#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Plotting Pandapower Networks Without Geographical Information # If a network does not have geographic coordinates, you can create generic coordinates for plotting with the create_generic_coordinates function. # # ###### You need to install the python-igraph package for this functionality: http://igraph.org/python/ # In[1]: import pandapower as pp import pandapower.networks as nw import pandapower.plotting as plot get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline') try: import seaborn colors = seaborn.color_palette() except: colors = ["b", "g", "r", "c", "y"] # We delete the geocoordinates from the network and create generic ones: # In[2]: net = nw.mv_oberrhein() net.bus_geodata.drop(net.bus_geodata.index, inplace=True) net.line_geodata.drop(net.line_geodata.index, inplace=True) plot.create_generic_coordinates(net, respect_switches=False) #create artificial coordinates with the igraph package # As you can see the table bus_geodata has been created and we can now plot as before. Since the function only creates bus geodata, we can only use the direct line plotting. Furthermore it creates a distance between high- and low voltage bus of a transformer, which is why we also need a transformer collection: # In[3]: bc = plot.create_bus_collection(net, net.bus.index, size=.2, color=colors[0], zorder=10) tlc, tpc = plot.create_trafo_collection(net, net.trafo.index, color="g") lcd = plot.create_line_collection(net, net.line.index, color="grey", linewidths=0.5, use_bus_geodata=True) sc = plot.create_bus_collection(net, net.ext_grid.bus.values, patch_type="rect", size=.5, color="y", zorder=11) plot.draw_collections([lcd, bc, tlc, tpc, sc], figsize=(8,6)) # The create_generic_coordinates function treats transformers as edges, which means the HV and LV side of the transformer are shown by seperate buses with a trafo symbol as connection (consisting of a line collection for the connections and a patch collection for the circles). # # If you do not want to plot the transformers you can use the fuse_geodata function. It fuses the geocoordinates of all buses that are geographically in one place (HV/LV bus of a transformer or buses and buses that are connected by a bus-bus switch): # In[4]: plot.fuse_geodata(net) bc = plot.create_bus_collection(net, net.bus.index, size=.2, color=colors[0], zorder=10) tlc, tpc = plot.create_trafo_collection(net, net.trafo.index, color="g") lcd = plot.create_line_collection(net, net.line.index, color="grey", linewidths=0.5, use_bus_geodata=True) sc = plot.create_bus_collection(net, net.ext_grid.bus.values, patch_type="rect", size=.5, color="y", zorder=11) plot.draw_collections([lcd, bc, tlc, tpc, sc], figsize=(8,6)) # ## Plot Structural Plans # To plot a structural plan of the network instead of a geographical one, call the generic coordinates function with respect_switches=True. # In[5]: net = nw.mv_oberrhein() net.bus_geodata.drop(net.bus_geodata.index, inplace=True) net.line_geodata.drop(net.line_geodata.index, inplace=True) plot.create_generic_coordinates(net, respect_switches=True) #create artificial coordinates with the igraph package # In that way, the algorithm seperates buses which are seperated by an open switch: # In[6]: plot.fuse_geodata(net) bc = plot.create_bus_collection(net, net.bus.index, size=.2, color=colors[0], zorder=10) tlc, tpc = plot.create_trafo_collection(net, net.trafo.index, color="g") lcd = plot.create_line_collection(net, net.line.index, color="grey", linewidths=0.5, use_bus_geodata=True) sc = plot.create_bus_collection(net, net.ext_grid.bus.values, patch_type="rect", size=.5, color="y", zorder=11) plot.draw_collections([lcd, bc, tlc, tpc, sc], figsize=(8,6)) # For a clearer arrangement, it might be useful to only plot the lines without an open switch: # In[7]: closed_lines = set(net.line.index) - set(net.switch[(net.switch.et=="l") & (net.switch.closed==False)].element.values) lcd = plot.create_line_collection(net, closed_lines, color="grey", linewidths=0.5, use_bus_geodata=True) plot.draw_collections([lcd, bc, tlc, tpc, sc], figsize=(8,6))