import pandas as pd import numpy as np away_data = pd.read_csv('', skiprows=2) home_data = pd.read_csv('', skiprows=2) locs_home = [np.asarray(home_data.iloc[:,range(3 + j*2,3 + j*2 +2)]) * np.array([105,68]) for j in range(14)] locs_away = [np.asarray(away_data.iloc[:,range(3 + j*2,3 + j*2 +2)]) * np.array([105,68]) for j in range(14)] locs_ball = [np.asarray(home_data.iloc[:,range(31,33)]) * np.array([105,68])] t = home_data['Time [s]'] np.all(np.isfinite(locs_home[0][24000:25000,:])) def influence_function(player_index, location, time_index, home_or_away): from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal as mvn if home_or_away == 'h': data = locs_home.copy() elif home_or_away == 'a': data = locs_away.copy() else: raise ValueError("Enter either 'h' or 'a'.") return if np.all(np.isfinite(data[player_index][[time_index,time_index + 1],:])) & np.all(np.isfinite(locs_ball[0][time_index,:])): jitter = 1e-10 ## to prevent identically zero covariance matrices when velocity is zero ## compute velocity by fwd difference s = np.linalg.norm(data[player_index][time_index + 1,:] - data[player_index][time_index,:] + jitter) / (t[time_index + 1] - t[time_index]) ## velocities in x,y directions sxy = (data[player_index][time_index + 1,:] - data[player_index][time_index,:] + jitter) / (t[time_index + 1] - t[time_index]) ## angle between velocity vector & x-axis theta = np.arccos(sxy[0] / np.linalg.norm(sxy)) ## rotation matrix R = np.array([[np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)],[np.sin(theta),np.cos(theta)]]) mu = data[player_index][time_index,:] + sxy * 0.5 Srat = (s / 13) ** 2 Ri = np.linalg.norm(locs_ball[0][time_index,:] - data[player_index][time_index,:]) Ri = np.minimum(4 + Ri**3/ (18**3/6),10) ## don't think this function is specified in the paper but looks close enough to fig 9 S = np.array([[(1 + Srat) * Ri / 2, 0], [0, (1 - Srat) * Ri / 2]]) Sigma = np.matmul(R,S) Sigma = np.matmul(Sigma,S) Sigma = np.matmul(Sigma,np.linalg.inv(R)) ## this is not efficient, forgive me. out = mvn.pdf(location,mu,Sigma) / mvn.pdf(data[player_index][time_index,:],mu,Sigma) else: out = np.zeros(location.shape[0]) return out import matplotlib.pyplot as plt xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,105,200),np.linspace(0,68,200)) Zh = np.zeros(40000) Za = np.zeros(40000) for k in range(11): Zh += influence_function(k,np.c_[xx.flatten(),yy.flatten()],24000,'h') Za += influence_function(k,np.c_[xx.flatten(),yy.flatten()],24000,'a') Zh = Zh.reshape((200,200)) Za = Za.reshape((200,200)) plt.contourf(xx,yy,1 / (1 + np.exp(-Za + Zh))) for k in range(11): plt.scatter(locs_home[k][24000,0],locs_home[k][24000,1],color='darkgray') plt.scatter(locs_away[k][24000,0],locs_away[k][24000,1],color='black') plt.scatter(locs_ball[0][24000,0],locs_ball[0][24000,1],color = 'red') plt.colorbar() from IPython.display import HTML import matplotlib.animation as animation fig,ax = plt.subplots() ims= [] xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(0,105,200),np.linspace(0,68,200)) def animate(i): fr = 23000 + i Zh = np.zeros(40000) Za = np.zeros(40000) for k in range(11): Zh += influence_function(k,np.c_[xx.flatten(),yy.flatten()],fr,'h') Za += influence_function(k,np.c_[xx.flatten(),yy.flatten()],fr,'a') Zh = Zh.reshape((200,200)) Za = Za.reshape((200,200)) im = plt.contourf(xx,yy,1 / (1 + np.exp(-Za + Zh))) for k in range(11): plt.scatter(locs_home[k][fr,0],locs_home[k][fr,1],color='darkgray') plt.scatter(locs_away[k][fr,0],locs_away[k][fr,1],color='black') plt.scatter(locs_ball[0][fr,0],locs_ball[0][fr,1],color = 'red') HTML(animation.FuncAnimation(fig, animate, frames=1000, interval = 40,repeat=False).to_html5_video())