#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # !!! D . R . A . F . T !!! # # Lightness # [Lightness](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lightness) is defined as the brightness of an area judged relative to the brightness of a similarly illuminated area that appears to be white or highly transmitting. [1] # # [Colour](https://github.com/colour-science/colour/) defines the following *Lightness* computation methods: # In[1]: import colour sorted(colour.LIGHTNESS_METHODS.keys()) # > Note: `'Lstar1976'` is a convenient aliases for `'CIE 1976'`. # ## Glasser, Mckinney, Reilly and Schnelle (1958) Method # Glasser, Mckinney, Reilly and Schnelle (1958) described a visually uniform colour coordinate system close to *Adams* chromatic-value system but where the quintic-parabola function has been replaced with a cube-root function: the *Cube-Root Color Coordinate System*. # # *Lightness* $L$ in the *Cube-Root Color Coordinate System* is calculated as follows: [2] # # $$ # \begin{equation} # L=25.29Y^{1/3}-18.38 # \end{equation} # $$ # # where $Y$ defines the *luminance* in domain [0, 100]. # # The `colour.lightness_Glasser1958` definition is used to compute *Lightness* $L$: # In[2]: colour.colorimetry.lightness_Glasser1958(10.08) # > Note: Input *luminance* $Y$ is in domain [0, 100], output *Lightness* $L$ is in domain [0, 100]. # # The `colour.lightness` definition is implemented as a wrapper for various lightness computation methods: # In[3]: colour.lightness(10.08, method='Glasser 1958') # In[4]: from colour.plotting import * # In[5]: colour_style(); # In[6]: # Plotting the "Glasser (1958)" "Lightness" function. plot_single_lightness_function('Glasser 1958'); # ## Wyszecki (1963) Method # Wyszecki (1963) recommended the following cube root function to compute *Lightness* $W$ as a function of the luminance factor $Y$ within the practically important range of $1.0\%[3] # # $$ # \begin{equation} # W=25Y^{1/3}-17 # \end{equation} # $$ # # The `colour.lightness_Wyszecki1963` definition is used to compute *Lightness* $W$: # In[7]: colour.colorimetry.lightness_Wyszecki1963(10.08) # > Note: Input *luminance* $Y$ is in domain [0, 100], output *Lightness* $W$ is in domain [0, 100]. # # Using the `colour.lightness` wrapper definition: # In[8]: colour.lightness(10.08, method='Wyszecki 1963') # In[9]: # Plotting the "Wyszecki (1963)" "Lightness" function. with colour.utilities.suppress_warnings(): plot_single_lightness_function('Wyszecki 1963'); # ## CIE 1976 Method # The *CIE $L^*a^*b^*$* approximately uniform colourspace defined in 1976 computes the *Lightness* $L^*$ quantity as follows: [4] # # $$ # \begin{equation} # L^*=\begin{cases}116\biggl(\cfrac{Y}{Y_n}\biggr)^{1/3}-16 & for\ \cfrac{Y}{Y_n}>\epsilon\\ # \kappa*\biggl(\cfrac{Y}{Y_n}\biggr) & for\ \cfrac{Y}{Y_n}<=\epsilon # \end{cases} # \end{equation} # $$ # where $Y_n$ is the reference white *luminance*. # with # $$ # \begin{equation} # \begin{aligned} # \epsilon&\ =\begin{cases}0.008856 & Actual\ CIE\ Standard\\ # 216\ /\ 24389 & Intent\ of\ the\ CIE\ Standard # \end{cases}\\ # \kappa&\ =\begin{cases}903.3 & Actual\ CIE\ Standard\\ # 24389\ /\ 27 & Intent\ of\ the\ CIE\ Standard # \end{cases} # \end{aligned} # \end{equation} # $$ # # The original $\epsilon$ and $\kappa$ constants values have been shown to exhibit discontinuity at the junction point of the two functions grafted together to create the *Lightness* $L^*$ function. [5] # # [Colour](https://github.com/colour-science/colour/) uses the rational values instead of the decimal values for these constants. # # > See Also: The [CIE $L^*a^*b^*$ Colourspace](../models/cie_lab.ipynb) notebook for in-depth informations about the *CIE $L^*a^*b^*$* colourspace. # # The `colour.lightness_CIE1976` definition is used to compute *Lightness* $L^*$: # In[10]: colour.colorimetry.lightness_CIE1976(10.08) # > Note: Input *luminance* $Y$ and $Y_n$ are in domain [0, 100], output *Lightness* $L^*$ is in domain [0, 100]. # # Using the `colour.lightness` wrapper definition: # In[11]: colour.lightness(10.08) # In[12]: colour.lightness(10.08, method='CIE 1976', Y_n=95) # In[13]: colour.lightness(10.08, method='Lstar1976', Y_n=95) # In[14]: # Plotting the "CIE 1976" "Lightness" function. plot_single_lightness_function('CIE 1976'); # In[15]: # Plotting multiple "Lightness" functions for comparison. plot_multi_lightness_functions(['CIE 1976', 'Glasser 1958']); # ## Fairchild and Wyble (2010) Method # In[16]: colour.colorimetry.lightness_Fairchild2010(10.08 / 100, 1.836) # In[17]: colour.lightness(10.08 / 100, method='Fairchild 2010', epsilon=1.836) # In[18]: # Plotting the "Fairchild and Wyble (2010)" "Lightness" function. plot_single_lightness_function('Fairchild 2010'); # In[19]: # Plotting multiple "Lightness" functions for comparison. plot_multi_lightness_functions(['CIE 1976', 'Fairchild 2010']); # ## Fairchild and Chen (2011) Method # In[20]: colour.colorimetry.lightness_Fairchild2011(10.08 / 100, 0.710) # In[21]: colour.lightness(10.08 / 100, method='Fairchild 2011', epsilon=0.710) # In[22]: # Plotting the "Fairchild and Chen (2011)" "Lightness" function. plot_single_lightness_function('Fairchild 2011'); # In[23]: # Plotting multiple "Lightness" functions for comparison. plot_multi_lightness_functions(['CIE 1976', 'Fairchild 2011']); # ## Bibliography # 1. ^ CIE. (n.d.). 117-680 lightness (of a related colour). Retrieved July 09, 2014, from http://eilv.cie.co.at/term/680 # 2. ^ Glasser, L. G., McKinney, A. H., Reilly, C. D., & Schnelle, P. D. (1958). Cube-Root Color Coordinate System. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 48(10), 736–740. doi:10.1364/JOSA.48.000736 # 3. ^ Wyszecki, G. (1963). Proposal for a New Color-Difference Formula. J. Opt. Soc. Am., 53(11), 1318–1319. doi:10.1364/JOSA.53.001318 # 4. ^ Wyszecki, G., & Stiles, W. S. (2000). CIE 1976 (L\*u\*v\*)-Space and Color-Difference Formula. In *Color Science: Concepts and Methods, Quantitative Data and Formulae* (p. 167). Wiley. ISBN:978-0471399186 # 5. ^ Lindbloom, B. (2003). A Continuity Study of the CIE L* Function. Retrieved February 24, 2014, from http://brucelindbloom.com/LContinuity.html