library(cometr) library(nnet) library(stringr) library(IRdisplay) exp <- create_experiment( keep_active = TRUE, log_output = FALSE, log_error = FALSE, log_code = TRUE, log_system_details = TRUE, log_git_info = TRUE ) exp$add_tags(c("made with nnet")) sample_size <- 25 # of each iris type total_size <- 50 exp$log_parameter("sample_size", sample_size) ir <- rbind(iris3[,,1], iris3[,,2], iris3[,,3]) targets <- class.ind(c( rep("s", total_size), rep("c", total_size), rep("v", total_size)) ) samp <- c( sample(1:total_size, sample_size), sample((total_size + 1):(total_size * 2), sample_size), sample(((total_size * 2) + 1):(total_size * 3), sample_size) ) ir[1,] targets[1,] weight_decay <- 5e-4 epochs <- 200 hidden_layer_size <- 2 initial_random_weight_range <- 0.1 exp$log_parameter("weight_decay", weight_decay) exp$log_parameter("epochs", epochs) exp$log_parameter("hidden_layer_size", hidden_layer_size) exp$log_parameter("initial_random_weight_range", initial_random_weight_range) ir1 <- NULL train <- function() { ir1 <<- nnet( ir[samp,], targets[samp,], size = hidden_layer_size, rang = initial_random_weight_range, decay = weight_decay, maxit = epochs) ir1 } output <- capture.output(train(), split = TRUE) output <- strsplit(output, "\n") # "initial value 57.703088 " for (match in str_match(output, "^initial\\s+value\\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)")[,2]) { if (! { exp$log_metric("loss", match, step=0) } } # "iter 10 value 46.803951" matrix = str_match(output, "^iter\\s+(\\d+)\\s+value\\s+([-+]?[0-9]*\\.?[0-9]+)") for (i in 1:nrow(matrix)) { match = matrix[i,] if (![2])) { exp$log_metric("loss", match[3], step=match[2]) } } <- function(true, pred) { true <- max.col(true) cres <- max.col(pred) table(true, cres) } cm <-[-samp,], predict(ir1, ir[-samp,])) cm matrix <- sprintf("[%s,%s,%s]", sprintf("[%s]", paste(cm[1,], collapse=",")), sprintf("[%s]", paste(cm[2,], collapse=",")), sprintf("[%s]", paste(cm[3,], collapse=","))) matrix title <- "Iris Confusion Matrix" labels <- sprintf('["%s","%s","%s"]', "Setosa","Versicolor","Virginica") template <- '{"version":1,"title":"%s","labels":%s,"matrix":%s,"rowLabel":"Actual Category","columnLabel":"Predicted Category","maxSamplesPerCell":25,"sampleMatrix":[],"type":"integer"}' fp <- file("confusion_matrix.json") writeLines(c(sprintf(template, title, labels, matrix)), fp) close(fp) exp$upload_asset("confusion_matrix.json", type = "confusion-matrix") exp$log_html("

Comet nnet Example

This example demonstrates using the nnet library on the iris dataset.

See the Output tab for confusion matrix.

For help on the Comet R SDK, please see:

") exp$log_other(key = "Created by", value = "cometr") url <- exp$get_url() display_html(sprintf("", url)) exp$upload_asset( "Comet-R-nnet.ipynb", type = "notebook", ) exp$print() exp$stop()