#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # Getting started with... # # # OGC WEB COVERAGE SERVICE (WCS) # # # # # # # # # BUT - before we start... # # *

who is familiar with WMS?

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who knows WCS?

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who has already worked with WCS?

# The Web Coverage Service is defined by the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) (2012): # # *

The OGC WCS supports electronic retrieval of geospatial data as 'coverages' -
that is, digital geospatial information representing space/time varying phenomena

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Therefore, WCS is a standard data -access protocol that defines and enables web-based retrieval of multi-dimensional geospatial datasets.

# # Let's picture WCS within in the common OGC web service suite... # #
# # ![Overview OGC web service suite](./img/ogc_webservice_suite_0.jpg) # ![Overview OGC web service suite](./img/ogc_webservice_suite_4.jpg) # ![Overview OGC web service suite](./img/ogc_webservice_suite.jpg) # *

Unlike Web Mapping Service (WMS), which returns spatial data as an image, WCS returns data in its raw form, with its original semantics.

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# This allows for further web-based data processing or the building of web applications. # What about WC**P**S? # # *

A Web Coverage Processing Service (WCPS) is an extension supported by the WCS 2.0 core specification and can optionally be implemented by a WCS server.

* # Enough theory... Let's see how it looks like in real... # # #

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