#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # In[ ]: flex_subtitle = "built using jupyter-flex" flex_source_link = "https://github.com/danielfrg/jupyter-flex/blob/master/examples/layouts/sidebar-global.ipynb" # # Sidebar # ### This is the global sidebar of the dashboard # The sidebar always be there even after switching pages. # # This content is a regular Card, for example *this* **is** [markdown](https://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/). # ### This is another card # Since we have to cards in the sidebar the content was split 50/50 by default as it happens in Sections but it can be controlled by tags. # In[ ]: "This is a code cell output" # # Page 1 # ### This is the first page # In[ ]: "Page 1 code" # # Page 2 # ### This is the second page # In[ ]: "Page 2 code" # In[ ]: