#!/usr/bin/env python # coding: utf-8 # # Schwarzschild null geodesics: elliptic integrals # # This [Jupyter/SageMath](https://www.sagemath.org/) notebook is relative to the lectures # [Geometry and physics of black holes](https://relativite.obspm.fr/blackholes/). # # To run it, you must start SageMath with `sage -n jupyter`. # In[1]: version() # In[2]: get_ipython().run_line_magic('display', 'latex') # ## Function $\Phi_b(u)$ # We evaluate $\Phi_b(u)$ via the functions [elliptic_f](https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/functions/sage/functions/special.html?highlight=elliptic_f#sage.functions.special.EllipticF) and [elliptic_kc](https://doc.sagemath.org/html/en/reference/functions/sage/functions/special.html?highlight=elliptic_f#sage.functions.special.EllipticKC) of SageMath, taking into account that the second argument of `elliptic_f` and the argument of `elliptic_kc` is $m = k^2$ and not $k$. # In[3]: def Phi(u, b): u = RDF(u) b = RDF(b) bc = RDF(3*sqrt(3)) if b > bc: xi = 2*arcsin(bc/b)/3 un = RDF(1/3*cos(xi + 2*pi/3) + 1/6) up = RDF(1/3*cos(xi + 4*pi/3) + 1/6) ua = RDF(1/3*cos(xi) + 1/6) k2 = (up - un)/(ua - un) phi = arcsin(sqrt((u - un)/(up - un))) # NB: elliptic_kc() and elliptic_f() takes m=k^2 as argument aa = elliptic_kc(k2) - elliptic_f(phi, k2) return sqrt(2/(ua - un)) * aa else: xi = bc/b - sqrt((bc/b)^2 - 1) un = (1 - xi^(2/3) - xi^(-2/3))/6 us = sqrt(un*(3*un - 1)) + un k2 = (us - 2.5*un + 0.25)/(2*(us - un)) phi = arccos(abs(us - u)/(us + u - 2*un)) # NB: elliptic_kc() take m=k^2 as argument aa = elliptic_kc(k2) - elliptic_f(phi, k2) if u > us: aa = - aa return aa / sqrt(2*(us - un)) # ## Case $b > b_{\rm c}$ # In[4]: def u_p(b): b = RDF(b) bc = RDF(3*sqrt(3)) xi = 2*arcsin(bc/b)/3 return RDF(1/3*cos(xi + 4*pi/3) + 1/6) # In[5]: bc = 3*sqrt(3) g = Graphics() b_list = [5.196153, 5.19616, 5.1962, 5.197, 5.2, 5.3, 6, 10, 20, 100] bmin = b_list[0] bmax = b_list[-1] for b1 in b_list: g += plot(lambda u: Phi(u, b1), (0, u_p(b1)), legend_label=r"$b={}\, m$".format(float(b1)), thickness=1.5, color=hue(1 - log((b1 - bc)/(bmax - bc))/25), axes_labels=[r'$u$', r'$\Phi_b(u)$'], frame=True, gridlines=True, axes=False) show(g, legend_loc='upper center') # In[6]: g.save("gis_Phib_b_gt_bc.pdf", legend_loc='upper center') # ## Case $b < b_{\rm c}$ # In[7]: g = Graphics() b_list = [5.196, 5.192, 5.19, 5.15, 5, 3, 1, 1/2] bmin = b_list[0] bmax = b_list[-1] for b1 in b_list: g += plot(lambda u: Phi(u, b1), (0, 1.5), legend_label=r"$b={}\, m$".format(float(b1)), thickness=1.5, color=hue(1 - log((b1 - bc)/(bmax - bc))/15), axes_labels=[r'$u$', r'$\Phi_b(u)$'], frame=True, gridlines=True, axes=True) g # In[8]: g.save("gis_Phib_b_lt_bc.pdf") # ## Asymptotic direction $\varphi_\infty$ from some emission point # In[9]: def phi_inf(r_em, b, phi_em=0, pre_periastron=True, eps_L=1): u_em = RDF(1/r_em) b = RDF(b) bc = RDF(3*sqrt(3)) phi_em = RDF(phi_em) if b > bc: if pre_periastron: return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(0, b) + Phi(u_em, b)) return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(0, b) - Phi(u_em, b)) return phi_em + eps_L*(Phi(0, b) - Phi(u_em, b)) # In[10]: phi_inf(+oo, 6) # In[11]: bc = 3*sqrt(3) g = Graphics() b_list = [5.197, 5.3, 6, 10, 20] bmin = b_list[0] bmax = b_list[-1] for b1 in b_list: g += plot(lambda r: phi_inf(r, b1, pre_periastron=True), (1/u_p(b1), 30), legend_label=r"$b={}\, m$".format(float(b1)), thickness=1.5, # color=hue((b1 - bc)/(bmax - bc)/3), color=hue(1 - log((b1 - bc)/(bmax - bc))/20), axes_labels=[r'$r_{\rm em}/m$', r'$\varphi_\infty - \varphi_{\rm em}$'], frame=True, gridlines=True, axes=False) g # In[12]: g2 = Graphics() for b1 in b_list: g2 += plot(lambda r: phi_inf(r, b1, pre_periastron=False), (1/u_p(b1), 30), linestyle='dashed', thickness=1.5, # color=hue((b1 - bc)/(bmax - bc)/3) color=hue(1 - log((b1 - bc)/(bmax - bc))/20) ) g + g2 # In[13]: b_list = [5.196, 5.15, 5, 3, 1, 1/2] bmin = b_list[-1] bmax = b_list[0] g3 = Graphics() for b1 in b_list: g3 += plot(lambda r: phi_inf(r, b1), (2.1, 30), legend_label=r"$b={}\, m$".format(float(b1)), thickness=1.5, # color=hue((b1 - bc)/(bc - bmin)/3), color=hue(1 + log((bc - b1)/(bc - bmin))/20), axes_labels=[r'$r_{\rm em}/m$', r'$\varphi_\infty - \varphi_{\rm em}$'], frame=True, gridlines=True, axes=False) g3 # In[14]: g + g2 + g3 # In[15]: bc = RDF(3*sqrt(3)) g = Graphics() r_list = [2, 3, 4, 6, 10, 20, 100] rmin = 0.99*r_list[0] rmax = r_list[-1] def huecol(r): return - log((r1 - rmin)/(rmax - rmin))/15 for r1 in r_list: legend_label = r"$r_{\rm em}\to\, 2 m$" if r1 == 2 \ else r"$r_{{\rm em}}={:.0f}\, m$".format(float(r1)) g += plot(lambda b: phi_inf(r1, b), (0.01, 0.9999*bc), legend_label=legend_label, thickness=1.5, plot_points=400, color=hue(huecol(r1)), ticks=[None, pi/2], tick_formatter=['latex', pi], fontsize=14, axes_labels_size=1.2, axes_labels=[r'$b/m$', r'$\varphi_\infty - \varphi_{\rm em}$'], frame=True, gridlines=True, axes=False) g # In[16]: g2 = Graphics() for r1 in r_list: bmax = min(0.999*sqrt(r1^3 /(r1 - 2)), 12) if r1 > 2 else 12 g2 += plot(lambda b: phi_inf(r1, b, pre_periastron=False), (1.0001*bc, bmax), thickness=1.5, linestyle='dashed', plot_points=800, color=hue(huecol(r1))) g += g2 g # In[17]: g3 = Graphics() for r1 in r_list: bmax = min(0.999*sqrt(r1^3 /(r1 - 2)), 12) if r1 > 2 else 12 g3 += plot(lambda b: phi_inf(r1, b, pre_periastron=True), (1.0001*bc, bmax), thickness=1.5, plot_points=800, color=hue(huecol(r1))) g += g3 g # In[18]: g4 = plot(lambda b: phi_inf(+oo, b, pre_periastron=True), (1.0001*bc, 12), thickness=1.5, color='black', alpha=0.5, legend_label=r"$r_{{\rm em}}\to+\infty$") g += g4 g # In[19]: g.save("gis_phi_inf_em_b.pdf")