#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Neo4j Graph # This notebook demonstrates the visualization of subgraphs from the [Neo4j](https://neo4j.com/) Graph Database. It uses the [py2neo](https://py2neo.org/) library to access a Neo4j database instance. # # The examples in this notebook access the [COVID-19-Net](https://github.com/covid-19-net/covid-19-community) Knowledge Graph. # # **NOTE, this notebook does not run on MyBinder.org due to a blocked port.** # # **However, you can run this and other example notebooks on Pangeo Binder [here](https://github.com/sbl-sdsc/neo4j-ipycytoscape).** # # Author: Peter W. Rose (pwrose@ucsd.edu) # In[1]: import random import ipycytoscape from py2neo import Graph # #### Node and edge styles # In[2]: node_centered = {'selector': 'node', 'style': {'font-size': '10', 'label': 'data(name)', 'height': '60', 'width': '80', 'text-max-width': '80', 'text-wrap': 'wrap', 'text-valign': 'center', 'background-color': 'blue', 'background-opacity': 0.6} } # In[3]: edge_directed = {'selector': 'edge', 'style': {'line-color': '#9dbaea', 'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle', 'target-arrow-color': '#9dbaea', 'curve-style': 'bezier'} } # In[4]: edge_directed_named = {'selector': 'edge', 'style': {'font-size': '8', 'label': 'data(name)', 'line-color': '#9dbaea', 'text-rotation': 'autorotate', 'target-arrow-shape': 'triangle', 'target-arrow-color': '#9dbaea', 'curve-style': 'bezier'} } # In[5]: edge_undirected = {'selector': 'edge', 'style': {'line-color': '#9dbaea'} } # #### Node colors # Change seed to select a different color palette. # In[6]: def random_color_palette(n_colors, seed=3): """ Creates a random color palette of n_colors. Parameters ---------- n_colors : int number of colors in the color palette seed : int random number seed See https://stackoverflow.com/questions/28999287/generate-random-colors-rgb) """ random.seed(seed) return ['#'+''.join([random.choice('0123456789ABCDEF') for j in range(6)]) for i in range(n_colors)] # ### Connect to a Neo4j Database # Here we use the [COVID-19-Net](https://github.com/covid-19-net/covid-19-community) Knowledge Graph to demonstrate how to run a Neo4j Cypher query and pass the resulting subgraph into Cytoscape. # In[7]: graph = Graph("bolt://", user="reader", password="demo") # ### Example 1: Find all cities with the name "San Francisco" # This query demonstrates the geographic hierachy in COVID-19-Net. # In[8]: query1 = """ MATCH p=(:City{name:'San Francisco'})-[:IN*]->(:World) RETURN p """ subgraph1 = graph.run(query1).to_subgraph() # #### Add Neo4j subgraph to Cytoscape Widget # We create a `tooltip` named 'tooltip' and use this attribute later to create a tool tip. # In[9]: widget1 = ipycytoscape.CytoscapeWidget() widget1.graph.add_graph_from_neo4j(subgraph1) # #### Set node and edge styles # In[10]: style1 = [node_centered, edge_directed] # #### Set node specific colors based on node labels # In[11]: labels1 = list(subgraph1.labels()) labels1.sort() print('Node labels:', labels1) # In[12]: colors1 = random_color_palette(len(labels1)) # In[13]: for label, color in zip(labels1, colors1): style1.append({'selector': 'node[label = "' + label + '"]', 'style': {'background-color': color}}) # In[14]: widget1.set_style(style1) # In[15]: widget1.set_layout(name='dagre', padding=0) # When a Neo4j subgraph is added to a Cytoscape graph, a ```tooltip``` attribute is generated that contains all Neo4j node properties. # In[16]: widget1.set_tooltip_source('tooltip') # Click on a node to show the tooltip # In[17]: widget1 # ### Example 2: Find all proteins that interact with the SARS-CoV-2 Spike protein # Here we run an undirected query (no "->" arrow) since the direction of interaction is arbitrary. # In[18]: query2 = """ MATCH p=(:Protein{name: 'Spike glycoprotein', taxonomyId: 'taxonomy:2697049'})-[:INTERACTS_WITH]-(:Protein) RETURN p """ subgraph2 = graph.run(query2).to_subgraph() # In[19]: query2 = """ MATCH p=(:Protein{name: 'Angiotensin-converting enzyme 2', taxonomyId: 'taxonomy:9606'})-[:INTERACTS_WITH]-(:Protein) RETURN p """ subgraph2 = graph.run(query2).to_subgraph() # In[20]: widget2 = ipycytoscape.CytoscapeWidget() widget2.graph.add_graph_from_neo4j(subgraph2) # In[21]: style2 = [node_centered, edge_undirected] # In[22]: labels2 = list(subgraph2.labels()) labels2.sort() print('Node labels:', labels2) # In[23]: colors2 = random_color_palette(len(labels2)) # In[24]: for label, color in zip(labels2, colors2): style2.append({'selector': 'node[label = "' + label + '"]', 'style': {'background-color': color}}) # In[25]: widget2.set_style(style2) # In[26]: widget2.set_layout(name='concentric', padding=0) # In[27]: widget2.set_tooltip_source('tooltip') # Click on a node to show the tooltip # TODO: The rendering of this concentric network has a rendering error. This must be a cytoscape issue. # In[28]: widget2 # ### Example 3: Explore the Data Sources used to create the COVID-19-Net Knowledge Graph # In[29]: query3 = """ MATCH p=(:MetaNode)-[:ETL_FROM]->(:DataSource) RETURN p // ETL_FROM: Extracted, transformed, and loaded FROM """ subgraph3 = graph.run(query3).to_subgraph() # In[30]: widget3 = ipycytoscape.CytoscapeWidget() widget3.graph.add_graph_from_neo4j(subgraph3) # In[31]: style3 = [node_centered, edge_directed] # In[32]: labels3 = list(subgraph3.labels()) labels3.sort() print('Node labels:', labels3) # In[33]: colors3 = random_color_palette(len(labels3)) # In[34]: for label, color in zip(labels3, colors3): style3.append({'selector': 'node[label = "' + label + '"]', 'style': {'background-color': color}}) # In[35]: widget3.set_style(style3) # In[36]: widget3.set_layout(name='klay', padding=0) # In[37]: widget3.set_tooltip_source('tooltip') # Click on a node to show the tooltip # In[38]: widget3 # ### Example 4: Create a Metagraph that shows the Nodes and their Relationships in the COVID-19-Net Knowledge Graph # In[39]: query4 = """ MATCH p=(a:MetaNode)-[:META_RELATIONSHIP]->(b:MetaNode) WHERE a.name <> 'Location' AND b.name <> 'Location' // exclude Location nodes since they make the graph too crowded RETURN p """ subgraph4 = graph.run(query4).to_subgraph() # In[40]: widget4 = ipycytoscape.CytoscapeWidget() widget4.graph.add_graph_from_neo4j(subgraph4) # In[41]: style4 = [node_centered, edge_directed_named] # In[42]: labels4 = list(subgraph4.labels()) labels4.sort() print('Node labels:', labels4) # In[43]: colors4 = random_color_palette(len(labels4)) # In[44]: for label, color in zip(labels4, colors4): style4.append({'selector': 'node[label = "' + label + '"]', 'style': {'background-color': color}}) # In[45]: widget4.set_style(style4) # Cola layout [options](https://github.com/cytoscape/cytoscape.js-cola#api) # In[46]: widget4.set_layout(name='cola', padding=0, nodeSpacing=65, nodeDimensionsIncludeLabels=True, unconstrIter=5000) # In[47]: widget4.set_tooltip_source('tooltip') # Click on a node to show the tooltip # In[48]: widget4 # In[ ]: