#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Polar and Cylindrical Frame of Reference # # > Renato Naville Watanabe, Marcos Duarte # > [Laboratory of Biomechanics and Motor Control](http://pesquisa.ufabc.edu.br/bmclab) # > Federal University of ABC, Brazil #


# ## Python setup # In[1]: import numpy as np import sympy as sym from sympy.plotting import plot_parametric,plot3d_parametric_line from sympy.vector import CoordSys3D import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # from matplotlib import rc # rc('text', usetex=True) sym.init_printing() # Consider that we have the position vector $\bf\vec{r}$ of a particle, moving in a circular path indicated in the figure below by a dashed line. This vector $\bf\vec{r(t)}$ is described in a fixed reference frame as: #
# # \begin{equation} # {\bf\vec{r}}(t) = x(t){\bf\hat{i}} + y(t){\bf\hat{j}} + z(t){\bf\hat{k}} # \label{eq_1} # \end{equation} # # #
Figure. Position vector of a moving particle moving in a circular path.
# Naturally, we could describe all the kinematic variables in the fixed reference frame. But in circular motions, is convenient to define a basis with a vector in the direction of the position vector $\bf\vec{r}$. So, the vector $\bf\hat{e_R}$ is defined as: # # # \begin{equation} # {\bf\hat{e_R}} = \frac{\bf\vec{r}}{\Vert{\bf\vec{r} }\Vert} # \label{eq_2} # \end{equation} # # # The second vector of the basis can be obtained by the cross multiplication between $\bf\hat{k}$ and $\bf\hat{e_R}$: #

# # # \begin{equation} # {\bf\hat{e_\theta}} = {\bf\hat{k}} \times {\bf\hat{e_R}} # \label{eq_3} # \end{equation} # # # # The third vector of the basis is the conventional ${\bf\hat{k}}$ vector. # #
Figure. Position vector of a particle moving in a circular path and a time-varying basis>
# This basis can be used also for non-circular movements. For a 3D movement, the versor ${\bf\hat{e_R}}$ is obtained by removing the projection of the vector ${\bf\vec{r}}$ onto the versor ${\bf\hat{k}}$: #
# # \begin{equation} # {\bf\hat{e_R}} = \frac{\bf\vec{r} - ({\bf\vec{r}.{\bf\hat{k}}){\bf\hat{k}}}}{\Vert\bf\vec{r} - ({\bf\vec{r}.{\bf\hat{k}}){\bf\hat{k}}\Vert}} # \label{eq_4} # \end{equation} # # #
Figure. Position vector of a moving particle and a time-varying basis>
# # Note that if the movement is on a plane, the expression above is equal to ${\bf\hat{e_R}} = \frac{\bf\vec{r}}{\Vert{\bf\vec{r} }\Vert}$ since the projection of $\bf\vec{r}$ on the $\bf\hat{k}$ versor is zero. # ## Time-derivative of the versors ${\bf\hat{e_R}}$ and ${\bf\hat{e_\theta}}$ # # To obtain the expressions of the velocity and acceleration vectors, it is necessary to obtain the expressions of the time-derivative of the vectors ${\bf\hat{e_R}}$ and ${\bf\hat{e_\theta}}$. # # This can be done by noting that: #
# # \begin{align} # {\bf\hat{e_R}} &= \cos(\theta){\bf\hat{i}} + \sin(\theta){\bf\hat{j}}\\ # {\bf\hat{e_\theta}} &= -\sin(\theta){\bf\hat{i}} + \cos(\theta){\bf\hat{j}} # \label{eq_5} # \end{align} # # # Deriving ${\bf\hat{e_R}}$ we obtain: #
# # \begin{equation} # \frac{d{\bf\hat{e_R}}}{dt} = -\sin(\theta)\dot\theta{\bf\hat{i}} + \cos(\theta)\dot\theta{\bf\hat{j}} = \dot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}} # \label{eq_6} # \end{equation} # # # Similarly, we obtain the time-derivative of ${\bf\hat{e_\theta}}$: #
# # \begin{equation} # \frac{d{\bf\hat{e_\theta}}}{dt} = -\cos(\theta)\dot\theta{\bf\hat{i}} - \sin(\theta)\dot\theta{\bf\hat{j}} = -\dot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_R}} # \label{eq_7} # \end{equation} # # # ## Position, velocity and acceleration # ### Position # # The position vector $\bf\vec{r}$, from the definition of $\bf\hat{e_R}$, is: #
# # \begin{equation} # {\bf\vec{r}} = R{\bf\hat{e_R}} + z{\bf\hat{k}} # \label{eq_8} # \end{equation} # # # where $R = \Vert\bf\vec{r} - ({\bf\vec{r}.{\bf\hat{k}}){\bf\hat{k}}\Vert}$. # ### Velocity # # The velocity vector $\bf\vec{v}$ is obtained by deriving the vector $\bf\vec{r}$: #
# # \begin{equation} # {\bf\vec{v}} = \frac{d(R{\bf\hat{e_R}})}{dt} + \dot{z}{\bf\hat{k}} = \dot{R}{\bf\hat{e_R}}+R\frac{d\bf\hat{e_R}}{dt}=\dot{R}{\bf\hat{e_R}}+R\dot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}}+ \dot{z}{\bf\hat{k}} # \label{eq_9} # \end{equation} # # ### Acceleration # # The acceleration vector $\bf\vec{a}$ is obtained by deriving the velocity vector: #
# # \begin{align} # {\bf\vec{a}} =& \frac{d(\dot{R}{\bf\hat{e_R}}+R\dot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}}+\dot{z}{\bf\hat{k}})}{dt}=\\\nonumber # =&\ddot{R}{\bf\hat{e_R}}+\dot{R}\frac{d\bf\hat{e_R}}{dt} + \dot{R}\dot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}} + R\ddot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}} + R\dot{\theta}\frac{d{\bf\hat{e_\theta}}}{dt} + \ddot{z}{\bf\hat{k}}=\\\nonumber # =&\ddot{R}{\bf\hat{e_R}}+\dot{R}\dot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}} + \dot{R}\dot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}} + R\ddot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}} - R\dot{\theta}^2{\bf\hat{e_R}}+ \ddot{z}{\bf\hat{k}} =\\ # =&\ddot{R}{\bf\hat{e_R}}+2\dot{R}\dot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}}+ R\ddot{\theta}{\bf\hat{e_\theta}} - {R}\dot{\theta}^2{\bf\hat{e_R}}+ \ddot{z}{\bf\hat{k}} =\\\nonumber # =&(\ddot{R}-R\dot{\theta}^2){\bf\hat{e_R}}+(2\dot{R}\dot{\theta} + R\ddot{\theta}){\bf\hat{e_\theta}}+ \ddot{z}{\bf\hat{k}}\nonumber # \label{eq_10} # \end{align} # # # + The term $\ddot{R}$ is an acceleration in the radial direction. # # + The term $R\ddot{\theta}$ is an angular acceleration. # # + The term $\ddot{z}$ is an acceleration in the $\bf\hat{k}$ direction. # # + The term $-R\dot{\theta}^2$ is the well known centripetal acceleration. # # + The term $2\dot{R}\dot{\theta}$ is known as Coriolis acceleration. This term may be difficult to understand intuitively. It appears when there is displacement in the radial and angular directions at the same time. # ## Important to note # # The reader must bear in mind that the use of a different basis to represent the position, velocity or acceleration vectors is only a different representation of the same vector. For example, for the acceleration vector: #
# # \begin{equation} # {\bf\vec{a}} = \ddot{x}{\bf\hat{i}}+ \ddot{y}{\bf\hat{j}} + \ddot{z}{\bf\hat{k}}=(\ddot{R}-R\dot{\theta}^2){\bf\hat{e_R}}+(2\dot{R}\dot{\theta} + R\ddot{\theta}){\bf\hat{e_\theta}} + \ddot{z}{\bf\hat{k}}=\dot{\Vert\bf\vec{v}\Vert}{\bf\hat{e}_t}+\frac{{\Vert\bf\vec{v}\Vert}^2}{\rho}{\bf\hat{e}_n} # \label{eq_11} # \end{equation} # # # In which the last equality is the acceleration vector represented in the path-coordinate of the particle (see http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/BMClab/bmc/blob/master/notebooks/Time-varying%20frames.ipynb). # ## Example # # Consider a particle following the spiral path described below: #
# # \begin{equation} # {\bf\vec{r}}(t) = \left(2\sqrt{t}\cos(t)\right){\bf\hat{i}}+ \left(2\sqrt{t}\sin(t)\right){\bf\hat{j}} # \label{eq_12} # \end{equation} # # ### Solving numerically # In[24]: t = np.linspace(0.01,10,30).reshape(-1,1) #create a time vector and reshapes it to a column vector R = 2*np.sqrt(t) theta = t rx = R*np.cos(theta) ry = R*np.sin(theta) r = np.hstack((rx, ry)) # creates the position vector by stacking rx and ry horizontally # In[25]: e_r = r/np.linalg.norm(r, axis=1, keepdims=True) # defines e_r vector e_theta = np.cross([0,0,1],e_r)[:,0:-1] # defines e_theta vector # In[30]: dt = t[1,0] #defines delta_t Rdot = np.gradient(R, dt, axis=0) #find the R derivative thetaDot = np.gradient(theta, dt, axis=0) #find the angle derivative v = Rdot*e_r +R*thetaDot*e_theta # find the linear velocity. # In[32]: Rddot = np.gradient(Rdot, dt, axis=0) thetaddot = np.gradient(thetaDot, dt, axis=0) # In[33]: a = ((Rddot - R*thetaDot**2)*e_r + (2*Rdot*thetaDot + R*thetaddot)*e_theta) # The versors $\bf\hat{e_R}$, $\bf\hat{e_\theta}$ are plotted below at some points of the path. # In[34]: from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8,8) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1]) plt.plot(r[:,0],r[:,1],'.') for i in np.arange(len(t)-2): vec1 = FancyArrowPatch(r[i,:],r[i,:]+e_r[i,:],mutation_scale=30,color='r', label='e_r') vec2 = FancyArrowPatch(r[i,:],r[i,:]+e_theta[i,:],mutation_scale=30,color='g', label='e_theta') ax.add_artist(vec1) ax.add_artist(vec2) plt.xlim((-10,10)) plt.ylim((-10,10)) plt.grid() plt.legend([vec1, vec2],[r'$\vec{e_r}$', r'$\vec{e_{\theta}}$']) plt.show() # The velocity and acceleleration of the particle are plotted below at some points of the path. # In[35]: from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8,8) fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(r[:,0],r[:,1],'.') ax = fig.add_axes([0,0,1,1]) for i in np.arange(len(t)-2): vec1 = FancyArrowPatch(r[i,:],r[i,:]+v[i,:],mutation_scale=10,color='r') vec2 = FancyArrowPatch(r[i,:],r[i,:]+a[i,:],mutation_scale=10,color='g') ax.add_artist(vec1) ax.add_artist(vec2) plt.xlim((-10,10)) plt.ylim((-10,10)) plt.grid() plt.legend([vec1, vec2],[r'$\vec{v}$', r'$\vec{a}$']) plt.show() # ### Solved symbolically (extra reading) # In[38]: O = sym.vector.CoordSys3D(' ') t = sym.symbols('t') # In[39]: r = 2*sym.sqrt(t)*sym.cos(t)*O.i+2*sym.sqrt(t)*sym.sin(t)*O.j r # In[40]: plot_parametric(r.dot(O.i),r.dot(O.j),(t,0,10)) # In[48]: e_r = sym.simplify(r/sym.sqrt(r.dot(O.i)**2+r.dot(O.j)**2+r.dot(O.k)**2)) e_r # In[49]: e_theta = O.k.cross(e_r) e_theta # In[50]: from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8,8) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.axis("on") time = np.linspace(0,10,30) for instant in time: vt = FancyArrowPatch([float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t,instant)),float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t,instant))], [float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t,instant))+float(e_r.dot(O.i).subs(t,instant)), float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t, instant))+float(e_r.dot(O.j).subs(t,instant))], mutation_scale=20, arrowstyle="->",color="r",label='${{e_r}}$') vn = FancyArrowPatch([float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant)),float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t,instant))], [float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant))+float(e_theta.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant)), float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t, instant))+float(e_theta.dot(O.j).subs(t, instant))], mutation_scale=20, arrowstyle="->",color="g",label='${{e_{theta}}}$') ax.add_artist(vn) ax.add_artist(vt) plt.xlim((-10,10)) plt.ylim((-10,10)) plt.legend(handles=[vt,vn],fontsize=20) plt.grid() plt.show() # In[51]: R = 2*sym.sqrt(t) # In[54]: Rdot = sym.diff(R,t) Rddot = sym.diff(Rdot,t) theta = t thetadot = sym.diff(theta, t) thetaddot = sym.diff(thetadot, t) thetaddot # In[55]: v = Rdot*e_r + R*thetadot*e_theta # In[56]: v # In[57]: a = (Rddot - R*thetadot**2)*e_r + (2*Rdot*thetadot+R*thetaddot)*e_theta aCor = 2*Rdot*thetadot*e_theta aCor # In[58]: a # In[59]: from matplotlib.patches import FancyArrowPatch plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = (8,8) fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_axes([0, 0, 1, 1]) ax.axis("on") time = np.linspace(0.1,10,30) for instant in time: vt = FancyArrowPatch([float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t,instant)),float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t,instant))], [float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t,instant))+float(v.dot(O.i).subs(t,instant)), float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t, instant))+float(v.dot(O.j).subs(t,instant))], mutation_scale=20, arrowstyle="->",color="r",label='${{v}}$') vn = FancyArrowPatch([float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant)),float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t,instant))], [float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant))+float(a.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant)), float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t, instant))+float(a.dot(O.j).subs(t, instant))], mutation_scale=20, arrowstyle="->",color="g",label='${{a}}$') vc = FancyArrowPatch([float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant)),float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t,instant))], [float(r.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant))+float(aCor.dot(O.i).subs(t, instant)), float(r.dot(O.j).subs(t, instant))+float(aCor.dot(O.j).subs(t, instant))], mutation_scale=20, arrowstyle="->",color="b",label='${{a_{Cor}}}$') ax.add_artist(vn) ax.add_artist(vt) ax.add_artist(vc) plt.xlim((-10,10)) plt.ylim((-10,10)) plt.legend(handles=[vt,vn,vc],fontsize=20) plt.grid() plt.show() # ## Further reading # # - Read pages 916-931 of the 18th chapter of the [Ruina and Rudra's book] (http://ruina.tam.cornell.edu/Book/index.html) about polar coordinates. # ## Video lectures on the Internet # # - Khan Academy: # - [Polar coordinates 1](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5dOy4m6I1E) # - [Polar coordinates 2](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1pQXJuWbz9w) # - [Polar coordinates 3](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=roSG9V3zApM) # ## Problems # # 1. Find the polar basis (using the computer) for a projectile motion of a particle following the parametric equation below: # # # \begin{equation} # \vec{r}(t) = (10t-51){\bf{\hat{i}}} + \left(-\frac{9,81}{2}t^2+50t+100\right){\bf{\hat{j}}} # \label{eq_13} # \end{equation} # # # 2. Problems from 15.1.1 to 15.1.14 from Ruina and Rudra's book, # 3. Problems from 18.1.1 to 18.1.8 and 18.1.10 from Ruina and Rudra's book. # 4. Solve the problems 1.19 and 1.20 from Rade's book. # ## Reference # # - Ruina A, Rudra P (2019) [Introduction to Statics and Dynamics](http://ruina.tam.cornell.edu/Book/index.html). Oxford University Press.