ is perhaps not as clear-cut and easy to grasp as the other three. Move on to Lecture 2.
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# View [Lecture 1: Probability and Counting | Statistics 110](http://bit.ly/2vSEEeI) on YouTube.